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Originally Posted by Drew:
Great coaches are at all levels but if ur at the proffesional level then UV seen a lot more than most. That's easy to respect.

So by simply saying that one has had experience in professional baseball, that validates their opinions because they've been exposed to the best? I've met a good amount of people involved in professional baseball that wouldn't/don't make good coaches. Many very openly admit that to be true.


Painting a broad brush isn't a means to an end in an open forum. Specificity, humility and honesty goes a long way. I learned that the hard way, trust me.

I've come to look at the Old Timers like a great grandparent(even though some are younger than me!).  Lots of wisdom acquired through years of experiences.  Still, the world is changing and so we listen closely and then sift through it all and then try to keep only what is still relevant.  It's true, it's difficult to know what to keep and what to ignore, but it's worth the work because the relevant stuff is still too valuable to miss.  Old Timers know this too.  Which is why they still take a few minutes out of their day to pay back the world.


Old Timers can get cranky and impatient just like old people.  IMO, they have earned the right to be cranky.  You can take it personal or you can find it endearing.  Kinda like how I deal with my Dad. 


I really like what Midlo Dad said about posting replies to all readers not just to the OP.  Because there are far more lurkers reading and learning than there are posters.  We hear from many who feel their lives have changed because of what they've learned on this site.  But there are many lives touched of which we'll never know.  Post to both the poster and the lurker and you've truly done a service to this site.


Last edited by Leftysidearmom

Having recently gone over 500 posts, I definitely don't qualify as an old-timer, but I've been around long enough to have learned a thing or two:

  • On the couple of occasions I've gotten my nose out of joint, it's because I typed before I thought.
  • Those who have been there really can offer wisdom.
  • Reading between the lines on new posters is learned skill.
  • My son has and will continue to benefit from this site in ways he cannot imagine.
  • Contributing $$ to this site is just the right thing to do.
  • Guys like Drew either like to stir the pot, or are clueless. I suspect the former.
  • I miss TRHit.
Originally Posted by Drew:
I am a stirrer. Look how fast people changed tunes. Half my posts really didn't make sense and it made some of you mad. Y'all ganged up on drew.

There are different type of people who post here. Those that give advice, those looking for advice, and those that like to stir the pot.

The last mentioned only remain here for a week or two, maybe if lucky a month.


JP, 500 posts that was quick! 



Not all topics here are baseball related.  That is what is so unique to this site. Years ago we used to have all sorts of topics going, my fav was where can one find the best unique fast food, I think PG (Jerry Ford of perfect game) got that one on a fried baloney sandwich from Paduca, KY (if memory serves me correctly). 


And I do believe that there are D1 coaches that come here to read and to post.  So understand that we may never know who is giving advice. My suggestion to newcomers is to read as much as you can here everyday, and use what advice is posted to make a plan for yourself or your player, to remain in the game as long as you can, but not sure you understand that.


The topic was written by a long time respected poster who did so for a reason.  You haven't been around long enough to understand that either.


Drew, keep in mind that posting on this site as well as hundreds of other sites is a privilege, not a right.


I used that little red flag to notify moderators with a comment of your intent to disrupt.


I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the board rules and keep in mind that you have come to our house, not the other way around.


The good part about this is that you have done a great job of illustrating what the OP was trying to convey.





Privilege?'s my right according to the constitution. I haven't belittled anyone. You can red flag all day long brother. I always tell my 8 yr old not to be a tattle tale. I said i was a stirrer in sarcasm. Ur too easy. What does that accomplish? I change my user I.d. and come back. The opening thread said "do you really want the answer or blah blah blah" You don't think that is a blast to newbies? Was to me. Ur cage is easily rattled, but yet you prop the door open and give me the green flag. Off to the ball park.

Ur too easy....Ur cage is easily rattled

"do you really want the answer or blah blah blah" You don't think that is a blast to newbies?

...Uh...not too smart either.  Wow.  Shaking my head.  


Drew - I've seen at least a hundred just like you here over the past few years.  You can settle down and try and contribute...or you can leave.  Pretty forgiving community here if you give the former a shot.  Your choice.


I don't think anyone has a problem with someone bringing different opinions into a discussion.  That is one of the benefits of the board.  Many of us have been here a long time and so, have been there and done that.  While Drew may disagree with our "resume" and validity of our experiences, for the most part most members have the ability to glean some useful information from our ramblings.  Personally, it has been neat seeing members like JH grow up and become contributing members along their journey. 


As a parent, it was neat sharing my child's journey and having members comment.  I only have two years left of that journey and so, time is running out for me.  Oh, taking a page from CD's post, so my child is the best that has ever played at her school.  She is the best hitter.  She is the best fielder.  She is the best pitcher.  What I really want to know is do you think she needs braces? 


Drew, you commented that you stir.  I don't know if that was sarcasm or not.  What I do know is that this is not a flame site.  I would hope that you are not here to do that but rather be a contributing member taking both good and bad from this site. 


Take care!

I am one of the lurkers that doens't post much, but has learned a ton. I have been fortunate to get PMs from very generous "old timers" who have share their experiences and helped answer my questions. Yes, I have used the search button to research topics, but sometimes want clarification or more information about our particular situation. I have a 2015 who is right in the thick of things, and this site has been a great resource. I check in every few days to read what is going on and to learn more about what comes next. Thanks to all who contribute on this great site, I hope it is here for years to come for all the parents like me who love to hear from those who have been there, done that.

I belong to a couple of other (nonbaseball) forums and at each one, we've had stirrers.  There are good stirrers and bad stirrers.  The good ones stir the pot, get us thinking in a different way and help us become a better site and better people.  The OP wasn't just highlighting issues with newbies.  For me it gave us an opportunity to assess the methods of the Old timers too.


The bad stirrers show their true needs pretty quickly and it's up to us to call them out on it and then turn our backs to their posts from there on out. Just like we did on the playground many many years ago. 


What a bore...stirring just to stir.  Life is too short to waste energy that could be used to make a difference out there.  

A poster/parent with a kid who made it through the recruiting experience to play college ball isn't a know it all. They are a person with experience to share.

When my daughter went through softball recruiting we went on blind faith and the advice of two people. It was so much
easier with my son after finding this site. It was also great to have a knowledgeable support group when my son had a major injury.

I believe there are as many stories as there are posters who have been through the recruiting experience. The key for newer members is figuring out what path your son is on and whose experience fits.


I'm not going to go the direction you are taking this but I will say if you get past your current rant and hang around, you will likely find yourself pleasantly surprised at the quality, experience and qualifications of many of the regular posters here.


And while we're sharing HSBBW family ties...

Our resident international guy, Bob Williams recently connected the dots for an Australian team (ages 16-24) to tour through our area near the Central Cal coast.  The players stayed with some of our HS team parents and coaches including our own home. We coordinated games with ours and neighboring HS summer teams.  Things went "swimmingly" well and we ended the last evening with a pool party with about 50 folks all havin' a blast.  Host families and players were all begging the group to stay an extra few days instead of heading to their next destination.

A great experience that touched dozens of folks that live half way around the world from each other only happened because of HSBBW. 


BTW/JMO/IMO, my kid was certainly the best looking of the bunch.

Last edited by cabbagedad

Prepster, I spent most of one game sitting next to Mike Kunigonis in Georgia last week. I asked him about Robert and all he could talk about was how fortunate VaTech was to get him. I also talked to Randy Hood and he had nothing but great things to say about Robert. In fact, I've never run across anyone who knows Robert that doesn't speak highly of him. He was a great pitcher, but there are a lot of great pitchers who will never command that same kind of respect.


Probably doesn't pertain to this topic.  Then again, maybe it does!

Originally Posted by PGStaff:

Prepster, I spent most of one game sitting next to Mike Kunigonis in Georgia last week. I asked him about Robert and all he could talk about was how fortunate VaTech was to get him. I also talked to Randy Hood and he had nothing but great things to say about Robert. In fact, I've never run across anyone who knows Robert that doesn't speak highly of him. He was a great pitcher, but there are a lot of great pitchers who will never command that same kind of respect.


Probably doesn't pertain to this topic.  Then again, maybe it does!

Gosh, PGStaff! Thanks very much for relating that and passing along the kind words!


What you were reporting was but one side of a "Mutual Admiration Society," as Robert has the same very high regard for the coaches you mention...and he certainly would want me to say so.


Also, If he were responding, himself, tonight, I think one of the things he might say is that he is simply trying to live up to some very high standards and examples that he's had the pleasure and benefit of experiencing at the hands of some very fine coaches all along the way. Like many players, he's been blessed to have had the mentors he's had. He speaks about it all the time in his more reflective moments.


You know, the game (not unlike this website) is as good as the effort all of its participants put into it. With everyone's best efforts, it can be something very special. Anything short of it threatens to make it something much less so.


...and, finally, to my very good friend, TPM: As kind as your recollection of that game might be, I would simply add that there was a very fine pitching effort that day from Clemson's Stephen Faris, as well. It was quite a duel; the sort that either team could have won and about which both teams should have been proud.

Last edited by Prepster

One thing I haven't seen addressed that REALLY bothers me is when the Original Poster doesn't get the validation sought, and then goes back and edits out the content of the Original Post - leaving a thread full of feedback on, well, nothing...


I might make the suggestion that the first reply to an inquiry, especially "that" sort of inquiry, include a quote of the original post - just to sort of ensure the thread stays readable.

I have found this forum useful. I don't think I've slammed anyone. I've been slammed saying that I think I'm a savior and such. No big deal, I can handle it......I'm a coach. 

I'm no savior, but I do offer instruction to a lot of kids at NO charge in my small town of 10,000. 

I just like to debate. My initial point was to point out why would people post questions that they didn't want the answer to......isn't that kind of the definition of insane. 

If you all knew me, you'd like me. Trust me.....I do.


Originally Posted by PGStaff:

Prepster, I spent most of one game sitting next to Mike Kunigonis in Georgia last week. I asked him about Robert and all he could talk about was how fortunate VaTech was to get him. I also talked to Randy Hood and he had nothing but great things to say about Robert. In fact, I've never run across anyone who knows Robert that doesn't speak highly of him. He was a great pitcher, but there are a lot of great pitchers who will never command that same kind of respect.


Probably doesn't pertain to this topic.  Then again, maybe it does! I've sat and talked with the papa on more than one occasion...I'm gonna believe that this fruit didn't fall far from the tree!


We all know from his playing days at UNC that Robert is a mega-competitor.  A fierce, fearless and focused young man.


Great stuff.  No surprise.  Great dad...gotta be a great son. 

I did have to laugh about the stuff about "Old Timers".  I remember the first time that tag was placed next to my name.  Many have noted how addictive this site can be, particularly when your son is going through the pipeline and you really do feel overwhelmed with the need to get on top of all the information.  I can't tell you how many times I posted to ask a question when I truly needed to hear the answer, as a means of getting informed.  I'll always welcome that no matter how many times people ask.  Just, if you don't hear what you wanted, don't kill the messenger!


I've slowed down my frequency a lot in the last couple of years.  On this site, being an "Old Timer" doesn't mean anything other than that you've posted a lot!  There's no subjective grading process by anyone, so in the end whatever I or anyone else say, you have to weigh it for yourself to see what you can take from it.  You're always free to disagree of course.


One thing you learn is that there are going to be some topics, or certain posters, that whenever you see them you just need to leave that thread.  Someone mentioned TRHit as someone who seems to have left the forums; TR could definitely ruffle feathers, but always with a purpose and usually with a nugget of wisdom.  But the guy I'll never forget is BlueDog, whose posts on rotational vs. linear hitting were as cryptic and unintelligible as they were numerous, and usually peppered with insults to all others in the discussion.  There was another fellow (whom I won't name) whose posts on here were often so rife with misspellings, so lacking in sentence structure, but so full of bile, that many wondered aloud whether he tended to log on after having had a few too many!  I've also seen people who seem to enjoy needling others, and occasionally they find someone with a thin skin, then set to pushing their buttons at every opportunity just as a means of entertaining themselves.  Those folks seem to have drifted away.  I don't mourn their losses, and I hope no one here wants to apply to be their replacements.

Originally Posted by justbaseball:

Alright Drew.  This site doesn't hold grudges.  Lets see if we can help you to find it to be useful.  Welcome back.

I am not sure what the original impetus was to start this thread, so I might be off base on your original intent. However the general theme can be looked at from many different perspectives.


I'll start out by saying this site is very helpful to most people, mainly because there are so many knowledgeable and kind people here. I say kind in that they are willing to give their honest opinions/advice typically with the intent of helping the posters who come to the site looking to help their kids. However, just like in every other walk of life, there are those who view things from a negative perspective, assume the worst of others, etc.


So when a new poster arrives looking for advice and extols the virtues of their son, a few here automatically assume they are here for the wrong reasons and descend upon them like vultures. In other cases lets take a poster who gets different advice from certain "old timers" that can be gruff. You know the type, the ones that look to use the stick before the carrot. Sure "tough love" might be needed now and then, but that is for seasoned posters, not newbies. We need to start out on the right foot with them, not pounce on them.


Some new posters are clueless, while others might have more knowledge that some of the "old timers" trying to help them. What I mean by that is that the parent might be a baseball guy(i.e. played, coached, etc.) but is lacking knowledge in a particular area(recruiting, NCAA rules, etc.). They do not come here expecting to be talked to in a condescending way, nor have their motivation questioned by those who may have never thrown a baseball in a real game their entire lives. Then when the newbie rebuffs the negative attitude of certain "old timers", their apologists want to come to their defense.

That is where your quoted comment does not hold water because some do hold grudges. They can actually become stalkers going from post to post to keep stirring up their previous issues with those who did not knuckle under to them. So when we see certain "old timers" who we know fit the aforementioned gruff curmudgeon profile, we cringe because we know how they come across to others, especially the newbies.


Fortunately the overwhelming majority of "old timers" are the good guys, and help to put our communities best foot forward. They not only have the knowledge, but also have a kind/generous/empathetic nature which lends itself to newbies being made to feel at home. As in most cases in life, the good outweighs the bad, and our forum is no different. However the regulars must be willing to speak up when necessary to keep the curmudgeons in line when they are caustic enough to put newbies off.


We must all think back to when we were new here, and try to empathize with what the typical motivation was to seek out a forum like this. If the person came here for the "wrong reason", so what, they will learn to get along, or eventually move along. We do not need certain "old timers" to question their motivations and leave the newbie with a negative impression. Instead lets have the ambassadors of our forum have the first crack at them. We will then have people who will want to stay and hopefully be able to give something back to other newbies down the road.




Kind of funny to me Vector that you time-and-time again take swings at a group of "old timer" posters that you believe belong to some special club...yet want to pretend you're playing "nice" all of the time.    This is why you find yourself on the short end of some some posts..."time-and-time" again.  You can blame it on cliques all you want, but you need to look in the mirror just once.


Another pot...calling a kettle black as far as I'm concerned.


This comment...

They do not come here expecting to be talked to in a condescending way, nor have their motivation questioned by those who may have never thrown a baseball in a real game their entire lives. a "swing" at a subset of posters (quite likely...women) on here and I suspect one in particular.  You've swung that bat before too...many, many times.  Its old...and frankly, "small" of you after the umpteenth time.  MANY mothers are the main reason their sons are such good baseball players and so successful.  I know my wife is #1 on that front in our house.


We've heard your point...over and over...did you read all of the posts on this thread to get some of the other points?  About picking yourself up and getting back at it...told by several on this thread alone.  You need to stop trying to get a PM-posse to raid a "clique" you perceive...but really does not exist as far as I know.


Its old Vector.  Time to move on and contribute in your own style without all of the attempted insults yourself.

Last edited by justbaseball
Originally Posted by justbaseball:

Kind of funny to me Vector that you time-and-time again take swings at a group of "old timer" posters that you believe belong to some special club...yet want to pretend you're playing "nice" all of the time.    This is why you find yourself on the short end of some some posts..."time-and-time" again.  You can blame it on cliques all you want, but you need to look in the mirror just once.


Another pot...calling a kettle black as far as I'm concerned.


This comment...

They do not come here expecting to be talked to in a condescending way, nor have their motivation questioned by those who may have never thrown a baseball in a real game their entire lives. a "swing" at a subset of posters (quite likely...women) on here and I suspect one in particular.  You've swung that bat before too...many, many times.  Its old...and frankly, "small" of you after the umpteenth time.  MANY mothers are the main reason their sons are such good baseball players and so successful.  I know my wife is #1 on that front in our house.


We've heard your point...over and over...did you read all of the posts on this thread to get some of the other points?  About picking yourself up and getting back at it...told by several on this thread alone.  You need to stop trying to get a PM-posse to raid a "clique" you perceive...but really does not exist as far as I know.


Its old Vector.  Time to move on and contribute in your own style without all of the insults yourself.


Well there you go, the past rearing it's ugly head.


I did not start this topic/thread, you did.


I did not make this personal between us, you did.


I did not call out someone specific, but you practically did.


I am not going to take the bait about the assumption my comment was about "women" (i.e. mothers). Just because one caustic poster MAY be of that gender, does not mean they all are being referred to. Some baseball moms know more than many dads do.


Quite frankly, I do not even think you and I had a major issue with each other, rather I might have thought you were someone else when we first sparred.


My issue is with the only person I have ever blocked on this site, and maybe one or two others who are either their apologist, or are generally caustic in their approach to others. I think one mentioned by ID has left.


As to it being old, I find it funny how a thread was started by a newbie a few months back, and the typical caustic "old timer" I have blocked jumped the newbie. I didn't even realize what had happened until several people finally had enough and spoke up against them, and used their words in a quote. It had been a long time coming.

This of course was something I knew from people sending me PM's saying they were fed up with this particular poster, but did not want to incur the wrath of their clique. Or is it cliche?


Of course some (in the imaginary clique) jumped me in the past for having dared to not agree with some advice that was decidedly not as beneficial as the one proffering it thought it was.

People who know me in person, (some here on this forum) know I am generally a positive person. However you have to ask yourself why I have taken umbrage with a select few. Maybe, unbeknownst to you, I was one of the newbies who came here and had a negative encounter with the small clique.

Fortunately the vast majority of people were, nice, helpful, and that, combined with the block button, helped keep me here.


Anyway, as stated before, I believe the overwhelming majority of "old Timers" are great, along with the people here for just a few years. I really don't have an issue with you that I can specifically remember, nor are you one of the posters who fall into the curmudgeon category.

From what I can recollect, your advice is sound, and your manner is generally positive. I have no grudge with you, regardless of how you may feel about me.

Yet I will occasionally speak up without fear of the clique, whether some like it or not. Hopefully the public lashing the poster took the last time before the thread was removed, was enough for them to reset their attitude. I don't know because unless someone quotes them in a post, I no longer have the misfortune of reading what they post.


Regardless my point remains that we need to give newbies the benefit of the doubt several times over, and not allow the few caustic posters to taint an otherwise great place.



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