In the midwest most HS baseball teams are just ending their HS tryouts. Most panic comes from freshman parents experiencing high school baseball for the first time. Here are some things that freshman parents generally panic about that they really need to take a deep breath before acting apon. Most of these probably have had separate threads in the past.
1.Got cut, didn't make the team. Probably the most concerning but its not over.
2.Not in starting lineup. Don't worry they will get their chance
3.Not playing a position where you think he should be playing. Let them learn another position. Team needs determine where they play.
4.Not pitching and they pitch for summer team. Give them bull pens and they will be strong for the summer. If they could pitch at the HS level they will get their chance.
5.Coach adjusting their swing. Player should find out why and do their best to implement the change and learn if it does help.
These are just 5 that I thought of that happen alot. Freshman parents that might be panicking from any of these keep in mind one thing.....
Every player who has ever played has had to deal with some or all of these. It is a part of a players growth to learn how to deal with these situations. Guide them through the situations but let them deal with them.
Anything need to be added to the list?
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