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Winning every road game in the playoffs, 10-0 on the road. Almost beating the Pats...etc.

Does he finally get a bit of respect while his brother is watching from home.

Congrats to the G-Men!
- "Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth"." - Roberto Clemente
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Not a Giants fan but he deserves lots of respect. He earned it the old fashioned way by keeping his mouth shut and letting his play on the field do the talking. The Giants might be the hottest team in the NFL right now. Too bad they can't play next week. Eli is a good lesson for all our young baseball players who may face some adversity here or there.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
I'm impressed Manning has stopped making stupid mistakes. It's not that he's doing anything spectacular, he's been steady. He's not beating his own team now.

I don't care how much of a roll the Giants get on, no one is beating the Patriots. When the Patriots play their best game and the other team doesn't, the Patriots crush them. When the opponent plays a great game (Jags) the Patriots still beat them. When the Patriots have an off game (Chargers), they still beat them.

The only way someone is going to beat the Patriots is get up twenty-plus points on them, then hold on for dear life against the second half charge.

I believe the Patriots are unbeatable.
Remember when the Patriots were a 14 point dog to the Rams in the Super Bowl? The Patriots won that game. No one is unbeatable. They were very fortunate against the Eagles and especially against the Ravens with some very questionable calls.

Their offense is without a doubt one of the all time greats. But their defense can be had. I would not bet against the Pats. But I would not be shocked if the Giants played a great game and beat them in the Super Bowl. I would not be shocked at all.
Originally posted by Coach May:
Remember when the Patriots were a 14 point dog to the Rams in the Super Bowl? The Patriots won that game.
Mike Martz was in over his head against a coach (Belichick) on the verge of proving he's a coaching genius. Martz was outcoached in the Super Bowl. Martz also blew the Rams opportunity to dominate for a few years with his questionable coaching decisions.

But, you're right. If you can get there the chance to win presents itself. Brady getting hurt would sure impact the game. Name the Patriots backup QB without looking it up or being a Patriots fan.
The is no debate, issues or concerns. If you can't respect Eli now, you are not a Giant fan. He has led this team into the SB. He does not have to be a stat monster to be successful with this team. IMO, he realized this. The 3 keys to their recent success, Eli, Bradshaw, and the D line.

BTW, I loved how the Giants took advantage of the Burress/Harris mismatch. Harris was out of his league, and got toasted.
I will throw this out there. 38-35. That was the score the last time they met in the last game of the regular season. Both teams played to win. The Giants for pride and the Pats to maintain the perfect season.

The Giants are playing loose and have to be feeling no pressure at all. Quite frankly they are on a roll. Maybe both teams will play great who knows. But Im telling you do not count these Giants out. They believe they are going to win. I just hope its a great game.
Respect for Eli Manning for leading his team to the Super Bowl? This is a case of giving the QB too much credit when the team wins. The Giants defense has lead the team to the Super Bowl and Manning didn't screw it up. He was steady. But so was Trent Dilfer when he "led" the Ravens to a Super Bowl and victory. Let's see Manning put together an entire season before erecting the statue.

As for the game, I believe Belichick to be one of the great geniuses of all time in football, aside from being one of the game's unlikable jerks. He'll analyze the past game, fix the mistakes and the Patriots will win by more than twenty (pending Brady's foot issues).

I've been pulling for someone to beat the Patriots since I don't care for Belichick. However, since I don't run into Belichick and I do run into too many Giants fans, "Go Patriots." When the Patriots beat the Giants I'll have to look at it as another Boston team sticking it to New York. What's the over/under on number of "Yankees Suck" chants at the Super Bowl?


An honest New Englander who did not jump on the bandwagon when the Patriots became good. I've stayed with the Rams through thick and thin since the 60's. My dad knew the GM when I was a kid. Then I lived in southern CA for twenty-two years with season tickets. I can forgive the Rams for moving since I moved too. However, I feel no connection to Saint Louis.
Last edited by RJM

I've been pulling for someone to beat the Patriots since I don't care for Belichick. However, since I don't run into Belichick and I do run into too many Giants fans, "Go Patriots." When the Patriots beat the Giants I'll have to look at it as another Boston team sticking it to New York. What's the over/under on number of "Yankees Suck" chants at the Super Bowl?

Anyone know where RJM is? I have some crow for him to eat....Smile

Originally posted by baseballbum:

I've been pulling for someone to beat the Patriots since I don't care for Belichick. However, since I don't run into Belichick and I do run into too many Giants fans, "Go Patriots." When the Patriots beat the Giants I'll have to look at it as another Boston team sticking it to New York. What's the over/under on number of "Yankees Suck" chants at the Super Bowl?

Anyone know where RJM is? I have some crow for him to eat....Smile
Do I get a choice of Cajun style or BBQ? While I have to eat crow because the Giants won, as I posted in another thread the Giants won because the defense stuffed Brady. It allowed the Giants offense to stay conservative to minimize mistakes. Manning fumbled three times and threw up two floaters that could have been intercepted. One turned into a highlight catch you will see for years. The other an All-Pro corner dropped. It was all Burris on the TD. I can't believe the corner went for an slant fake on a guy who makes a living outjumping shorter corners on the fade pattern.

I didn't care who won. I don't care for either team. I don't want to hear how great Manning is until he puts up a 90+ QB rating for an entire season. But I'll guess we're going to hear how great he is from the NY media and be inundated with Eli Manning commercials now.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
Do I get a choice of Cajun style or BBQ? While I have to eat crow because the Giants won, as I posted in another thread the Giants won because the defense stuffed Brady.

I am not aware of any current rules in the NFL that award points for "stuffing Brady".

The Giants defense scored 0 points - as did the Patriots defense.

The Giants offense - led by Eli Manning - scored more points than the Patriots - led by Tom Brady.

Under current NFL rules - the win goes to the NY Giants.

Perhaps next year - Goodall will consider awarding points to teams that "stuff Brady".

Last edited by itsinthegame
Afterward - the kid who knocked the ball into the centerfield parking lot didnt get it done - it was the pitcher that messed up.
Sometimes that's part of the equation. Failure to execute properly can lead to results for the opposing team.

But in relation to the football game, give Brady time to throw and I don't care what Manning does. Brady and the Patriots would outgun Manning and the Giants. The season and career stats back it up. The key to the game was the Giants beating on Brady. He also threw some sailing passes when he couldn't step up to throw.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
Sometimes that's part of the equation. Failure to execute properly can lead to results for the opposing team.

But in relation to the football game, give Brady time to throw and I don't care what Manning does. Brady and the Patriots would outgun Manning and the Giants. The season and career stats back it up. The key to the game was the Giants beating on Brady. He also threw some sailing passes when he couldn't step up to throw.

And if a lightening bolt hit Michael Strahan in the head - bounced off - and then took down Tyree too - the Patriots probably would have won. But the fact is - no lightening bolt came.

Blah blah blah.
IMO - You just dont get it.

The season stats dont mean squat.
The only thing that matters is the final game.

Eli Manning led his team down the field when it mattered most - and won the game.

I am really glad to see Eli get it done - and to watch his brother cheer him on.

I am even more glad to see the guy that is actually playing the game - slamming it down the throat of all those that just watch - and stuff their faces with Doritos - and blabber about something they will never really understand.

Eli Manning - MVP

and blabber about something they will never really understand.
I played the game and understand it. By being insulting towards me (again) for some reason you're looking for a fight with me (again) that I'm not going to give you. I'm going to be more mature than you and stay above the insults.

Doug Williams, Ottis Anderson, Mark Rypien, Desmond Howard- previous Super Bowl MVP's
Last edited by RJM

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