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During the spring, summer and fall seasons, we had GAME CENTRAL - Okay to Brag threads. Thanks to everyone who shared their game reports and highlights. Here's a link to the last one, our Fall edition:

Now that the holidays are here and most of us aren't playing or watching too much baseball, how about FAMILY CENTRAL - fun reports on your family activities, kids home from college for the holidays, etc.

P.S. Baseball reports are still welcome - winter showcases and camps, etc.! Big Grin
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Hope you don't mind a winter showcase report. Son just participated in a D1 camp/showcase and did really well. This morning he received an email from the recruiting coordinator which said, in part: "It was good to visit with you and watch you play over the two days. You have a lot of ability and are on track to be a great player." That email has put a smile on my face the entire day!
Alright, I will see if I can get this ball rolling – good idea for a post MNMOM.

My daughter, 13, had her 1st boyfriend about a month ago. It lasted 2 weeks – she broke up with him. I had to do everything in my power not to laugh when she told me that she is now 13, facing some of the best days of her life and just doesn’t want to get tied down right now. Of course I agreed with her.

My son, who has told me he has this whole “school thing” figured out is struggling a bit with grades (he has an average of about 85 so I’m pleased but don’t tell him). He had two papers in one week, one he spent far more time with friends, the other he concentrated on. It was like a revelation to him that the one he concentrated on is the one he got a 100 on – who would of thought.

One of my favorite lines to the kids when I’m aggravated is “we actually had kids on purpose”. In actuality, it is the best thing we have ever done…..but don’t tell them!

Merry Christmas
In two weeks I'll pick up my son from his 1st semester at college. It's been strange not having him around and looking forward to him coming home. Meanwhile, this friday night I get to spend some real quality time with my 17 year old daughter. We're going to see the Australian Pink Floyd band and I think she is more excited than I am. I never had the chance to see the original Pink Floyd so I'm also really looking forward to this concert.

I know how you feel! Son has been home since Monday, and he has retreived three of his grades from the Univ. of Rochester. An 'A' in Calculus, an 'A' in his Biomedical Engineering class, and an 'A-' in his College Freshman Writing class. Just waiting on his Biology class grade. Next semester is going to be a "trip"!!! Chemistry, Calculus II, Physics, and History - Third World. Ooops, and BASEBALL!!!!!!

Andy's our youngest (and last) to go on to college. The angst that I have about his schedule and activities just makes me crazy!!!!! I couldn't have done it. Definitely comes from the "moms" side of the family tree!!!!!
Last edited by BoomerIL
We've attended two college "skills camps" in the last couple of months, just to get son's feet wet (he's 15).

First the good stuff:
At camp #1 (small D1, all-skills) with about 20 players in attendence and as the youngest member, he really held his own as a catcher and a hitter. Actually one of the only kids who managed to hit/get on base against a heavily recruited pitcher in attendance throwing wicked low-90's and crazy curves son hadn't seen yet in competition. Ended up being paired behind the plate with this hurler as well. Son came away feeling confident, and the coaches gave him a good/positive written eval. (Actually heard one say, "Where's that kid from?" Big Grin)

At camp #2 (hitting only, big D1) Banging most pitches out to center and center right. He got a good bit of notice from attending coaches who asked him his age, school, etc. (BTW: UGA's hitting camp is excellent!) Again, he left feeling pretty good about his performance.

NOW the bad news:
He totally bumbles nearly every "meet/answer the coach" encounter. Deer in the headlights. Practically forgets his name and hometown, and how to answer simple questions. You'd never know he was a really smart, straight-A kid! Maybe it's his age, maybe he goes into shock when they notice him... either way, we have work to do in that regard.
I agree, totally normal, even for the brightest kids. Boys especially are -- sorry to stereotype -- slower to become adept at the art of social conversation than the girls.

Most of the time the boy is mature enough to realize he has to be careful what he says, but not experienced enough to have something to say formulated in advance. So he freezes.

Now that he knows he'll be noticed regularly and talked to regularly, he should plan ahead what he'll say. Tell him to start with "Yes, sir!" and "Thank you, sir!" and he'll be off on the right foot no matter who he's talking to! There's nothing a coach likes to hear more than that anyway!

Before you know it, he'll be an old hand at it, and he'll be giving you the "hi sign" to make yourself scarce while he handles things himself!
Wow, Thank's everybody I appreciate it you're kind word's.

spizzlepop, That just show's how small the baseball world really is.
Kid's can get together all over the country and play a game.
Make lifelong memories and Friend's.
I hope your son had fun in Japan, I know mine did.
For some reason I can't start a PM, but I can Respond.
If you would spizzlepop.
Congratulations to you and your son EH. What an accomplishment to receive a prestigious scholarship from Pepperdine University. Several big league players have come out of Pepperdine in the past and just maybe, if the planets align for what seems to be a very nice and humble young man, EH jr will be the next.

Longtime Player now Longtime Observer

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