I was working with a first timer, on a 6 year old T-Ball game (yea I know, umps in T-Ball, kind of silly)
Anyway my partner was working behind the plate (again, silly), batter hits the ball, it hits in foul territory but due to the spin on the ball, rolls fair and hits 3rd base. My partner called it foul because he thought once the ball hit foul it was always foul (yea, I know). I called time to have a quick conference with him, I asked him why he called that a foul ball? He stated he thought since it hit in foul territory first it was foul, I explained to him the ruling on the ball, and told him for the sake of the batter I felt we should do the right thing and put the boy at first.
At that point the defensive teams coach went off, he asked me how I can overrule the home plate umps call. I told him, coach he wasn't aware of the foul ball rule so we both agreed to do what is right and put the batter on 1st. I told the coach since it was a rules interpretation, I felt like the call was correctable so the batter stays at first. What say ye wise men?
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