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I couldn't agree more . . . one of them plays with my son and I heard is devastated. The coaching staff didn't even call him as he heard about it late last night from a classmate who was in a Duquense sports related chat room (she is going there herself next year) and called him to see how he was doing and he didn't even know. Pretty rotten. I understand these things happen but it really hits home when someone you know well is affected by it.
cannon - I would encourage that young man to see the glass half full. If he had matriculated there for a year, and then given this news, that would have really put him in between a rock and a hard place. Now, although the news is certainly not pleasant, he can take the bull by the horns and go find another opportunity if he sees fit. If he were attending Duquesne for a specific academic program (e.g., pharmacy) then it might indeed signal an end to his career if he chose to stay there which is indeed a shame. Hopefully, he will see he has plenty of time to find another "fit."
My son plays at Duquesne. The team, coaches, parents and baseball community are devastated by this news. The coach himself didn't find out about the cancellation of the program till yesterday morning, had to run a routine practice then wait till the administration had time to meet with the team to tell his players and then go home without a job for next year. Don't be too harsh on him not calling his recruits. I'm sure he had larger things on his mind. I would have rather found out that a baseball program was cancelled before starting at a college then as a second semester sophmore at the program.
I would have rather found out that a baseball program was cancelled before starting at a college then as a second semester sophmore at the program.

cat - I totally agree and that is the point I was trying to make above to cannon315.

First, I am sorry to hear how things have gone for your son and his team. Seems they have cut four men's programs there. Perhaps Duquesne has a high female population?

Maybe 3FingeredGlove can comment here but perhaps your son can transfer next year without having to sit. If that is the case, I am rooting for your son to tear it up this year. He can effectively audition against every team on Dusquesne's schedule this year. Obviously, he would have rather graduated from Duquesne but maybe there is some hope here. Also, I see in the news release where they are at least honoring the scholarships for the remainder of eligibility so if your son does decide to remian at Duquesene - at least there is some good news there.

Again sorry to hear this news but hoping things turn out great in the end for your son and his teammates.
Cleveland Dad - you're absolutely right. High girl population can't cut a girl's sport because money only to be used for boy's sports most likely to fully fund football. We are in shock to say the least. Yes, they are honoring the scholarships for the remainder of the college years, but son just can't wrap his mind around being there without his buds. High hopes for the team this year as the boys have really bonded, great plans for next year living together and then graduating from a loved school. All very heartbreaking. We will discuss the auditioning for every school playing against the Dukes this year- can't really believe we have to go through all of this again.
What a nightmare for the athletes, Parents and Coaches involved! A sign of the economic times I'm afraid. We've seen it before and undoubtedly will see more. What a bummer when you think you are done with the Recriting process and then find you will need to start anew....

What choice do you have but to look for the Silver lining? God Speed to all involved!
This a sad day for the baseball community here in the PGH area. We do not have large D1 opportunities for our top recruits in the W.Pa area and this diminishes this greatly....

I have known the program and Coach Wilson for a long time....Duquesne did not fund the entire 11.7, I think I had heard at one time that they only funded 8....which I always took as an indication of the lack of support for baseball from the University....

I do wish all the players well and also Coach Wilson, who in my interactions with him personally and with my son during his recruiting process, was always professional...
Last edited by piaa_ump
Seems they have cut four men's programs there. Perhaps Duquesne has a high female population?
can't cut a girl's sport because money only to be used for boy's sports most likely to fully fund football
The constant attack on women's (NOT GIRLS ... IT'S CONDESCENDING, SEXIST AND BIGOTED TO WOMEN LIKE MY 21 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER TO CALL HER A GIRL ... I DON'T SEE ANYONE ON THIS BOARD CALLING THEIR COLLEGE AGE SONS BOYS? I SEE THEIR SPORTS CALLED MEN'S SPORTS.) is annoying on this board. So is the ignorance. Football gets a partial exemption for Title IX due to it's high cost. If you aren't familar with the term misogynist, look it up. Check to see if your picture is next to the definition. I know one poster's picture who will appear. He's a constant basher of women's sports on this site.

I would like the women haters on this site to explain why my daughter is less entitled to a softball schoarship than your son is to a baseball scholarship. It should be amusing.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by cat:
Leave it to you to make this about your daughter. What I said was what the AD told the "boys" on the baseball team and yes, I still refer to them as boys. I certainly didn't want this to be hijacked and turned into a discusson about title nine. But I figured that was where it would go.
I'm TIRED of the women's sports bashing on this site. Both men and WOMEN are student-athletes. They deserve equal treatment. The university decides how that occurs, not the WOMEN ahtletes

I'm sorry your son lost his baseball team. But it's not the fault of any of the WOMEN in the university.

RJM - cool out, please cool out. We don't need you foaming at the mouth.

I found it interesting that they cut four men's sports and no women's sports. The comment had nothing to do with Title IX or disrespect to women. If you read the article, they said they had economic issues and wanted to strengthen other sports. My take on that was that school had decided it was in their best interests to appeal to women rather than men. I was guessing that maybe they had many more women attending their school so that decision may have made sense to their administration. Obviously to the ones who were cut like cat's son, the news hits much closer to home. Perhaps maybe you could show a little more sensitivity next time rather than railing on some perceived slight that has nothing to do with YOU Roll Eyes
Originally posted by td25:
You can thank Title 9 for this.

Men's sports bring in more money, they are more popular, more men go out for them then women for women's sports....but you need equal funding. A form of welfare. Sorry RJM, but its true.
You're right. My daughter didn't deserve to get any money to play softball. She probably shouldn't have been given any academic money either. Afterall, she's going to end up barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

Here's a thought for you. A lot more women are paying to go to college than men. Maybe they should get more money than the men instead of equal money. As for men's sports generating revenue, most athletic departments lose money. There are only about fifty football programs making money.

Note: Duquesne had more men's sports than women's sports until now.
Last edited by RJM

I have no dog in this fight, but you are way, way over the top on this. I am happy for your family that your daughter is getting money to play softball. She must be talented. That said, four sports are being cut. They are all men's sports. The school is 58 percent women. This is an absolute result of the proportionality doctrine being applied to Title IX, which -- and I say this as the father of a daughter very active in athletics and the father-in-law of a D1 volleyball player -- is absolute ****. It is a law that has gone way beyond what was intended or what is right and it either ought to be amended or the courts ought to intervene since athletic administrators and college presidents lack the courage to do the right thing.

Women ought to have the opportunity to play for sure, but not through the destruction of opportunities for young men. Make the pie bigger and take football out of the equation.

This is a valid and important topic of discussion which ought to be continued. My view is that the school took the easy way out without trying to be creative or innovative and, as a result, has done harm across the board.
Last edited by jemaz
One thing that I found interesting in the Duquesne situation is that according to the AD they reallocating the $1 million dollars back into the athletic department---apparently the four mens sports being jettisoned are not high on their list of priorities.

This entire situation kind of hits home with me because growing up I followed the Duquesne basketball scene when Sihugo Green played there and my cousin was a student
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by td25:
You can thank Title 9 for this.

Men's sports bring in more money, they are more popular, more men go out for them then women for women's sports....but you need equal funding. A form of welfare. Sorry RJM, but its true.
You're right. My daughter didn't deserve to get any money to play softball. She probably shouldn't have been given any academic money either. Afterall, she's going to end up barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

Here's a thought for you. A lot more women are paying to go to college than men. Maybe they should get more money than the men instead of equal money.
As for men's sports generating revenue, most athletic departments lose money. There are only about fifty football programs making money.

Note: Duquesne had more men's sports than women's sports until now.

Women's sports are so exciting to watch. Its also a good place to go for some quiet reflection time or to have a nice conversation with the 2 other people that are there.
Last edited by td25

Nice post. You're 100% correct.

One problem with left wing politics in general and the gender preference crowd in particular (which RJM is a proud advocate of) is when you criticize something that is near and dear to them they respond with personal attacks instead of facts. The goal is to intimidate and silence any dissent.

It's as if they believe the legislation was not put together by fallable humans but rather it descended from Mt Sinai on the hip of Moses.
Originally posted by TRhit:
Go to a LL softball games, stand amid the parents and say what you just said loud enough for all the parents to hear---trust me it get unboring very quickly
When my daughter was in high school the baseball and softball teams played against each other. Since the fields are back to back defense was played on the "home" field with the appropriate ball. The softball pitcher smoked the baseball team. My daughter commented in baseball the hitter has so much more time to react. 65mph from forty feet gets on a hitter much quicker than 85 from sixty-feet. The softball pitcher had a pitch she promised not to throw after making the first few hitters look foolish ... a riseball.

The only benefit of the doubt I can give the baseball players is every starter on the softball team played college ball. The senior class (five) won four conference titles. Only four of the baseball players went on to play in college.

FSN Sports Science - Myths

There used to be videos of Finch smoking Bonds and Pujols. Maybe MLB had them removed. I'm not anti-baseball or I wouldn't be on this site. I played college ball. My son aspires to play college ball. I'm just trying to enlighten the less enlightened.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by igball:

Nice post. You're 100% correct.

One problem with left wing politics in general and the gender preference crowd in particular (which RJM is a proud advocate of) is when you criticize something that is near and dear to them they respond with personal attacks instead of facts. The goal is to intimidate and silence any dissent.

It's as if they believe the legislation was not put together by fallable humans but rather it descended from Mt Sinai on the hip of Moses.
I believe you're attacking me now. My friends would double over in laughing cramps if I told them I was accused of being left wing. My daughter's equal right to a college scholarship is near and dear to me because it's fair, not gender perference. I don't attempt to intimidate. I just won't take the BS. There are several women sports haters on this board. I'll stand up and fight any time they take a shot. This thread should have been about Duquesne baseball. it stopped being so when a shot a women's sports was fired.

Someone mentioned no one attends women's sports. What was the revenue generated by Duquesne baseball? Chances are it was ZERO. Plenty of colleges in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast don't have a gate. Even Boston College of the ACC doesn't charge for baseball. Should they drop the sport for lack of revenue generation? Take away family from a BC baseball game and I'll bet there are fifty people in attendance. My daughter's high school softball games drew more students. These would be FACTS.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by baseballregie:
I absolutely realize that my opinion isn't politically correct. While I certainly won't be showing up at any softball games to spew it, it is my opinion.

There is always 1 or 2 players on a team that appear to have a marginal amount of talent, the other 8 seem to be there just to bunt or strike out.
I could make the same statement regarding rec baseball. Are you familar with Gold level travel softball?
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:

The spewing of your opinion on softball on here is duly noted.

Oh, I'm actually holding myself back. But I'm not alone. The social engineering that's been going on in this country by the media and our politicians over the past 40 years has done nothing but blur the differences between the sexes. There used to be one and I really liked it.

The fact is the gender preference crowd is and has always been an integral part of left wing America. And Title IX is being used by that crowd to go far beyond the simple concept of equal rights for all (which, contrary to some ravings, no one is opposed to) and instead is being used as a sword to attack whatever area the left wingers think need to attacked on any given day (ie lately its higher ed science education).

The intellectual dishonesty of the gender preference crowd is in fact not dissimilar to that of Eric Holder and his ilk when they try and explain why they give free legal service to terroists in Guantanamo Bay. They would say its about supporting our Constitution but in reality its about undermining our society.

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