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White holiday lights or colored?
Should they blink?

Fudge with or without nuts?

Should fruitcake be banned from America?

Do you prefer hot cocoa with marshmallows or without?

( Just thought I'd bring a little holiday Cheer/Discussion into the General Forum, for a change of pace.... Big Grin )

Ho-Ho-Ho and Happy Holidaze to all!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Lights - I like the white ones but they are too much hassle to hang.

Fudge - Like 'em both but prefer with nuts.

Fruitcake - Take the candied fruit out and it tastes pretty good. I understand that our donations of fruitcakes to starving 3rd world countries was the number 1 reason for going communist.

Hot chocolate - Gotta have the marshmallows this time of year.
1) We do the white candles and spotlight on the wreath with a red ribbon on the door. Colored lights are OK. It depends what look the family is looking for. I find the icicles tacky looking. I don't like flashing lights.

2) Fudge with nuts. Actually refer maple sugar or vanilla fudge (You just keep me hanging on Smile)

3) Fruitcakes should be banned from America. That would open up a lof of real estate in San Francisco. Seriously, I never cared for fruitcake.

4) Hot chocolate with marshmellows. That's after I waste several stuffing them into my cheeks to do my infamous Godfather imitation.
Last edited by RJM
Multi-colored lights ... the old outdoor size, not the little twinkly ones ... WITHOUT SO MUCH AS A FLICKER (my brain goes crazy with any flashing lights).

Fudge with nuts ... but preferably NOT walnuts (I always seem to get the one that tastes 'moldy').

I am the only person I know who actually LIKES fruitcake, and I live nowhere near San Francisco. (Small slice with a cup of hot coffee ... now that's holiday cheer for me.)

Without marshmallows (but with WHIPPED CREAM !!)
Lights – Like them all, every color, every size, blink or not, really liked those old candle types that had liquid bubbling inside them (or something like that)

I like my fudge hard not soft and with walnuts.

You ever seen how they make those fruitcakes. They let fruit rot in a jar for a long time mix it with some other stuff and then you eat it! I would prefer fresh fruit in my fruitcake.

Hot cocoa is good with or without marshmallows. Marshmallows are lousy without hot cocoa. Unless toasted!

Pet peeve… Nuts you have to crack! Ever been bare footed and step on one of those cracked shells?
Colored lights - no blinking!!! - migraine/seizure waiting to happen.

Fudge with and without nuts - need a variety to be able to eat more Big Grin

No, FBM, you have a fellow fruitcake fan - one or two slices a season - but I am the only one on the right coast that eats it - then what do I do with the rest?

Don't like marshmallows, DO like whipped cream.
White lights for me - colored lights for curveball husband. First argument when we got married was over the lights - now we do white lights inside - colored lights outside! Mixture of blinking and solids.

Fudge with nuts.

No fruitcake.

Marshmellows! Bailey's sounds good right now! Speaking of Bailey's - have you had it with butterscotch schnapps? Yum!
Pet peeve… Nuts you have to crack! Ever been bare footed and step on one of those cracked shells?

Remember as kids there was always a large nut bowl at my grandparents house with a nutcracker laying near by. Recall walnuts that had particularly sharp shells when cracked and remember kids having to keep their shoes off in the house. Recall parents and other relatives dropping a shell on the floor occasionally... ouch
The typical Prussian/Polish meat until midnight XMAS morn, so the meatless feast consists of:

Mushrooms in sour cream
Baked fish
Pea or Barley Soup

At midnight you slice the ham and bring out the
homemade kielbasi and horseradish for measure.

Some traditions are worth keeping.....

As far as the choices:

I like a gaudy tree, huge like Clark W. Griswald with blinking colored lights. My wife prefers the tree from Charlie Brown with white lights.

Fruitcake can be used as an anchor for your boat.

Fudge is good either way, with or without nuts.

Hot chocolate means Baileys with a dash of Jameson Cool
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Pet peeve… Nuts you have to crack! Ever been bare footed and step on one of those cracked shells?

Remember as kids there was always a large nut bowl at my grandparents house with a nutcracker laying near by. Recall walnuts that had particularly sharp shells when cracked and remember kids having to keep their shoes off in the house. Recall parents and other relatives dropping a shell on the floor occasionally... ouch


Very similar in many ways.

My grandparents had the large bowl too - filled with mini-mozzerella balls. Kids couldnt wear shoes. Occasionally - folks would drop some on the floor - and we would walk over them and they would squish in between our toes.
Not painful - but somewhat disgusting IMO.

Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Pet peeve… Nuts you have to crack! Ever been bare footed and step on one of those cracked shells?

Remember as kids there was always a large nut bowl at my grandparents house with a nutcracker laying near by. Recall walnuts that had particularly sharp shells when cracked and remember kids having to keep their shoes off in the house. Recall parents and other relatives dropping a shell on the floor occasionally... ouch


Very similar in many ways.

My grandparents had the large bowl too - filled with mini-mozzerella balls. Kids couldnt wear shoes. Occasionally - folks would drop some on the floor - and we would walk over them and they would squish in between our toes.
Not painful - but somewhat disgusting IMO.



its - my in-laws are Italian on one side. My mother-in-law makes stuffed artichokes (steamed in water) this time of year having breading mixed with sharp romano chesse and a little olive oil. Have you ever tried them?
Lights...I love all colors. I don't like flashy blinking, but subtle is fine. On our tree this year we have multi-color, with a button you press to choose a glow-on-and-off or changing color scheme, or just solid on.

Fudge...with nuts, without nuts, I like fudge. Lots of fudge. Does it have calories??? Big Grin thank you, but I'll have a slice of rum cake with coffee!

Hot cocoa...with real whipped cream, and a sprinkling of shaved chocolate. Or with a little shot of peppermint schnapps and mini-marshmallows. Or maybe we should have a small, cold glass of eggnog with brandy and a little nutmeg. Yummm-m-m!

We like the old fashioned large multi colored bulbs for outside - we have one Blinker - signaling Santa to know to come to our house. Lots of Multi colored on the tree.

Love Fudge - any kind - anywhere - any place!

I actually have the assignment every year to get a fruit cake for hubbys 95 year old granny- I buy it, but don't eat it!

Hot Cocoa with home made whip ( and all the other additives suggested sound good too)
Colored lights on the tree - no blinking. White lights only on the two reindeer outside (one of whom currently appears to be suffocating because of all the snow - or maybe its that ostrich head-in-the-sand thing and he's just in denial).

Love fudge - any kind, any where - especially the stuff my mom makes with the recipe on the Fluff jar.

Have to agree with several earlier posters about fruitcake - its an excellent building material.

Hot cocoa is great... with marshmallows... with fluff... with whipped cream... with Bailey's... with Amaretto... or just left to its own warm, chocolately goodness. And its a wonderful hand warmer, too.
Last edited by KmomNH
1. Lights - small ones, white or color, blinking or not, just like lots of 'em.
2. Fudge - chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, nuts, no nuts, just as long as its chocolate (or could be peanut butter....mmmm....)
3. Fruit cake - yuck. I do like cake, however (hopefully chocolate).
4. Cocoa - great any way (did I mention I love chocolate?), even with mint or a nice toddy.

I started a seperate thread but will post it here since it fits better:

Jaeger Sports increases Barry Zito’s velocity by 10 MPH by long tossing fruitcakes:

Woodland Hills Ca 12/27/2007. Jaeger Sports demonstrated today a new technique for increasing pitchers velocity by over 10% by long tossing fruitcakes. “We have been studying ways to increase pitchers velocities for several years and were running out of ideas” said Alan Jaeger President and CYA of Jaeger Sports. (Chief Yoga Aficionado)

“Last year I received 3 fruitcakes for Christmas and I just did not know what to do with them. This lead me the think about my biggest fruitcake client, which of course is Barry Zito” said Allen. “As you all know Barry has a killer curveball but his fastball velocity has not been where he wanted it so it made perfect sense to me”

“Barry has been working out with my new FLT (Fruitcake Long Toss) technique for the past two months and his fast ball velocity has gone from 82MPH to over 92MPH during this period of time” “The results have been staggering” said Barry “I only have to spend one-half hour per day working out with the fruitcakes, which allows me much more time to hang out at the beach, chase girls, surf and think about ways to spend my one hundred and twenty-five million dollars”

Barry demonstrated the FLT at Jaeger Sports winter camp this morning in front of over 100 pitchers from around the country. Said one CAdad “Heck if my son can increase his velocity this much who cares about first pitch strikes” A Bobblehead from Canada said “ If my son can increase his velocity this much he might even give up hockey” Trhit from the Connecticut said “ I don’t give a **** about Fruitcakes, we all know everyone from California is a Fruitcake”

The leading expert in pitchers arm care, Dr. Frank Jobe, said “I believe the increase in velocity is due to the fact that it asymmetrically works out the muscles with out putting stress on the UCL, Labrum and ulna. It does not seem to effect the VCL, WCL and ZCL, in fact all of the CL’s are not affected, except for the UCLA of course”

Allen will be releasing a new DVD on the FLT technique next month. The new DVD called “Fruitcakes a Flyin” will be available exclusively from Jaeger Sports at
I thought fruitcake was a Christmas decoration for the table or counter top, kind of like poinsetia. Had know idea peaple actually ate it! In fact, I have never seen anyone eat it. It just sits there like a candle or flower. Hey! maybe if you put a wick in it you could burn it like a candle!

I also know a guy that throws them under the wheels of his truck when he gets stuck in the snow.

What is a fruitcake made of anyway? Is it like a hotdog, ya just don't know ?

Now that I think about it...Doesn't it say on the wrapper DO NOT EAT-DECORATION ONLY!
OK got to put this in both threads. Thanks P&Cmom for the inspiration.

John Doyle of Baseball Training Secrets introduces revolutionary work out program utilizing fruitcakes.

12/28/07 Long Island NY. After seeing the dramatic success of Jaeger Sports “Fruitcakes a Flyin” John Doyle is following up with a program directed toward full body conditioning. “After seeing the dramatic improvement in Barry Zito’s fastball utilizing Fruitcakes we figured that they might have some benefits in full body conditioning, and boy were we surprised at the results” “Our controlled studies indicated that when using Fruitcakes properly trained athletes can expect a 10% increase in overall strength and power over non Fruitcake athletes”

“I have been looking for the “Holy Grail” of baseball strength and conditioning training for years and was shocked to find it in my grandmothers kitchen” “For some reason Fruitcakes unlock the hidden “force production” enzymes that build up in muscles during ballistic exercises. Fruitcakes seem to draw out these enzymes and allow the muscle fibers to explode with the additional power” I am simple amazed at the results added John.

John demonstrated his program at the SPARK training facility in Southern California today. “We figured the best place to introduce our program was where we could find the most Fruitcakes, which of course is in California” “SPARK is actually considering adding in our Fruitcake Flinging into their testing regime” said SPARK spokesperson Sparky Anderson “We have found that Fruitcake Flinging is the most direct representation of a baseball athletes potential over any other measurement we have been able to come up with” Added Sparky.

“The results on actual athletes have been amazing. P&Cmoms middle school’s son was recently recruited by Virginia Tech to be their closer for next season. “He’s only 12 but he is just touching 90 now, so we figure by next season he should be hitting mid 90’s” said John. CAdad’s said “ Heck if my son can throw that hard who cares about first pitch strikes” BOFjr said “Heck if I can jump higher than six inches I might actually have a chance in Basketball and might consider switching sports” Always the antagonist TRhit said” I don’t give a **** about Fruitcakes, we all know everyone from New York is a Fruitcake”

John’s revolutionary new program “Pylometrics for Fruitcakes” will be available exclusively at the SPARK training facility in Los Angeles. “We figured the best place to launch our program was the Fruitcake Capital of the world, which of course is LA” said John. It will also be available in February at
This is for real...the picture wouldn't take...

The M-63

Back as early as 400 BC catapults were used to hurl the vilest of projectiles: Rocks, arrows, cow manure, diseased horse carcasses, barrels of venomous snakes, wasps nest, the heads of captured prisoners, but perhaps the most notorious missile of all may be...the fruitcake. Designer Dave Myers is the architect of the M-63 Fruitcake remover. It’s an Industrial-grade slingshot style catapult powered by the ample potential energy stored in 36 feet overextended surgical rubber tubing. The Machine has a yoke 10 feet across and two large people are required to **** the spring. The trigger is similar to a sailplane hitch release. Myers built this machine large and strong because it has an important job to do. See fruitcakes are hard to get rid of. The specific density of fruitcake is equivalent to mahogany. It’s the one gift that the US Postal Service has not found a way to destroy in transit. And you simply cannot flush a fruitcake. Hence the M-63. One year the M-63 sent a fruitcake more than 300 feet (short porch).

Related picture...Not the M-63...a more traditional Method of fruitcake disposal...

Cool 44

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