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I've been on this board a few years and, putting on my asbestos underwear, I have never seen it so mean spirited.

I am not sure what has gotten into everyone, perhaps a mass boycott of Starbucks, but to quote Rodney King "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?"
" There's nothing cooler than a guy who does what we dream of doing, and then enjoys it as much as we dream we would enjoy it. " -- Scott Ostler on Tim Lincecum
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I don't know that anything has really changed. There's always a couple of people that seem to really enjoy causing arguments... like they get a thrill or kick out of it. Then some of the rest of us allow ourselves from time to time to be drug into it. We all have our good days and bad.... so does the site and other folks on it.

Now, if everyone would join hands and we'll join in kum-ba-ya! Smile Also, drink your coffee or stop drinking too much... whatever brings a little more patience and kindness to your heart!
While I had no dog in this fight....

I would respectfully make the open comment that IMO what holds this whole shebang together is the cooler heads and their ability to keep posting and keep sense, and provide a solid purpose and a sensible middle ground...

If indeed it is as TPM says...

I know some old timers who won't post good topics anymore because everything becomes an argument, or gets hijacked.

...Then I am indeed both very worried and disappointed.

Worried because our local baseball message board degenerated into chaos in this very same way...rather than providing a center the better posters slunk away.

Disappointed because I have/had great faith in the quality, humanity and thoughtfullness of the vast majority of the people who post here. I would be truly disappointed if they gave up the ghost.

Cool 44
Specialty coffee or a glass of wine is a little to "pc" for us folks in WI.

I'm sure the posters from other "backwoods" States would agree that theres nothing better for reducing stress than earplugs, a box of shotgun shells, and a gravel pit.

I'm drivin. I've got the ol' truck gassed up and we'll have a good time.
If things get to be too much over here in the General Forum ... ...

I think I can speak for my fellow female baseball addicts and invite any who need a breather to
clapping "c'mon down" to the Ladies' forum ... ...

We promise that we won't flush you out
or put you down for your opinions.
Our 'rules' are simple and basically come from the 'Good Book' ...
treat each other as you would like to be treated !!!

We do NOT call each other names or pick at each other over there ... all we ask is that you remain civil and promise not to laugh at some of our topics which seem to be primarily of maternal interest

And if all goes well, occasionally you can even join us for a little baseball cheer
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Originally posted by rz1:
...theres nothing better for reducing stress than earplugs, a box of shotgun shells, and a gravel pit.

Ok rz...just so I have this straight.

I've loaded the earplugs into the chamber and stuffed my ears full of gravel...what do I do with these shells?

Maybe if I ponder it awhile something will make me sit up and take notice?

Maybe I have just become thicker skinned but I think this board has become more kinder and gentler. I remember back a couple of years ago where TPM was quiting, Andy was WAY off the charts and as always folks like FUNGO just tried to keep everything in perspective.

Maybe I'm missing something but folks like FUNGO, TPM, MNMOM, The Woodman, Rob, PG and many others make me want to log on every day.

Just saw SSMoms post - you gotta love her - plus I think I'm better at skipping over the arguments and finding the beef
Last edited by catcher09
I was going to suggest a bonus brownie point system
( I'd be glad to bake em'!) for exceptional civility and tolerance of others.

08 dad,... you beat me to it. ( aspestos undies and all!) Big Grin Ha!!

I worry about the new posters and especially the younger posters who witness such bickering and intentional rudeness.

What bothers me most is when these vivacious posters are asked to take a breather, or to please be kind, or are reminded of the message board manners, some have a tendancy to come out swinging even harder.
I believe its at that point, that we loose willing contributors. That worries me.

I'm all for kum-ba-ya!! Coffee,..tea,...vino or whatever rocks your boat. Extra brownies for those who are civil to their neighbor & their virtual baseball family.
Shoot,..I'll even come by and plant plastic pink flamingos in your front yard with that platter of brownies, if it will work! ha!

On a serious note:
I firmly believe we can agree to disagree with courtesy and respect for one anothers opinions.

Heck,...I dont mind if it gets heated once in a while,...its good to get the ol' blood flowing and let some of the passion for the sport come out,...

but I believe for the sanity of the board, the civilty factor must be a contributing factor also.

Poster Prudeness tiara is up for grabs!!!
Who wants it?

I have/had great faith in the quality, humanity and thoughtfullness of the vast majority of the people who post here.

Me too OB44,...meeeee toooooooooo!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by shortstopmom:
What bothers me most is when these vivacious posters are asked to take a breather

Vivacious? You mean like...

Originally posted by collikar:
Maybe there should be a new forum titled, "I've decided to be insolent and argumentative, so in order to avoid criticizing other's opinions, I'll post here." Big Grin

I'm glad to see you posting here...I've missed you!
That was a great post...a great idea!

THE CORNER,...yes,...but not exactly like a typical corner cafe, right?? I'm picturing cold cement walls,...
with steel bars on the door and windows.
Matter of fact,..scratch the windows.
No windows,
but plenty of bar stools for tossin' around!
Boxing gloves hangin' on the back coat rack,....and bowls of nails for chewin' on.

Front door sign says:
Spittin' and insults welcome.
No kindness allowed.
Leave your hat on,
and make darn sure your
boots/heels are good & muddy!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Well, I was at my "wit's end", and posted a good old fashioned lecture here:

But thankfully you have all come up with great ideas:

  • "putting on my asbestos underwear," ... That might help!
  • "a glass of vino!" ... That should definitely work!
  • "if everyone would join hands and we'll join in kum-ba-ya!" ... I'm willing to try that - I even know the guitar chords!
  • "have a look at the players only forum. Most under 18, and we have great class." ... Thank you, jhick40!
  • "c'mon down" to the Ladies' forum" ... Definitely a kinder, gentler place!
  • "I've loaded the earplugs into the chamber and stuffed my ears full of gravel..." ... Woodrow, I think you should check the instructions again...
  • "I was going to suggest a bonus brownie point system..." ... Woohoo, I vote for that one!!!
  • "Maybe there should be a new forum titled, "I've decided to be insolent and argumentative," ...
  • "We could ask Julie to start another forum ... and entitle it THE CORNER"

Oh my goodness, I think FBM may have hit the bull's eye with the last suggestion! As a fellow mom, I think you meant, "Make them go sit in THE CORNER"!
Spitwads,..funny you should mention it, the CORNER those things are considered a manadatory part of the decor.

Playbaseball,..oh,...sorry,... guess I've been drinkin out of both our glasses,....( hiccup!)

Ut-oh, if were not careful,..this could turn out to be a parrrrrrr-taaaaayyyy.

What? Do I hear YMCA being played in the background?
Or is it that oldie,.." Reunited "....?????

( woopsie,...sorry,..tooo much wine hiccup, )
Last edited by shortstopmom
OK - just got back from the Starbucks run... picked up a brownie bite while I was there (ok three but they are small)... Thanks to the suggestion from TPM a little earlier, I picked up a nice Cabernet while I was at it... I like a big red with my chocolate...

Seriously, it is nice to see so many old timers joining in this post - it is like the old HSBBW... and, much to my surprise, I haven't gotten one flame PM...

Last edited by 08Dad

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