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Thanks for asking Beez.

No.1 will be rehabbing after having TJ surgery recently. He will be here at home this semester and attending a local JC. He's quite limited at present. The rehab has not even started yet. He realized it would be extremely tough to move so far away and be on his own for this initial period. That makes sense to him...and to me and my wife.

He plans to transfer to a different school for the second semester. His rehab should be well underway by then and he will be better able to cope with being on his own.
Within the confines of what little I do know about the trial and tribulations of the Woodspeople in this particular challenge...Great family choice.

I will take the presumptious route here and go out on a Limb to speak for the all the HSBBW'sters in saying we are all pulling for the Woodspeople to weather this storm and return strong. Tough times don't last, good people do! And ya'll are the best.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Gotwood,...shortstopmom and others agree with Observer44's sentiments towards your family and son!

I will take the presumptious route here and go out on a Limb to speak for the all the HSBBW'sters in saying we are all pulling for the Woodspeople to weather this storm and return strong. Tough times don't last, good people do! And ya'll are the best.

I'd like to second that! Smile

Biggerpappi,..this one is for you!
Which one is shortstop mom?

( MN-Mom on the left holding Shortstopmom's hand,....)
Last edited by shortstopmom
Beezer: My mantra for many years has been "Life is full of trade-offs". But as "nice" as it is to have him home (although he can't drive or do any of his regular "chores", so what's the point Big Grin ), I'm gonna tell you that it's gonna be a lllllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg four months!

And the young Woodrow feels the same way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is nice to have him home....weird but good.
Last edited by play baseball

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