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Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Let's not single out Jimmy here. There are plenty of instructors dropping notes here for lessons. Plenty of clubs dropping notes about tryouts, camps, etc. Anyone that's drawing a revenue stream from posts here should throw some contributions on the table. Dbat advertises here to help about all you other coaches, clubs, instructors chipping in?

I agree. There are rules against advertising. I think Julie is pretty cool about it, but IMO, if someone comes looking for some business (not on a regular basis) make a contribution to cover your bandwidth used.

There appears to be a difference (not necessarily my opinion) between those that put out notices for teams and showcases vs those that actually sell goods and services. And there is a difference between those that actually make their living with those goods and services or a player trying to supplement his off season living expenses.

Considering all the time that Jimmy put in as a milb player, he should understand that!

For those that do not venture out to other parts of this site, yes, the owner made a plea last month to help cover the 800+ bill for august.

There are many many people who post here who are happy to answer questions, with no other motive but that in which to help others (not drum up business). If anyone has questions on hitting and pitching, recruiting, you can ask at those forums and get great responses from people who have lived it through their experiences or their own and not looking for anything else but to help others...for FREE!

I just want to add one thing, as a parent of a milb player, a 3 month gig in MLB doesn't warrant advertising as such, I would actually change that to former milb player and add your time spent in MLB next to those words. Being honest and open about one's experiences makes one more credible (you don't need the testimonials either).

Hope that this helps and best of luck to you.

Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Let's not single out Jimmy here. There are plenty of instructors dropping notes here for lessons. Plenty of clubs dropping notes about tryouts, camps, etc. Anyone that's drawing a revenue stream from posts here should throw some contributions on the table. Dbat advertises here to help about all you other coaches, clubs, instructors chipping in?

I agree. There are rules against advertising. I think Julie is pretty cool about it, but IMO, if someone comes looking for some business (not on a regular basis) make a contribution to cover your bandwidth used.

There appears to be a difference (not necessarily my opinion) between those that put out notices for teams and showcases vs those that actually sell goods and services. And there is a difference between those that actually make their living with those goods and services or a player trying to supplement his off season living expenses.

Considering all the time that Jimmy put in as a milb player, he should understand that!

For those that do not venture out to other parts of this site, yes, the owner made a plea last month to help cover the 800+ bill for august.

There are many many people who post here who are happy to answer questions, with no other motive but that in which to help others (not drum up business). If anyone has questions on hitting and pitching, recruiting, you can ask at those forums and get great responses from people who have lived it through their experiences or their own and not looking for anything else but to help others...for FREE!

I just want to add one thing, as a parent of a mlb player, a 3 month gig in MLB doesn't warrant advertising as such, a 3 month gig in MLB doesn't warrant advertising as such, I would actually change that to former milb player and add your time spent in MLB next to those words. Being honest and open about one's experiences makes one more credible (you don't need the testimonials either).

Hope that this helps and best of luck to you.


TPM, I hope I don't ruin your credibility here but I agree with you on this.
This last page seems to be missing the mark. Baseball instruction is much less about the resumé and more about the understanding of key concepts that are often not understood. Figure out that first and not who they hit or pitched against.

If the guy played 1 day in the big leagues great for him, he has done something many haven't - TPM, under your logic there aren't that many former MLB players. Weird. With that said, spending 3 months in the big leagues doesn't have anything to do with being a good instructor - nor does spending 3 years.

Jeff Pentland, MLB hitting coach for around 15 years - once told me that being a big league hitting coach is 95% psychiatry and 5% instruction.
Originally posted by RLB:
This last page seems to be missing the mark. Baseball instruction is much less about the resumé and more about the understanding of key concepts that are often not understood. Figure out that first and not who they hit or pitched against.

If the guy played 1 day in the big leagues great for him, he has done something many haven't - TPM, under your logic there aren't that many former MLB players. Weird. With that said, spending 3 months in the big leagues doesn't have anything to do with being a good instructor - nor does spending 3 years.

Jeff Pentland, MLB hitting coach for around 15 years - once told me that being a big league hitting coach is 95% psychiatry and 5% instruction.

You know I didn't really didn't get my point across but you have done that, thank you.

Having spent 3 months or 3 years in MLB, does not make one a qualified instructor. Most really successful instructors don't have to rely on "free" advertising, do they?

Interestingly enough, instruction in pro ball varies from organization to organization, team to team. There are no "set" rules for instruction.
Last edited by TPM
I would say that most instructors do not offer "free" advice to the great unwashed as this thread has done. I guess you would expect someone to pay for it. Been on here a long time and have seldom seen good Q&A like Jimmy here has offered.

By the way TPM, quoting others posts takes up a lot of bandwidth. Maybe you should refrain.

Keep up the good work Jimmy and ignore the haters....
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
I have to agree with Dallas Knights GM.
Any kid that has spent time in pro ball can give some good insight about pro ball to parents and young ball players on this site.

I heard of a guy who spent about 2 years in the MLB with a 0-4 record with an era of 6.48. Turned out to be a pretty good manager....... Maybe you haters have heard of him, Tommy Lasorda.
For those that claim experience or playing at a certain level doesn't necessary validate quality instruction, my question is what does? Not agreeing or disagreeing. Simply curious on what basis comments are made. It amazes me that anyone would try to minimize the accomplishment of playing in the major leagues regardless of tenure. Furthermore, I think it's ironic that those concerned with "free advertising" are most likely the ones spending thousands of dollars to help their athlete advance. I suggest those open their eyes and minds to what is posted in this thread and use it as "free instruction".
Last edited by Pick Johnson
Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
For those that claim experience or playing at a certain level doesn't necessary validate quality instruction, my question is what does? Not agreeing or disagreeing. Simply curious on what basis comments are made. It amazes me that anyone would try to minimize the accomplishment of playing in the major leagues regardless of tenure. Furthermore, I think it's ironic that those concerned with "free advertising" are most likely the ones spending thousands of dollars to help their athlete advance. I suggest those open their eyes and minds to what is posted in this thread and use it as "free instruction".

If this is in reference to my post, you misunderstood. I wasn't minimalizing, in fact I was giving credence to all great instructors - those that played in the big leagues, minors or college.

There is much more to teaching than just being able to "do it" at the highest level. The best instructors understand how to break down the skill, they understand how to communicate to kids of all ages (and this is a skill) and there is psychology involved. Being able to do it doesn't mean able to teach it just like Lasorda or Rudy Jaramillo or many other examples.

Today most of the big league coaches played in the big leagues for relatable reasons but what does that have to do with the HIGH SCHOOL baseball web and the purpose of 99% of what posters are reading for? I am not aware of many parents on this site reading to gain that big league relatable knowledge, yes, someone that played in the big leagues can offer so much but what if they can't teach or communicate the swing etc.? It happens all the time. As kids get better and better, move higher and higher and mechanically they become players that fine tune when working they move more into that relatable knowledge.
Originally posted by Dallas Knights GM:
I would say that most instructors do not offer "free" advice to the great unwashed as this thread has done. I guess you would expect someone to pay for it. Been on here a long time and have seldom seen good Q&A like Jimmy here has offered.

By the way TPM, quoting others posts takes up a lot of bandwidth. Maybe you should refrain.

Keep up the good work Jimmy and ignore the haters....

FWIW, there are plenty of people on this website who can answer or pose the same questions and never played a day of baseball in their life. They come here to help others for free with NO other motive. Maybe not here in Texas.......

I am done with this discussion. The bottom line is, in fairness to others, if you want to advertise, pay for it, everyone else does.

Maybe some here think that using MLB or the word pro means yu can advertise for free?
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by Dallas Knights GM:
I would say that most instructors do not offer "free" advice to the great unwashed as this thread has done. I guess you would expect someone to pay for it. Been on here a long time and have seldom seen good Q&A like Jimmy here has offered.

By the way TPM, quoting others posts takes up a lot of bandwidth. Maybe you should refrain.

Keep up the good work Jimmy and ignore the haters....

FWIW, there are plenty of people on this website who can answer or pose the same questions and never played a day of baseball in their life. They come here to help others for free with NO other motive. Maybe not here in Texas.......

I am done with this discussion. The bottom line is, in fairness to others, if you want to advertise, pay for it, everyone else does.

Maybe some here think that using MLB or the word pro means yu can advertise for free?

I'm glad your done with it because your thought process, at least expressed here, has little validity. Hypothetical for others. If the author of this thread came on here giving opinions and/or tips and someone asked if he gave lessons, can he state he does? If yes, then I encourage to the author to continue this thread never offering his services and I will ask him once a week so the board members can be informed.
Last edited by Pick Johnson
This thread is an infomercial.

Everyone who gains something from this site should chip in if they are able. I've gained knowledge, so I've chipped in. I really don't understand why people make a big deal about throwing a few bucks in the hat to keep the website going.

Jimmy, you've included 6 explicit solicitations in this thread, and stated that you have gotten business because of it. I'm sure by now you've thrown a few bucks in the hat, right?
Originally posted by JunkBall2:
Twotex - I made the $ contribution to the website on behalf of Jimmy. It was unsolicited by him. I simplely enjoyed doing it hoping to show support to a poster getting grief from others. I was hoping to tamp down comments like yours and allow the thread to proceed in a more entertaining manner.

Well, well, I have to say...this is a different deal altogether, Jimmy...You've got some payin' sponsors out here, buddy. Hey, who am I to say JB2's money isn't just as good as your own, right? Doesn't matter what us Boo-birds and Nay-sayers have to say,'ve got fans who want to get the show bad enough to pay your ticket.

Better get out here and start dancing again...the show must go on...
Last edited by wraggArm
Junkball, it is commendable that you have made a contributiono. I didn't think about making my contribution on behalf of someone, but I only gave once this year.

In my book it doesn't lessen his responsibility as an adult profiting from this website, and quite frankly, I would be embarrassed if I were him. But to each his own.

That being said, you deserve credit for stepping up. You put your money where your keyboard is!
Originally posted by twotex:

In my book it doesn't lessen his responsibility as an adult profiting from this website, and quite frankly, I would be embarrassed if I were him. But to each his own.

Your book is fiction. In your theory, when Cal Ripken Jr. picked up the tab for a few players on a steak dinner, that was wrong. Due to the fact the players have their own responsibility to work and provide for themselves.
Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
Originally posted by twotex:

In my book it doesn't lessen his responsibility as an adult profiting from this website, and quite frankly, I would be embarrassed if I were him. But to each his own.

Your book is fiction. In your theory, when Cal Ripken Jr. picked up the tab for a few players on a steak dinner, that was wrong. Due to the fact the players have their own responsibility to work and provide for themselves.

You mean like BaseballInstructor50 picking up the tab by donating to the forum? If I remember correctly newspapers still charge for advertising.
Luvtxball not wanting this thread to continue is a great example of why it should. Too many morons in here pushing their own agendas. Just read through this and see how many nay sayers waste our time by spouting their opinion as to why this thread should end. What a joke.

Just let the guy share his knowledge. This is a baseball forum right? Or did I accidentally wander into the "OPINIONATED DUMBA** FORUM"?

If you don't like it then don't f***ing read it.
Last edited by Wonder Boy
Originally posted by Wonder Boy:
Luvtxball not wanting this thread to continue is a great example of why it should. Too many morons in here pushing their own agendas. Just read through this and see how many nay sayers waste our time by spouting their opinion as to why this thread should end. What a joke.

Just let the guy share his knowledge. This is a baseball forum right? Or did I accidentally wander into the "OPINIONATED DUMBA** FORUM"?

If you don't like it then don't f***ing read it.
Originally posted by StatMongrel:
Funny how the last 27 posts have not even been posted by B_I_50. Been more about the bickering about why this thread should end or not. It is what it is and keeps the thread at the top of the forum list.

One of the issues has been claiming MLB experience when that experience composes 3 months.

Personally I think there are too many self appointed baseball gurus. I found more knowledge in Ted Williams, The Science of Hitting and Nolan Ryan's Pitching Bible.
Originally posted by Wonder Boy:
Luvtxball not wanting this thread to continue is a great example of why it should. Too many morons in here pushing their own agendas. Just read through this and see how many nay sayers waste our time by spouting their opinion as to why this thread should end. What a joke.

Just let the guy share his knowledge. This is a baseball forum right? Or did I accidentally wander into the "OPINIONATED DUMBA** FORUM"?

If you don't like it then don't f***ing read it.

Yo wonder boy, I have no agenda, this thread belongs in the "Skills and Tips Forum", not this "General Forum". There he can thrill us with his three months of pro ball experience! The topics are: mental game, strength and cond., hitting, pitching, catching, fielding and defense. This is a General Forum Thread!!! Not a skills and tips forum thread. But being a Tiger dad, you wouldn't know any better. Move on.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
For $10.00 you can get advice from a MLB player with over 20 yrs experience and one of the highest lifetime batting averages.


For $12 you can get advice from one of the greatest pitchers in the game that has 7 no hitters to his credit.

What an ignorant and irrelevant statement! Last I checked, neither Ted nor Nolan is doing Q&A here in this forum.

Bulldog and luxtxball continue to hijack this thread and show us all how pathetic and petty they are.
Last edited by Wonder Boy
Originally posted by Wonder Boy:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
For $10.00 you can get advice from a MLB player with over 20 yrs experience and one of the highest lifetime batting averages.


For $12 you can get advice from one of the greatest pitchers in the game that has 7 no hitters to his credit.

What an ignorant and irrelevant statement! Last I checked, neither Ted nor Nolan is doing Q&A here in this forum.

Bulldog and luxtxball continue to hijack this thread and show us all how pathetic and petty they are.

Wonder boy, you might look up up the definition of hijack. You are ignorant. If you read my post, all I said was that it should be in the "skills and tips forum", not the "general forum thread". And golden rule, no one is disputing the three months experience he has. You are a pinhead. You and "wonder boy toy" should read the complete posts before you make absurd accusations. Once again, "skills and tips forum" versus general forum. Its pretty simple. If you want me to explain it in kindergarten terms, you and wonder boy send me a private message.
Since you posted on this thread I will respond on this thread. I will forgive you for calling me a pinhead. I know that when you have sometime to reflect on how your response comes off you will hopefully regret calling somebody a name. Assuming that you are not a child, I know that you know better. Even if you are a child/teenager you should probably know better but I realize some of that depends on how a child is raised.

My response was simply that I for one value the advice of someone who is played at the hihgest level whethr it be for one day or one year. The ability to rise to that level with so much competition is amazing to me. Although, I realize that most of the folks who are teaching the game have alot of knowledge of the game never got to have a cup of coffee in the bigs. So when I say that I appreciate his advice I trully do because for those individuals who aspire to get to the bigs one day who better to ask than somebody who has made it.

I am sorry that you feel the need to call me a name but that is your perogative. I choose to forgive you because it is the right thing to do and quite frankly Karma is a b*****. Hoping you don't get some of that Karma.
It's interesting that when posters offer their opinion and it is unpopular then they are automatically labeled a troll.

Wikepedia; Troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

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