Ours is the same way; we are far removed from the road, in a large wooded parcel, so that means both kids grew up without any cable or satellite TV, and til we upgraded a TV antennae some years ago, only got 2-3 channels anyway. Kids managed to grow up without influence of cable/satellite (even internet introduced only after they were older, for childrearing reasons) in their early years. But, son is a do-er especially with baseball. He has lukewarm interest in watching a game - he just wants to play it.
A few summers ago his dad took him to a local college league game, thinking it would be fun and inspiration for him. After chasing foul balls for a while behind home plate, son left his seat and got up an impromptu game off on the side of the field, with several other like-minded kids. They all preferred playing to watching.
His father is the same way - years ago, had a vintage sports car, and I'd offered a few times to help with any restoration he wanted to do on it, and he finally said "I can pretty it up or I can drive it. Which do you think I'm going to do?" Point taken.