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Strange News50-Foot Tree Heist Stumps Homeowner
By Associated Press
Fri Aug 17, 4:37 PM

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. - The theft of a 50-foot backyard tree has a Conejo Valley homeowner stumped. Kelley Fornatoro left on vacation Aug. 2 and returned a week later to find her 50-foot California pepper tree missing. Police Capt. Randy Pentis said it was felony grand theft.

"It's creepy. I want them to get these guys," Fornatoro said, adding she feels violated.

Oxnard-based Julian's Tree Care said someone called for removal of the nearly 30-year-old tree. It took two days to cut it down at a cost of $3,500.

The company hasn't been paid and police also consider Julian's Tree Care a victim. Experts said it would cost up to $60,000 to replace the tree.

Fornatoro called a neighbor who watched her house while she was away and the neighbor was shocked to learn Fornatoro wasn't behind removal of the tree.


Information from: Ventura County Star,
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Okay, handled the tree stolen from back yard. How about a pool?

Pool stolen from Paterson yard
Thursday, July 26, 2007


Daisy Valdivia, of Paterson, is trying to figure out how thieves managed to steal the family's backyard inflatable pool and the 1,000 gallons of water in it during the night Wednesday.

Valdivia woke Wednesday morning to find that her family's inflatable pool, hip high and 10 feet in diameter and filled with water, was stolen from her backyard in the middle of the night. There is no evidence that the water was poured out, pumped out, evaporated or drunk.

"I've never heard of a pool being stolen, let alone one with water in it," Valdivia said.

According to Valdivia, the theft must have occurred between 1 a.m., the time her husband went to bed, and 5 a.m., the time she woke to put out the recycling.

"For them to do something that fast, that's what amazes me," she said.

Valdivia, a lifelong city resident, moved into her home on McBride Avenue just five weeks ago. She and her husband purchased the bright blue pool for their three children less than a month ago. They never expected that it would be stolen in a neighborhood Valdivia described as "a nice, quiet area."

Although Valdivia said she is grateful nothing else was stolen, she was surprised that the thieves went through all that trouble for a pool.

"We have two grills, chairs, umbrellas, they're much easier to take," she said.

According to Lt. Anthony Traina of the Paterson Police Department, it's clear that this was carefully planned.

"Someone took a little time and effort thinking about this," he said. "This wasn't just walking by and snatching a bike. That tells us something, too."

In light of the theft, Valdivia said she is considering putting up a fence, She also has questions for the thieves who stole her pool.

"I just want to know what the heck they did with the water," she said.
Thank you Mom...that's exactly the case...I was away from the cramped confines of our Fotomat for awhile...actually it was a few days that we were away.

Memphis beckoned our son Christopher to Rhodes College and to Coach Cleanthes' baseball program there. Coach had a fine looking freshman class of about 17 arrive on Thursday. Watch out world!

To tell you the truth I could have easily been motivated to steal that wading pool the last few days...I think the official high temperature for Memphis on Thursday was 109 or 110. Not quite as hot as an Easy Bake Oven, but darn close.

It was so hot I know for certain an egg could have cooked on top of my head. Don't ask me why, but my wife decided to fry bacon there instead. I objected at first, but relented after that tantalizing aroma of bacon made its way down to my nose.

The cascade of hot bacon drippings that followed were not welcome until my wife explained to me that they actually are equivalent to about an SPF 30 sun-block. Gotta love how she takes care of me. I tell ya'...George Foreman and his grill had nothing on me over the last few days.

As strange as bacon frying on my noggin may have looked it was rather tame as compared to the throngs of Elvis look-a-likes trouping all over the Memphis area during our stay. It was the 30th anniversary of his passing and the 95,000 faithful and curious did show up. Heartbreak Hotel was full up...that's nice.

I did manage to fabricate an alibi for the California Pepper Tree heist, but this pilfered pool is a bit more vexing.

The only plausible explanation that I can offer you guys is this...I don't think the pool was stolen at all. I think it just disappeared...vanished. You it became extinct...gone the way of the dinosaur...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
As always,.....
Gotwood, never leave us disappointed!
Where can I get my hands on that dino pool???
Would look absolutely maaaarvelous in my livingroom!( ha!)
Great conversation piece, don't cha' think?

Memphis beckoned our son Christopher to Rhodes College and to Coach Cleanthes' baseball program there. Coach had a fine looking freshman class of about 17 arrive on Thursday. Watch out world!

That is VERY good and exciting news!!!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by shortstopmom:
Where can I get my hands on that dino pool???
Would look absolutely maaaarvelous in my livingroom!( ha!)
Great conversation piece, don't cha' think?

The only conversation I ever remember having in your living room shortstopmom was when you left the door to the cave open and Rexnard came running in. You ran towards the rest of us gathered around the fire-pit...yelling frantically...urging put Rexnard back in the cave...

Originally posted by shortstopmom:
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:Memphis beckoned our son Christopher to Rhodes College and to Coach Cleanthes' baseball program there. Coach had a fine looking freshman class of about 17 arrive on Thursday. Watch out world!

That is VERY good and exciting news!!!!!!

It is very exciting...and also exciting was meeting a fellow HSBBW member at Rhodes. My wife and I met P&CMom and her husband...our boys are both incoming freshmen and will be teammates. It was very satisfying to connect with another HSBBW member personally and face to face...and looking forward to seeing them during the baseball seasons over the next few years.
Well she does have a nice clutch. Do you notice how she is clinging to, yet caressing, the pool? Gazing longingly towards that life-like palm tree on the shore across the rippled surface of the pool...a backyard Bali Ha'i moment.

She the curvaceous, studious, lover of the vinyl replication of a stately, romantic palm, with just the right amount of air pressure within. Both of us totally oblivious to the family fun abounding within a short pool toy's throw from us.

If only we could close this distance between us...this lazy lagoon of fun and frolic is all that keeps us apart! It could be would be would be would...Splash!

Oh my goodness...what just happened!?

What dear? Oh nothing. Nothing at all. Why is my face wading in my bowl of Corn Flakes? It slipped right into the bowl...I didn't have a good enough clutch...I mean grip on it.

Yes dear...I'll clean it all up. I promise dear...I'll keep a better grip on my face.

Wow! These alibis are getting really, really tough to come up with.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I can give Gotwood an alibi for the tree heist - can't help him with the pool caper - a little over my head.
We just got back from Memphis. It is 70 degrees here and feels as if we flew from summer into fall.
It was fun making the HSBBW connection at Rhodes. Our guys are also suite mates. They call it the HHBB WEB for a reason!
Tried to order one for lunch at Zinnie's on Madison St. in Mid-town, but the waiter took one look at me and said..."Sorry sir, but you've already had too much baloney today. We have a strict policy of not serving those who have been over-served."

I tried to order one as take-out when we were leaving and the same waiter said..."You're a sly one sir, but no is no. Please drive safely."

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