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I hear what you are saying but...........

I can not and will not take credit for anything these young men have accomplished or will accomplish.

What I can hope for is that if and when they are challenged with a difficult situation, what I may have challenged them with may help them in that particular situation.

Such as...........

1. Be on time to the first stretch period of mini-camp or BP.

2. Wear that uniform with pride and properly. Dress well off the field in case your minor league director stops you coming in the parking lot.

3. Always hustle, even if you hit an infield fly with bases loaded.

4. Don't call your manager "coach" him "skip".

5. Tip the equipment manager as much as you can.

6. Don't leave the dugout after a homerun. You can shake his hand when he gets to the dugout.

7. No chirpin' from the dugout.

8. Treat your host family with respect. Hell, I go back to Montana every other year to visit my old host family.

9. Don't pick up another players glove or bat. It ain't your tools.

10. Last but not least...............

If your gonna go out on the town after a game, at least change your clothes before coming to the clubhouse the next day. Wink

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