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Formalmente devo dare le dimissioni il palo il come commissario, i fuochi selvaggi in California me hanno fatto occupa così che la mia testa gira. Così, è ora di dire buono ciao. ...I ha molte memorie e molta gioia, la ringrazia per lo spirito e per l'amore. È ora di per me muovere su. La fortuna buona a lei e suo figlio come portano il prossimo passo al sogno.

Di ex-commissario Bullwinkle J l'Alce

Formalmente devo dare le dimissioni il palo il come commissario, i fuochi selvaggi in California me hanno fatto occupa così che la mia testa gira. Così, è ora di dire buono ciao. ...I ha molte memorie e molta gioia, la ringrazia per lo spirito e per l'amore. È ora di per me muovere su. La fortuna buona a lei e suo figlio come portano il prossimo passo al sogno.

Di ex-commissario Bullwinkle J l'Alce

Formally I must give to dimissioni the pole like commissioner, the wild fires in California me have made occupies therefore that my head turns. Therefore, it is hour to say good hello. ... it has many memories and much joy, ringrazia for the spirit and the love. It is hour of for me moving on.
The good fortune to she and its son as they carry the next step to the

Or something like that.
Last edited by spizzlepop
After 16 in of snow in the last 5 days rz has a tude, and a gut full of hostility. It has given me a chance to work on snowball long toss and locating my throws when the little kids and moms with strollers come by the house. I almost lost the 10in high dog Multi-poo until she did a great immitation of the Caddy Shack gopher and stuck her head through the snow, I threw a ball to her and she's still looking for it, and that was Mon. I don't know if she's "on-point" or really really cold but it is a Field & Stream classic pose. I've also confirmed for my Southern friends that car brakes do not work when going sideways down a hill, and that other folks on the road respect the size of a '93 caddy. No damage and nothing a dry pair of pants won't fix.

I am concerned however with the peace and tranquility in S FL. Most of the boards and blogs for the last year have stated that TPM has not slept a wink since the last dice thrashing and is beside herself and pushing her players to the brink of exhaustion and even asking Barry for advise to enhance her teams chances of taking the title away. Her last sighting was rowing an 8 ft yacht in the direction of Cuba with a boat full of cookies, green cards, a couple of Ricky Riccardo 8 tracks, and 10 day hsbbw dice contracts.

It's only a game but we feel that same mojo as those Patriots. If we've won every championship does that make us a dynasty?
Last edited by rz1
Appears to me that the commish's job is up for grabs! Wink Pays well too!

Thanks for the concern. Smile We are ready to play, my team is restless, all primed and ready, pitchers tired from long toss and bull pens, (though they have may great strides laying down the bunt) and hitters bored of constant batting practice and all players constantly complaining they need to see this particular dentist for some reason every other day.

We've prepared a new game plan.

Players are demanding compensation for the long year of training if games are cancelled. I've got Marlin management here everyday looking to take my young prospects away from the AL Dice Baseball League.

The low 70 degree mornings and evenings with 80 degree days with no humidity is perfect for competition (eat your heart out). Cool

Barry is too distracted these days, though his agent claims he's looking to be picked up by a team, we already have a high roller. He just needs to see some live dice shooting pitching.

I think that Orlando was ready to defend her title. We're ready for the challenge.
Last edited by TPM
Orlando has stepped outside the box and revamped our training schedule and move us to jolly ol Englnd where we are fine tuning our game by playing a leg each of Single 301, Single Cricket, Double Cricket, and Double 501 3 times a week on e standard English-style bristle dartboard in a tough pub league. She has also added that dreaded "pint of ale" curl for the twitch muscles that control the dice box. We're hungry, and a bit randy, but it's all worth it. Then the big surprise, TR shows up in a in a golfing ensemble that would make Tiger drool and pumped us all up by saying "you're not an athlete until you feel the pride with those three darts standing tall in your shirt pocket". That talk gave me the chills, what a legend and inspiration. He then left as quick as he came to get in a quick 18.

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