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Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
It's interesting that when posters offer their opinion and it is unpopular then they are automatically labeled a troll.

Wikepedia; Troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

I've said my piece on the other matter, no need to say any more.

But BBulldog...I mean, d&mn son...

this definition would fit you precisely if not for the fact you're too thick-headed to acually BE a legitimate troll.

Its so pathetic, it doesn't even constitute irony.
Last edited by wraggArm
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
It's interesting that when posters offer their opinion and it is unpopular then they are automatically labeled a troll.

Wikepedia; Troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

I've said my piece on the other matter, no need to say any more.

But BBulldog...I mean, d&mn son...
this definition would fit you precisely if not for the fact you're too thick-headed to acually BE a legitimate troll.

Its so pathetic, it doesn't even constitute irony.

The definition of troll would actually fit quite a few poster on this forum. Unfortunately only the posters who don't tote the party line get labeled.

I've bolded some of your words that would appear inflammatory to fit the definition. Troll much?
I'll bite... but will ask a more specific question.

I'm a club coach (and a dad of a player), and I'm going to leave my own opinion out of it, but wanted your candid thoughts...

What is your opinion on the benefits/risks of throwing with a weighted ball? If you are a proponent of this, at what age (given typical physical maturation of teenage boys... not the 12yr old who is growing a beard) would you consider this for a palyer (pitcher, or otherwise)? Are there program-specific things when using a weighted ball that you would recommend, and on the flip-side, are there specific things you would _not_ recommend if one were to incorporate this into a training regimen?

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