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TPM...sorry but I don't see it....what gives any of us the right to be that crude to another poster? We can all disagree and agitate (as Limom does so well)....but it's not our right to be Latebloomer has been toward's not appropriate for this forum....and you have to know that.....

If her postings are inappropriate or offensive....then the moderators and/or Bob will take care of by the rules? I thought those were the rules.
I'm not going to bash anyone, but add to the topic.

Our HS team had thier cut session. The coach takes each individual player into his office and explains why he was cut or what he expects from a player if he made it. One particular player was cut and didn't know why. That was his explaination, but we all kind of knew why. The past two seasons that he has played he quit a a crucial time. That being just before the tournaments. This was so he could get ready for football. Now he has an expanded time to get ready for football.

Others that were cut just didn't have the talent and my heart goes out to those boys. They worked hard during tryouts but fell short.

LM, be glad that your son tried, maybe next year he'll make.
Not the only one who has noticed it! We will keep your secret safe for now!

I do think that it was very kind of Arizonared to come to limom's defense. It is people like her that come here truly to learn and/or give advice, not to bait and deceive.
However, I still find your earlier comment amusing.
Last edited by TPM

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