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Originally Posted by cabbagedad:

I also miss Gotwood4sale.  His comical relief, mostly thru pics, offered needed balance to so many threads.


cabbagedad - Me too!  I can't help to wonder what image he would post in this thread..? 


I'm attempting to contact Gotwood4sale through telekensis to the Windy City.  Got it, and posting.




I have not left, even though I post quite a bit less.  While Vector might view some of my posts or comments to be "generally apologist or generally caustic," that has not been my experience with so many others on this site for the past 11-12 years. While direct comments or disagreeing comments on a board could be described by someone as "generally apologist" or "generally caustic" when they have an agenda(subtle one such as the aspersion in this thread), that implies a knowledge by that "someone" of the "intent" with which the post/comments were/are made. As Midlo noted earlier, often times posting on this site is done for a broader range of audience than just the OP and their precise situation. Having  a son play D3, get drafted, be pretty successful in Milb and move on to a D3 and now  a DI assistant, there are times the breadth of a pretty unique experience brings a different perspectives. 

Originally Posted by Prepster:
Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:



This is entertaining!


Very "Woody-esque!"


Woody, if you're reading this, we do miss you and yours!



Yup, Play Baseball is also missed.  I might be seeing her and Woodrow this coming year since out daughters might play against each other.  That will be fun.

Originally Posted by infielddad:

 Having  a son play D3, get drafted, be pretty successful in Milb and move on to a D3 and now  a DI assistant, there are times the breadth of a pretty unique experience brings a different perspectives. 


I would like to know what experience V has to offer having gone through the HS, the college experience because I have never seen anything (besides repeating the same as above thing over and over) of significance, but then again, never having played a game (as much has he knows about) what would I know.


Give up Vector, it's become very unbecoming.


 I hope that all is well with Michael and Annette.

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