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Go get the book and read it. He walked through it pretty well to give you a good sense for it, but there are a few moment in it that gave me chills. Josh is a special man with a lot of special people in his life. I really love the way he takes personal responsibility for never hear him blame anyone else ever.
Thanks for letting us know it was on. Fortunately, I saw your post shortly after the show began so we didn't miss much. I'm so happy my baseball son was home and also watched. What an incredible story...and because of it he (along with his family) was able to openly share his faith on ESPN to millions of people. God is surely smiling tonight! angel
Not sure that's completely fair. If memory serves, Josh got a fair amount of press after the HR derby.

However,if you listen to Josh and his experience, it does tell you something about the press. They were always looking for the catch, the fall, the short coming, the rest of the story. Never has the press accepted it's a "God thing" as Josh has described it. Only after the HR derby would they even talk about it.

I thought Riley did a great job with the interview tonight.
That was compelling TV. He was a man who stood up to his devils, with Gods help, and the support of a great family and a good woman. The nice thing is he knows it and is man enough to say it on national TV and in front of his family, pastor and friends. I especially liked his Dad, and the baseball academy guy who gave him a chance. I also thought his wife and Grandma were great.
Josh is truely a great story and an impressive man who has not said "it's all me" when he has had many chances to. I believe Josh's grandmother passed away prior to the HR derby. But you are right, his Grandmother sounded like a wonderful woman too. She hung in there and stood up to him when he needed it the most. I think she's in heaven smiling as big as God is right now.
After seeing the homerun derby, I could not believe how talented he was. He seems like he can hit them effortlessly 500 ft. or more. He has a perfect swing with power. Up until seeing him at this event, Troy Glaus was my image of the perfect swing, but I think Josh may have surpassed him in my mind.

He also seems like a very likable person. After hearing his dad talk about some of his drug problems, I suspect it was not always that way.

Personally, I am uncomfortable with celebrities coming on TV and telling all. I think they are setting themselves up. I remember Richard Pryor coming on TV and telling everyone how he had reformed when it turned out not to be true. There are too many examples to even list.

I think Josh needs to live life day-to-day the rest of his life and he will never be quite sure what the next day will bring. I think baring his soul puts more pressure on him to maintain this delicate balance and this type of "pressure" (non-athletic) I fear is something he does not deal all that well with.
Personally, I am uncomfortable with celebrities coming on TV and telling all. I think they are setting themselves up........There are too many examples to even list.

I think baring his soul puts more pressure on him to maintain this delicate balance and this type of "pressure" (non-athletic) I fear is something he does not deal all that well with.

Josh's testimony is way different than the celebrities you refer to....Josh understands, we're not in control....
Last edited by BlueDog
josh's testimony may differ,but his demons don't. josh has much further to fall than most.many people have similar story's,but a much different upside.
the chances of josh living his life drug free are 50/50. i have been down the very same road ,as many parents have. while he has a very committed support group,strong faith, and finances aren't a struggle. the odds are in his favor.i wish him all the best.

he owned it,wich is step one in he must live his life one day at a time.but he knows that.

i really do enjoy watching him,and i'm looking forward to for a long time.
Josh is determined to tell his story. He feels like it is what God wants him to do. He believes that God is allowing him to come back so he can tell his story. One of my former players is a team mate of Josh's for the Rangers. He told me that Josh has made a serious impact on his life and many of the other players on the team. He does numerous speaking engagements in the off season in our area. You would not believe the impact he has on the young people at these events. There are many tears and hugs. Kids hugging their parents and people are so touched by his story. I believe that God put Josh through this for a purpose. There is no way he would have the impact today he has without going through what he brought on himself.

I remember watching him play in high school. I remember how everyone that knew him say "He is the All American boy. He is so polite and never gets into any trouble." This guy can do so much more than play baseball. And I am glad he is doing just that , so much more.
There's no doubt Josh is having a far greater impact on peoples lives having gone through what he has than he ever could have had he stayed clean his whole life. That's one of the mysterious ways God works.

As for the chances of josh living his life drug free are 50/50...that's a complete guess on your part 20dad. My guess is his odds are much greater than that with the family and faith foundation he has. If you hear about the things he does to keep temptation away from him, I think you would agree.

I think we would be hard pressed to find anyone, other than our own sons, we should all be rooting for harder than Josh.
I agree Coach M.

Athletes in all sports have different platforms they use to reach out and minister, educate, encourage, support, and finance,etc. to so they may give back. We all can be thankful that those who know they have this platform act upon it. Lives are affected and changed forever in many, many ways.

It is either fortunate or unfortunate depending on how one views it that this is Josh's platform. He has embraced it and I admire him as a person. I am sure that those tattoo's he must see every second of every day serve as a reminder of foolish and regretful decisions he made along the way. But these same tattoo's also serve as a reminder to encourage and motivate him to now do the right things. Bittersweet reminders.
Last edited by YoungGunDad
Over the past couple of days I'm really starting to dislike the word "testimony." Especially since one person seems to be trying to jam it down people's throats at every opportunity. He appears to be using every possible situation to bring religion into his posts. It's offensive. This is a baseball board, not a Bible class. Maybe we need to turn the word religion into r******* on this board.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by TRhit:
Why has this site become a haven for a religious zealot and it is being permitted ???

I have always felt that there is a good number of Christians on the board...but I have never felt that any of us have ever tried to take over or force our religion on other posters. Why should expressing our beliefs NOT being permitted such as celebrating Josh Hamilton and what he has overcome.

Anyhow...that was not the intent of this discussion.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much... Smile Why can't we just get along instead of worrying what everyone else is doing and saying. I've learned quite a bit about Hamilton and Tebow in the last two days, I'm impressed with their courage and the testimony and positive influence they've been on those around them. Surely what they're doing is better than most of the garbage we're exposed to in music, radio, tv and internet.
There are those on television and radio that I prefer not to listen to, I'm free to ignore them. If you don't like what Hamilton and Tebow have to say, feel free to ignore them. Don't be haters.
Originally posted by Innocent Bystander:
Me thinks thou dost protest too much... Smile Why can't we just get along instead of worrying what everyone else is doing and saying. I've learned quite a bit about Hamilton and Tebow in the last two days, I'm impressed with their courage and the testimony and positive influence they've been on those around them. Surely what they're doing is better than most of the garbage we're exposed to in music, radio, tv and internet.
There are those on television and radio that I prefer not to listen to, I'm free to ignore them. If you don't like what Hamilton and Tebow have to say, feel free to ignore them. Don't be haters.
Religion is part of their story. But the main story from this board's standpoint should be about athletics. This is a baseball board, not a Bible class.

Here's the problem with people who feel the need to give public testimony. They don't care if you don't want to hear it. They don't respect others feelings. They feel others need to be saved from their religion. They push their religion on those who don't want it. Thet feel's it's God's will. I don't want God's will in my face.

I didn't like it when people who felt it was God's will burned a cross on our lawn because my family bought a home in Christian neighborhood when I was a kid.

I did not like it when my son was benched by a religious zealot coach after I told him not to pray to the zealot's Lord and savior Jesus Christ before and after the game.

I did not like it when a religious zealot told me I pray to a false God because I do not believe in Jesus. I guess no one ever told the nut case we pray to the same God.

I didn't like it when I was told I won't go to heaven until I embrace my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

All of this by people who feel they need to testify.

Some of you are so gung ho on your religion and your need to testify where it doesn't belong (on this board), you have no idea how offensive it is to others who either don't want to hear it, or don't have the same beliefs.

In my religion Jesus was nothing but a rebellious carpenter. How do you like that? Are you offended? If you don't think I should be offended by people jamming their religion in my face I should be free to say Jesus was nothing but a rable rousing trouble maker and not suffer any consequences.

Some of you in your perfect religion have no idea how much prejudice there is against other religions. Some of you don't even know when you offend people of other religions.

Is Hamilton's faith part of the story? Yes. But the story in relation to what this board is supposed to be about is his baseball comeback. Now how about some baseball?
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
It's not baseball withdrawal. I'm offended by posters who don't respect how other's feel about religion in public or their own religion and want to keep beating on the right to testify on a baseball board. If this is what they want to do, I'll rebutt.

RJM, I wasn't directing my comment to you.

I agree with your views about the respect. I may not be offended, but I don't doubt the reality of the offense you and others may feel. I also happen to think their message will fall on deaf ears particularly here, an unreceptive forum.

I'm waiting for this and any other threads that become someone's platform to preach anything but baseball to be locked.
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by Innocent Bystander:
Me thinks thou dost protest too much... Smile Why can't we just get along instead of worrying what everyone else is doing and saying. I've learned quite a bit about Hamilton and Tebow in the last two days, I'm impressed with their courage and the testimony and positive influence they've been on those around them. Surely what they're doing is better than most of the garbage we're exposed to in music, radio, tv and internet.
There are those on television and radio that I prefer not to listen to, I'm free to ignore them. If you don't like what Hamilton and Tebow have to say, feel free to ignore them. Don't be haters.
Religion is part of their story. But the main story from this board's standpoint should be about athletics. This is a baseball board, not a Bible class.

Here's the problem with people who feel the need to give public testimony. They don't care if you don't want to hear it. They don't respect others feelings. They feel others need to be saved from their religion. They push their religion on those who don't want it. Thet feel's it's God's will. I don't want God's will in my face.

I didn't like it when people who felt it was God's will burned a cross on our lawn because my family bought a home in Christian neighborhood when I was a kid.

I did not like it when my son was benched by a religious zealot coach after I told him not to pray to the zealot's Lord and savior Jesus Christ before and after the game.

I did not like it when a religious zealot told me I pray to a false God because I do not believe in Jesus. I guess no one ever told the nut case we pray to the same God.

I didn't like it when I was told I won't go to heaven until I embrace my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

All of this by people who feel they need to testify.

Some of you are so gung ho on your religion and your need to testify where it doesn't belong (on this board), you have no idea how offensive it is to others who either don't want to hear it, or don't have the same beliefs.

In my religion Jesus was nothing but a rebellious carpenter. How do you like that? Are you offended? If you don't think I should be offended by people jamming their religion in my face I should be free to say Jesus was nothing but a rable rousing trouble maker and not suffer any consequences.

Some of you in your perfect religion have no idea how much prejudice there is against other religions. Some of you don't even know when you offend people of other religions.

Is Hamilton's faith part of the story? Yes. But the story in relation to what this board is supposed to be about is his baseball comeback. Now how about some baseball?


I am sorry you feel that way, but part of being a Christian is witnessing to others. You can ignore those posts that make you uncomfortable, but we Christians will profess our faith wherever we can.

If you would like to discuss this issue further, send me a PM and we can discuss off-line.
Originally posted by JT:

I have always felt that there is a good number of Christians on the board...but I have never felt that any of us have ever tried to take over or force our religion on other posters. Why should expressing our beliefs NOT being permitted such as celebrating Josh Hamilton and what he has overcome.

Anyhow...that was not the intent of this discussion.

I agree with you. I am not a Christian and take no offense to this discussion. I didn't until just a few posts ago see anyone forcing their beliefs upon anyone, just a discussion about what has helped this young man find himself. It has begun to change direction.
If one finds something not to their interest, don't read it. I think that this place is much more than just a place to discuss baseball, perhaps those unhappy with other subjects discussed other than baseball can go seek out other places that only discuss baseball. Discussing and forcing ones beliefs upon are two different things.

I agree with RJM on some points he has made.
Those that find the need to profess their beliefs upon others can go find another site in which to do it. JMO.

Yup, baseball season can't come soon enough.......
Last edited by TPM
for my own reason's i have followed the hamilton story for a few years. i am very happy he has turned the corner in his life,i wish him well in his pursuits. i'm very happy he's using it as a positive for so many young people, if it changes one life he is a success.imo.

but in my mind this is a baseball story,the rise and fall or fall and rise,of a very good baseball player. he happens to be a very nice kid,all american if you will. but without baseball the story is lost. it's still a good story, but....there are thousands of kids that have turned the corner,but we'll never know them. many more that fall down this path,unless they are good ball players.we'll never know about them.

his story can be about whatever you need it to be about,but without baseball we wouldn't be discussing it here.

baseball talk can take us in many different direction's,some that are uncomfortable,some just hit home.
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