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Actually they released the names and a photo of the three accused earlier today.  A 17, 16 and 15 year old were initially arrested and since then two have been charged with murder.  In a statement one of the boys said "They were bored and wanted to kill somebody".  Truly we live in a messed up society when this is all it takes to motivate someone to want to do something like this!  Sad.

But they never identified the killers as black teenagers. Had it been the other way around, it would have been white teenagers killing a black baseball players, so it must have been a hate crime. This is definitely a hate crime. Where are the ambulance chasers like Jackson and Sharpton now. No where! Double standards.

Originally Posted by JBoss:

But they never identified the killers as black teenagers. Had it been the other way around, it would have been white teenagers killing a black baseball players, so it must have been a hate crime. This is definitely a hate crime. Where are the ambulance chasers like Jackson and Sharpton now. No where! Double standards.

Yes, they did, as soon as their identities were able to be legally released.


And there is no evidence this is a hate crime.

Originally Posted by Out in LF:

Actually they released the names and a photo of the three accused earlier today.  A 17, 16 and 15 year old were initially arrested and since then two have been charged with murder.  In a statement one of the boys said "They were bored and wanted to kill somebody".  Truly we live in a messed up society when this is all it takes to motivate someone to want to do something like this!  Sad.


Let me put my criminal intelligence analyst hat on here.


Teenagers, especially males, are prone to impulsive behaviors due to underdeveloped frontal cortices. In addition, teenagers, especially males, do not have fully-developed concepts of consequences in and of themselves. They don't fully grasp the permanence of death, for a relevant example. Their behaviors are determined by their perceptions of consequences that directly affect them--they seek positive consequences and avoid negative ones.


I'd be loath to condemn "society" or "the times" for something like this. This has gone on for ages. Where the breakdown occurred was a lack of a structure that reinforced the abstract concepts involving external consequences using readily-internalized lessons. Where that structure failed is unknown--was it family? An inability to grasp these concepts? Who knows?

RJM I get my news from many sources.  Newspapers, radio, internet, TV, twitter. Yes I watch MSNBC and Rachael.  I also watch Hanity and listen to Lush Bimbo. Thats where I've previously heard the terms "Trayvon Martin hysteria" and "ambulance chasers Jackson & Sharpton"  To be truly informed you should have opinions based on information from a variety of sources.  Some folks just want to parrot back the same old biggoted bull they get from their "fair and balanced" sources.  It's easier than having to think for themselves.

Originally Posted by Big Country:


RJM  Here in Atlanta today we had a 20 yr old white man shoot up a black elementary school with an AK47. Would you also consider this an obvious "hate crime"? I don't. To me he is just another idiot with a gun. As are the boys in OK.  

People with guns are idiots? That statement tells me everything I need to know about you.

"Trayvon Martin Hysteria" are my words.  The media lost major credibility with me on the reporting.  It was definitely biased in favor of portraying Zimmerman as a white racist bigot hellbent on killing a 12 year old.  I was so disgusted with Zimmerman until the truth started coming out.  NBC purposely edited the 911 tape to portray Zimmerman as a racist.  ABC omitted photos of Zimmermans injuries.  All of the outlets used photos of Martin as a 12 year old kid. The media is guilty of conspiring a race war.  Many people were very agitated to the point of threatening riots and random killings after the jury verdict.  That is why I termed it "Trayvon Martin Hysteria"


the condescension from big country is unfortunate.  

RJM I didn't say people with guns are idiots.  Would you not agree that some one who shoots a jogger for no reason is an idiot?  How about some one who breaks into a school, shoots his AK at police and then is talked into surrendering by a secretary. Is he not an idiot?  The main thing they have in common is they are idiots with a gun.  The color of their skin is irrelevent.

mdschert,  The fear of race wars, rioting, and random killings is a myth perpetuated by media outlets you consume. Have any of these horrible things actually occured as a result of "lame stream media's" biased reporting.  I don't consider Zimmerman a racist.  He's just another idiot with a gun.  I don"t consider you an Idiot, however your misinformed bigotry is unfortunate.

Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by RJM:
I don't see how anyone can see this as anything but a racial hate crime. Had this been three whites v a black Sharpton and Jackson would already be in town starting protests. Just look at their track records.

Is there any evidence they targeted the victim due to race?

I doubt the investigation is over. Chances are hese guys live in a black community. Why didn't they randomly kill someone close to home? They went someplace else and randomly found a white guy? Sure! Want to buy a bridge? I would be saying the same thing if three white guys from a trailer park killed a black kid.

Originally Posted by Big Country:

RJM I get my news from many sources.  Newspapers, radio, internet, TV, twitter. Yes I watch MSNBC and Rachael.  I also watch Hanity and listen to Lush Bimbo. Thats where I've previously heard the terms "Trayvon Martin hysteria" and "ambulance chasers Jackson & Sharpton"  To be truly informed you should have opinions based on information from a variety of sources.  Some folks just want to parrot back the same old biggoted bull they get from their "fair and balanced" sources.  It's easier than having to think for themselves.

Sharpton and Jackson have been racial ambulance chasers for years. Their business is racial tension. Without it they don't have careers.

Originally Posted by Big Country:

RJM I get my news from many sources.  Newspapers, radio, internet, TV, twitter. Yes I watch MSNBC and Rachael.  I also watch Hanity and listen to Lush Bimbo. Thats where I've previously heard the terms "Trayvon Martin hysteria" and "ambulance chasers Jackson & Sharpton"  To be truly informed you should have opinions based on information from a variety of sources.  Some folks just want to parrot back the same old biggoted bull they get from their "fair and balanced" sources.  It's easier than having to think for themselves.

Thank you for your condescension and insulting tone. I assure you you are not more informed than me or more well read. I don't waste time with any of the shows you mentioned. Those are spinmeisters with an agenda. I read a lot, think for myself and decide.

I backed my theory up by giving three solid examples from major media outlets of how they manipulated the truth.  It's not a stretch to believe that this distortion could influence people into objectionable behavior.  


again, why are you so condescending and insulting in your tone?  Do you have this tone with friends and family members?  Seriously you need to examine your delivery

RJM & mdschert  Sorry that I'm so insulting. When I log into this site to read & learn about Baseball and I read so many posts trying to turn a random act of violence into a racially motivated hate crime political discussion, I feel insulted. IMO anytime one human intentially shoots another,who is an unarmed victim,  it is a "hate crime", regardless of skin color or motivation.
Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by RJM:
I don't see how anyone can see this as anything but a racial hate crime. Had this been three whites v a black Sharpton and Jackson would already be in town starting protests. Just look at their track records.

Is there any evidence they targeted the victim due to race?

I doubt the investigation is over. Chances are hese guys live in a black community. Why didn't they randomly kill someone close to home? They went someplace else and randomly found a white guy? Sure! Want to buy a bridge? I would be saying the same thing if three white guys from a trailer park killed a black kid.

If you're waiting for the investigation to reveal a motive, then to say at this point that it was obviously racially-motivated is irresponsible, at best.

I am reading through his twitter right now. I can tell you that he didn't say that in July or August... had to be before and he used the "N" word in nearly every post, seems to be for people he liked and didn't. So it's really hard to say this was racially motivated when a guy who said in one tweet months ago that he hated whites, yet was dating a white girl, went with a white driver and a mixed race kid to shoot someone. If he said it the day before or day of? Maybe but I don't see how a race case is going to stick in this case
Originally Posted by mdschert:

I didn't use the term "conspiracy", you did.  My term was "conspiring" which means 

  1. Seem to be working together to bring about a particular result, typically to someone's detriment.

My term "race war" was used to describe a conflict between races.


I'm sory that I misquoted you. You in fact did not use the word conspiracy.  "The media is guilty of conspiring a race war."  is how you phrased it.  When you say  "the media",  I'm guessing you are refering to individuals within the media, such as broadcasters or hosts and their guests and pundits, as well as possibly their writers, editors, directors and producers, and maybe some of the folks in management such as the VP of the news dept. or president of the network. These folks who you believe are "guilty of conspiring a race war" would be called conspirators". And if conspirators are "conspiring" a race war, that would by definition be a "conspiracy"  Not trying to put words into your mouth,  Just trying to follow your thoughts to their logical conclusion. 

Originally Posted by foxesbb:

Funny how three young black kids kill a young white kid, this I finally hear about this on this message board.  Senseless killing.  My thoughts and prayers to the Lane family.


Originally Posted by JBoss:

But they never identified the killers as black teenagers. Had it been the other way around, it would have been white teenagers killing a black baseball players, so it must have been a hate crime. This is definitely a hate crime. Where are the ambulance chasers like Jackson and Sharpton now. No where! Double standards.


Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by RJM:
I don't see how anyone can see this as anything but a racial hate crime. Had this been three whites v a black Sharpton and Jackson would already be in town starting protests. Just look at their track records.

Is there any evidence they targeted the victim due to race?

I doubt the investigation is over. Chances are hese guys live in a black community. Why didn't they randomly kill someone close to home? They went someplace else and randomly found a white guy? Sure! Want to buy a bridge? I would be saying the same thing if three white guys from a trailer park killed a black kid.

Just wondering if you guys still feel the same way, now that more details have emerged? 

The murderers of  Lane are not 3 black teens, but one who is black, one who is white, and one who is "mixed"  Also the murderers were caught outside of the house of their intended 2nd victem, who is black.  Do ya'll still believe Lane's murder is obviously a racial hate crime?

If the 3 murderers had have been successful in killing the black teenager they had targeted, would that also have been an obvious racial hate crime since one of the murderers was white and one mixed?  What if folks in the media or in this thread had repeatedly labled the murderers as "three white teenagers"  Wouldn't that be no more inaccurate than "three black teenagers" , since one is white, one is black and one is mixed?

Last edited by Big Country
Originally Posted by Big Country:

Just wondering if you guys still feel the same way, now that more details have emerged? 

I think you're missing the point.  Why was this case immediately deemed NOT to be a race crime?  This morning CNN is reporting "Death of transgender woman a possible hate crime" as a headline when nothing has been proven by evidence yet either way?  In the Zimmerman case, why was it reported as white on black race crime when Zimmerman isn't even white?  Hold the media to the same standard in all cases, and hold them to a higher standard than the gutter sensationalism standard they hold themselves too.

PS.  Hold the White House and it's Justice Department to the same standard.

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