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Sorry that I do not spell check Train... I do type to fast for my own good.. but if you do spellcheck when typing on a thread, that seems silly...

and yes, I've grad. from HS and college and no I do not have any kids that play in HS nor do I have any ties to any high school...

Just find it sad that an adult has the time and puts in the effort to put down teenage kids and educators in our community...

Yet, probably couldn't teach a class on anything if asked, nor coach and a high level if asked to.

But can sit in the stands and talk about everyone else and what they do wrong.. does that actually take any talent?

An your comment about not caring about his ability to have kids learn in the classroom unless it is at your son's school.. no suprise there (you remind me more and more about our society every post). Don't care what is going on unless it directly affects you... must be so pleasant in your little world.

Can't wait to read your posts all summer about how everybody else was at fault when your kid loses a game...

hopefully the other adults on here won't ream your son for making an error, or a mental mistake while playing a game...
Posters -- I have received notification from the site moderator (MN-Mom) indicating that several participants in the Texas Forum have registered complaints regarding some of the recent discussion(s) -- as it gets very disrespectful at kids, teams, and other posters.

Most of you recognize that Train and a few others here do their best to stir it up. They're actully pretty good at it. As long as the discussion is somewhat relevant, I have no desire to be a heavy-handed moderator. Trust me, the pay isn't that good --- and there is already a degree of backlash from those that feel like no moderation is necessary.

Most of us enjoy the banter....the good-natured ribbing....the passion surrounding certain subjects.....some of us are hooked on it! But can we ALL try a little harder to show respect across the board? (notice I am singling out no one)


-PD buba
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
ACowboy --- I must be missing something --- you respectfully disagree with me, but then reinforce my comment --- "It's more than coaches pushing the right buttons". We're on the same page here, I think. Surprised? Smile

You are right. I do agree with you. Little words like "more" and "than" make a difference. I need a new spead reading course.
PD - have you ever checked out the chat forums on It is the local (DFW) website for youth and high school s****r (commie kickball). It has a lot more traffic - hundreds of posts per day - and it is much, much worse. They have little to no rules on coach bashing. You can't bash players by name or number -- you can say the "tall mid-fielder with red hair" and you are fine....

Seriously, it makes the hsbaseball website look VERY tame in comparision. The sad thing is some of these folks on the turfmonster site are posting regarding pre-select 5 and 6 yr. olds. (The s****r parents are ruthless!) Anyway, all that to say, it could be worse.

We appreciate your efforts to keep this cleaned up. In the long run it is protecting all of us and our players....but ain't it good to know we aren't as bad as most s****r parents?

(Disclaimer to all Posters: If you or your children play s****r this is not intended as a direct or indirect insult to you or your family. Smile)
Originally posted by FormerObserver:
Next years Senior Night will come all too soon.

The point of my post is that HS baseball provides a unique opportunity for the kids and a life time of memories most of which in the end will center around the teammates, their character and heart. Enjoy the opportunity you have before you as it will go by all too fast.

Train: No, no more kids in the program so I have nothing to gain and thanks for the "good luck" wishes....I think! Smile I have not defended this or any coach but I will and have pointed out issues/circumstances that seem to be over looked.

Shuttle: I don't know who you are so easy on the ribs.

Now, back to my cave!!! Big Grin
Last edited by texlobo60

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