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HEY!!!! I LOVE FRUITCAKE!!!!!!!!! Especially from the Gethsemani Trappist Monks in Kentucky that is made with Kentucky bourbon. My very dear friend, my former advisor from college, to tell you the truth, sends me one every year. Ohmigod, it is scrumptious! I hide it from my's MINE!

I eat the whole thing. And then want MORE!!!!!

Catapult your fruitcakes my way, please!

Oh, colored lights--SOLID colored lights, not multi-colored.

Not crazy about fudge, but love CHOCOLATE.

LOVE FRUITCAKE (see above)

Hot chocolate with BAILEYS or Kahlua!!!! MMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!!!!
Last edited by play baseball
We love all lights-don't care if blinking or not. Our tree is a hodge podge of ornaments given to us by my past students and one's from my own children. It isn't anything fancy but full of memories.

Our neighbor wins prizes every year for his outside display. We love it. My kids compare every house to "Charlie's" and of course nothing is ever as good as his. He has colored, white, blinking, Santa, 50ft light trees, reindeer, even giant falling snowflakes.

fudge-not big chocolate eater so it doesn't matter to me. One bite is enough

And hot chocolate-when I drink it it need whip and a shot (or two) of Bailey's and peppermint. MMMM

Merry Christmas all. Find yourselves safe and happy.

Are you sure that we weren't separated at birth - you, of course, being younger, cuter, smarter, and red headed?

We used to get fruitcakes "from the monks" when I was little, but didn't remember which monks and I could never find another fruitcake that tasted as good. I'm sure that this is it and I just ordered one.

Once again, you have returned a piece of my lost childhood history. THANK YOU

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