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Now that the selection process is complete for the Long Island select travel teams, excuses can be heard across the Island. Are these the excuses of the ballplayers who worked so hard and gave it their best shot to compete against the very best the Island has to offer? No. It is the parents of these players who bragged long and hard about how great their sons were back in January through February. But in early March the rosters were posted, and their sons did not make the team. Now these same parents cannot walk out with heads held up high, knowing that Little Johnny did his best. They scurry out with their tails buried between their legs because of their big, bragging mouths.

You see, the talent level in baseball is far reaching. Last year's accomplishments mean nothing. It is about what you have to offer today. Kids will prove who makes it on the field, not some parent who brags about how every other team on the Island wants his son to play for them. The next time you start bragging about how great your son is, take a look at the boy standing next to him. He might be better than your son. And in this case, he was...
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Limon come on. Parents are proud of their children. Some brag too much but all brag some. I take it that your son made the team. Great. I take it that you are rubbing it in a bit. Be carefull if this is the case because if it is you are doing exactly what you are accusing the others of. Be above what you detest in others. Now if this is not the case fine. In other words if the shoe dont fit dont wear it.
Well said TR. Limon dont be so angry. Dont have a chip on your shoulder. If your son is a player he will be fine. If he is not there is nothing you can do to make him one. Does he love playing the game? Does he love working at it to get better? Does he love the competition? He is learning life lessons along the way? If the answers to these questions are yes then everything is A O K. And if the answers are no then you have all the answers you need.
A few facts:

Some kids are late bloomers - when they finally make the team it does not mean they were better all along - just that they are better now.

Kids progress at different speeds - the best 12 yr old may not be the best as a 13 year old. But don't count him out, he may make another leap and be the best 14 year old.

Kids peak at different levels. One never knows when a kid will reach his peak and not make any additional leaps. It can be at 8, 14, 21 or even 35.

Be proud of your son, we all are. But never, never thumb your nose - even as a return gesture.
Instead of making jest and petty remarks about a young player’s struggles and his relationship with his parents, shouldn’t we get a little philosophical and look at the big picture? After all, don’t we ALL get "cut" at some point, no matter what we do?...and.... doesn't everyone ALWAYS have options?
Getting cut is what it is. You were not good enough. Now who and how that is determined is another topic. It is easy to sit and make excuses why. You can do 2 things sit and whine about it or work at changing things. Life is not fair sometimes you just have to fight through it. We also here about playing time. Now who and how that is determined is again another topic. I went through it with my son. there were times I thought he should be playing more but it was not my decision as to what went on. We had the daddyball thing and the kid who misses 4 games and comes back and moves right in and takes somebodys spot because he is an "all star". Somehow and it is hard you fight through it. If you dont then you are giving in.
Thanks for the perspective, Will. Fight through it and don't give in.

Having a tough time with positive encouragement for mine... playing behind a football player who's hitting a buck twenty five, if that.

But I'd like to add that getting cut sometimes means you weren't a "standout", you may be good enough but subside in that large gray area with other kids who do not stand out.
coach Robert

You know that all star that missed 4 games and took the spot on return no longer is playing and the kid who spot he took still is. there are plenty who can relate these stories of inequity perceived or not. What everybody here has to know is that happens and will continue to happen. We can moan and groan about it but being positive with those on the short end of the situation is the most important.
Originally posted by limom84:
Just when you think it's over and you've been cut from that team, you get a call back for another look.

My son made it! NOW we are proud of him and he can move back into his room from the COLD garage.

And that chip is put right back where it belongs. Ha Ha, tr!!

Lately, I haven't read any threads started by limom, but I decided to take a look.

My only response to you limom would be construed as a personal attack.

I will resume my former policy. Any threads started by this troll are totally worthless and beneath this site.

I wish your son the best, and the best thing for him may be to have you stop going to his games.

Why don't you come out of the closet and just admit that you read all of my posts? If you didn't, then you'd be missing all of your friends' comments that take place there.

As for you, Dave17, or the poster formerly known as Dave17, you should remember that old Robert Conrad commercial. "I dare you to knock it off" (that chip off my shoulder, that is).
Last edited by limom84
amen to that amon......Limom was kidding about the garage....she said in her first post how proud she was of him....when he had not made the team.....lighten up everyone....and you too Limom.....concentrate less on the parents....they come in all shapes, sizes and attitudes....who cares? Why do you let it bother you so much?

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