It's awesome to read everyone's experience in this whole "confidence building" experience with your kids.
Some takeaways thus far for me:
1. Confidence building is both art and science. There is a perspective one needs to have to play this game but as some of you guys shared your unique experiences, every kid is wired differently. Some need a kick in the butt (i.e. "You suck... fix it"), others need reminders that they'll get through it.
2. Confidence has much to do with a coach or parent's ability to redirect focus. When kids put too much weight on results, we have to remind them what's truly important...
I remember researching this topic of confidence building and coming across sport psychologist, Dr. Goldberg (, and in one of his blogs I read he talked about how kids don't struggle because of lack of focus or effort, they struggle because they're focusing on the wrong thing or putting their efforts in the wrong direction.
All of you who have shared, essentially, have talked about how you or a quality coach has been instrumental in redirecting focus and energy to that which truly matters.
Good stuff, folks!
Again, appreciate the feedback!