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Coach Knight certainly had success in the won-loss column. Beyond that I have no idea what the graduation rate of his players was, what they accomplished outside of basketball or what influence he had to that end.

What appears clear is he abused his power when he was at Indiana, in the end completely embarassed the University and left it with no choice but to fire him. He marched to his own drummer, well maybe to his own orchestra, and showed little to no respect to others around him.

At the bottomline, what I find most troubling is he made his mark, his career of demanding everything from his players and I gotta believe he must have told any and everyone of them to NEVER quit, to never give up, to give it their all, all the time. Probably the best message he put forth and then he goes and quits. He's not ill, his son could have waited till next year to take over but with everything else, it's ALL about him and he didn't wanna play no more so he took his ball and went home. Dumping on his players, their families, the school and he just QUIT. He would have NEVER tolerated that in a player, but apparently it was ok from himself as the message he leaves is that he is a hypocrite and all these years asked of players an effort that ultimately he, himself, was not willing to make. Very sad.
TR - Bonds & now Knight? 2 all-time greats at their professions and 2 of the nastiest human beings ever. Nobody can deny Knight's record on the court or off.
You're wildly misinformed in regards to how he treated people. I doubt even you'd have enjoyed having him choke your son (Neil Reed incident). Also - doubt you'd like a daughter or anyone you know to have been one of his secretaries. Cussed and screamed at by Bob the great - I'm sure they needed discipline.
It's his right to not like the media. I've spoken to a number of people who've covered or been around Knight - he's even more hated than Bonds.
There's a small inner circle of Knight supporters who are always mentioned when the garbage comes out on BK. Sure he's done good things - for every supporter there's a dozen former players, coaches, administrators who will have nothing to do with Knight.

It is truly amazing how much you think you know about me and what you think I do not know

Perhaps I know things about people that do not get into the media--jus perhaps---
Let me give you an example--- some years back I had my eldest son and a few of his HS team mates at a Met game with me. The Mets had a player by the name of George Foster that was known as surly and was continually villified by the NY press. My son and his buddies were down the RF line during BP---my son leaned over the rail to snare a ball and fell onto the field. The security guard grabbed him and was ready to drag him off when George interceded. He chatted with my son at length. Our seats were directly behind the Mets dugout and a short while later George came out of the dugout and gave my son a baseball autographed by every Met player.

Like I say you only know what you read or hear---things like this never get publicity
Last edited by TRhit
Tr - all I know of you is based on what you write here.
All I said is what the truth is about Knight. He obviously was an excellent coach, ran a clean program, graduated most of his players and even gave money to schools and charities.
To just about anybody other than his inner circle of support he was a boorish, arrogant ***.
I happen to know many people in the media in the Chicago and Champaign markets, past and present. They've been around the guy, know the inside, know the truth. They've seen it. They've heard it from IU insiders - people in the athletic dept.
I know things about Chicago athletes and some big time college players from the state of IL that would blow people's minds. Things that didn't and won't ever become public.
Plenty of rotten things re: Knight are public - many others aren't, believe me or don't.
Tr - if you want more direct contact I spent two years around one of Knight's former longtime assistants. Got to know others who came directly from the IU program and had worked directly with Bob Knight. Heck, forget what I'm telling you.
Google (that's an internet search mechanism to look up information) Bob Knight & behavior and you'll find hours of interesting reading, quotes, videos etc. on the subject. Then, just forget it all and remember he won 902 games before he quit on his team.
Originally posted by TRhit:

It is truly amazing how much you think you know about me and what you think I do not know

Perhaps I know things about people that do not get into the media--jus perhaps---
Let me give you an example--- some years back I had my eldest son and a few of his HS team mates at a Met game with me. The Mets had a player by the name of George Foster that was known as surly and was continually villified by the NY press. My son and his buddies were down the RF line during BP---my son leaned over the rail to snare a ball and fell onto the field. The security guard grabbed him and was ready to drag him off when George interceded. He chatted with my son at length. Our seats were directly behind the Mets dugout and a short while later George came out of the dugout and gave my son a baseball autographed by every Met player.

Like I say you only know what you read or hear---things like this never get publicity
Its a Bobby Knight thread, that YOU started. To back that up we're treated to irrelevent 1980's George Foster name droppings. ZZZZZZzzzzzz......
Last edited by Dad04
I know some things too.
When son was 11 and with dad at a spring training game hubbie gets hit with hit ball gone out of control, knocking him out cold (results, smashed orbital socket, facial fractures and partial loss of sight forever). Everyone stood there panicking but Moises Alou (who some called alouf at times) came over to console son until paramedics arrived. Weeks later we returned, Moises and the entire Expos treated son and his friend like royalty which included tour of locker room with all the gatorade, bubble gum and seeds you could grab, autographed balls, bats, shirts and hats,and lots of autographs and pics from the World Champ Braves.

I apologize for bringing this up which has nothing to do with the topic but I figured what the heck.

yes many circumstances where people present themselves in public as a different persona but very often times NICE.

Did I hear someone say he recruited some kids based on whether the mom was hot? That's sick! But comment not shocking, consider the source right?
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Dad04:
I apologize too but hey that's who I am.

We probably can even extend PG's philosophy on apologizing. For example, I apologize for the comments Dad04 and TPM have made now and in the future. They are called third party apologies. I can tell you this much, I feel so much better now that I have made them on your behalf Big Grin
Did his players graduate? Did his teams win? Did he do it without NCAA violations? The answer to all these questions is yes. It really doesnt matter if we like him or not. I dont think he would really care anyway. And it certainly doesnt matter if we we agree or disagree with the way he did it. The fact is he was hired to win and graduate his players. And that is exactly what he did.

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