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How about a few stories from you parents about your empty nest feelings now that the college season is well underway? For instance, how did it feel to just pick up and go to his college games without having to worry about helping to get his uniform/equipment altogether? Or if you were going to watch him for a weekend at an away university, of not having him around with you at the hotel like the travel ball days. I know it must be similar to all college parents, but it would be interesting to hear from our board members here.
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Funny you should ask these questions! It is so weird to go to a college "away" week-end series, stay in the same hotel, and not see your kid much, not have to pay for his food, or wash his uni's. The 1st couple of week-ends it was really hard for me to let go but you have to.

It's been great to see the maturity develop this year for my freshman son. The funny thing is last year when we'd talk about college and I told him I read (here, where else?) that parents come to take the college players out to dinner so they can save their per diem money, he thought he wouldn't want to go out with us. What a different tune he's singing now that he's found he can save some extra money if we take he and his friends out.

It's been really fun to get to know the other parents and players. The best way to do that is to travel to some away games and stay in the same hotel. The kids have become amazingly independent because they learn how to fend for themselves with the mentoring of the older teammates.

College baseball has been an absolute blast for us and we are thankful he has gotten this chance. For any kid lucky enough to be playing college ball they should be thankful and enjoying every minute of it regardless of their role on the team.
Even though Go Jacks son is 1,000 miles from home some things haven't changed. I went to see him play in the Metrodome a few weeks ago and at dinner the night before the game he told me he had forgotten to pack his protective cup. The kid is a catcher. You would think that would be an item pretty high on the list of things to pack. Luckily the Mall of America was nearby so I was able to get him one. I have no doubt that one day we will go see him play and he will be behind the plate using a borrowed first base mit because he forgot both of his catchers mitts. Like I said, some things just don't change.
Originally posted by Go Jacks!:
Even though Go Jacks son is 1,000 miles from home some things haven't changed. I went to see him play in the Metrodome a few weeks ago and at dinner the night before the game he told me he had forgotten to pack his protective cup. The kid is a catcher. You would think that would be an item pretty high on the list of things to pack. Luckily the Mall of America was nearby so I was able to get him one. I have no doubt that one day we will go see him play and he will be behind the plate using a borrowed first base mit because he forgot both of his catchers mitts. Like I said, some things just don't change.

LOL Well... as long as he doesnt try and use a first basemans mitt as his protective cup,I quess all will be OK! Smile

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