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Been travelling with work...hitting practices...etc.

Practice has been going well. The little one is developing nicely. He took a 1 1/2 month break (I hid his glove and bat) and is now firing it back up. It is very takes him many swings to get back in the groove. We started hitting and throwing 2 weeks ago.

We started position work last week. Catchers practiced receiving drills, IFs took GBs, OFs worked on drop steps, etc. Most of our kids looked like they hadn't stopped playing all winter. Our first workout was incredible.

We start with the basics. A lot of bucket drills and footwork stuff. Fortunately, our munchkins have retained all that we have taught them.
Sounds like the coaching staff is doing a good job. Smile

My son is the same way as yours... It took a little time to clean off the cobwebs. He took two months off from throwing and three from hitting. He's in basketball so we do what we can in our basement.

Good luck on the upcoming season.

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I believe that most baseball product marketing departments will tell you that they target the "moms and dads" of 12 year olds. This new pre-high school forum probably best represents the future growth and potential of HSWEB.

Having said that, it may make sense to tap into a "few" pre minds as moderators... even the sometimes controversial (not agreeing with TR) Smile

Thanks for the vote of confidence Bighit15. Red Face

I'm not trying to censor people; just even things up. The vets around here seem to say whatever they want in whatever tone they want, but expect others to behave better. That's my only hangup and I want no part of joining in on such antics. The truth evidently hurts, as the fact that I caught ItsInTheGame violating - by his own words - the very things he accuses BlueDog and others of in the Coaches forum evidently shows. IMO, guys like BlueDog are the real censorship victims around here. You folks are unbelievable in your lack of objectivity on this issue! It's not censorship; it's about "fairness". Get real! Roll Eyes

Bob, please withdraw my name from any consideration of moderating, as it sure seems to me that the only requirement/desire of a "moderator" around here is that you are a long-established coach, eager to attack anyone that doesn't have the same credentials to back up their ideas.
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I did not vote against you. I voted for Callaway even though he is not a fan of TRHit. I was merely stating my opinion. Sorry if you took offense. I did not think that I directed any of my statements to you personally. If you felt that it was directed at you, you are mistaken.

(added in edit) I personally have no problem with you as a moderator. Not approving of the way moderators post on this site does not preclude you from being one, in my mind.

"I love the HSBBW"

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The vets around here seem to say whatever they want in whatever tone they want, but expect others to behave better. That's my only hangup and I want no part of joining in on such antics.

I'm sorry you feel that way Sandman. I understand, and I'm sure you do too, that moderators are posters and have opinions about matters too. Sometimes we have a hard time distinguishing between personal involvement (emotion) and good judgment. I have tried to be as fair as I can be in being a moderator. I even deleted one of my own post because after I read it I thought it was biased and in bad taste. We have to understand that these boards, and the information contained in the posts, are highly charged and very emotional. That in itself is not bad but does open up opportunities for one's feelings to be hurt. We're constantly talking about our players and where they stack up against other players; sometimes by simply elevating one person we unknowingly downgrade another. The same goes for coaching philosophies and ideas in general. Moderators have to make the call and for the most part I think they do a good job. With your knowledge and involvement I think you would make a great moderator. I'm impressed with the pre-high school forum and think it allows for important discussions that are the springboard for a great high school and college/pro career. It will always be needed.
My son started high school six years ago without the help of the HSBBW. It was tough having what I thought was a talented player and not knowing what to do. Luckily I found the HSBBW his freshman year of high school. I had never been to a public forum where opinions are as numerous as grains of sand on a beach. I soon learned it could be frustrating to be involved in a public forum. A soapbox where anyone with two fingers can become an overnight genius. Let’s appreciate what we have and make it the best we can. Like most things in life, we have to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. So when we’re up to our waist in alligators, let’s try to remember we still have a swamp to drain.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
Sandmans computer savy is sorely needed for the site to progress and use the information technology available today. He is a limitless source of I.T. expertise rarely found in conjunction with baseball interest, a son in youth ball for years to come, and a tireless worker. He like all of us is searching for the right answers to the questions that need asking about baseball. With 2 millionnew baseball players entering the game every few years ther is plaenty of work for all of us.

Put the petty feelings aside and promote the game and feel free to say what you want.
I never felt it was my duty as a moderator to temper a thread. I can do that as a poster by giving an opposing opinion. This is the way I approach moderating. If a thread veers off the subject and gets stuck in a “he said she said” debate with no baseball information being presented, I will “lock” the thread but NOT delete any post. If someone wants to start another thread that option is always available. If a particular post in a thread attacks someone personally, but the thread seems to be going OK, I will delete just that post. Any post that contains the obvious vulgar or racial slurs, or what I believe to be inappropriate I will delete that post, and the complete thread, if the thread encourages that type of response. If I think the HSBBW is being used as a venue to promote a profit-producing product without other contributions from the poster I will delete or at least question the intent of the poster. I get up early in the morning and on occasion I have deleted some obnoxious material posted in the wee hours of the morning. I’m not doing what I think needs to be done but doing what I think the majority wants done. I have made mistakes in the past and will make mistakes in the future……. but I’m doing the best I can.

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
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Originally posted by Bighit15:
I did not vote against you. I voted for Callaway even though he is not a fan of TRHit. I was merely stating my opinion. Sorry if you took offense. I did not think that I directed any of my statements to you personally. If you felt that it was directed at you, you are mistaken.

(added in edit) I personally have no problem with you as a moderator. Not approving of the way moderators post on this site does not preclude you from being one, in my mind.

"I love the HSBBW"

Then I apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusion Bighit15. From the fact that I just launched [yet another] tirade against what I considered "uneven moderation" on ItsInTheGame in the Coaches forum, I concluded that you were referring to me as the censor.

Folks, I really sincerely am not trying to censor away our ability to debate - heated or not. If any of you knew me, you'd know that I am a big fan of such discussions. Like many others, I have my own opinions, and they're as strong as yours or anyone else's.

I can't for the life of me figure out why there is such an overwhelming negative reaction to asking that moderators remind people when they've crossed the civility line - or, put another way, why there is such widespread support of this, disguised (IMO) as "healthy debate".

This is especially baffling in light of what is stated on the BOARD MANNERS section of this site:
  • Posters will be expected to maintain basic courtesy toward the opinions of others. Please avoid flame wars or anything you KNOW will cause others to flame (aka "flame bait").
  • We expect members to agree or disagree in a civil manner. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Was ItsInTheGame's statement in the Coaches forum ("So many bad coaches - thank god we have you to save us all.") flame bait or not? If so, case closed; delete it and we all move on.

It's not the first time I've been thought of as "too black and white". But in my mind - and I suspect in many others too, but the fear of a boring, censored forum is too strong to admit it - it's pretty clear to all of us when someone's crossed the line.

OTOH, the message I get is "we know we cross the lines - even the ones we define ourselves - but we think it's ok". That's fine, but then maybe the missing info was what Chicks asked for: requirements/duties of a moderator on this site. By the definitions I've seen from ItsInTheGame, it sure sounded like there were some infractions over in daniel's "balance" thread. How hard is it then for a moderator to just say "ok guys, everyone can see that you don't agree, let's keep it to the ideas and not make it personal"???

Is that really "censorship"?

In summary, I wouldn't hang out here as much as I do if I didn't already find enormous value in the vast majority of the posts out here. And I look forward to still being here 5 or 6 years down the line when the other areas of this site will provide even more value.

The same way CADad suggested that perhaps members who do not have Pre-HS players might be more capable of acting as objective moderators in this forum, I suppose I see the reverse to be just as possible (regarding the Coaches and General forums).

I haven't heard nary a whinny from this horse in awhile, so I guess I'll step off (more like fall off?) the soap box now. Wink

Big group hug? party

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Originally posted by Callaway:
Hey, how come it still says "Member" under your Avatar? Is it because you are a "Pre" Moderator? Big Grin

To tell ya the truth, I didn't even know I was one. Was there an announcment I missed? I do know that I now cannot answer private topics addressed to me though. Hmmmm....

edit: Uh, ok, I guess I never really look up top and see the list of moderators. Wink I'm too dumb or perhaps a computer illiterate to be a moderator! Big Grin

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All I can say is thank god you havent read some of my other "conversations" with Bluedog and rshard/teacherman/etc... over the last 2 years. LOL
You would have been mortified and probably called for the death penalty for me.

Reminder: I am not a veteran of this site. I am a newcomer - like you. Calling me a veteran might be taken as an insult by the real veterans who created and nurtured this site. Long before our arrival.

Also remember - I moderate one forum. The rest I participate in. If and when I cross a line - I will be quickly deleted. It's that simple. But make no mistake about it - if I have something to say - I will say it.

Lastly - a little story for some perspective. Prior to your arrival - Bluedog and the rShard menagerie of id's spent about 5 consecutive months calling just about everybody a variety of insulting names - and that was on the good days lol. I fought with them constantly.

One day - I left in a huff (after one of them included info from my profile in a personal slam) - lol - Many of the veterans here pm'ed me and basically told me to "get real". (I believe Beenthere's message to me was the one I remember most.)

Since then - I have a better understanding of what the site is and what it isnt. And what some of the people are - and arent.

Now - if you want to continue pounding at me - then do what you have to do and have some fun.

But remember - if these guys personally slam the coaching community - or anyone else for that matter - I will be there again with another "sarcastic" post.

And I give you my word - This will be my last post in this forum. Hopefully - that will make it more palatable and enjoyable for you.

Good luck to you and your son in your baseball pursuits.
Originally posted by itsinthegame:

Now - if you want to continue pounding at me - then do what you have to do and have some fun.


I'm really not making this personal; I'm not trying to pound you. I'm just trying to enforce the rules; I don't make 'em. And trust me, this has NOT been fun. Frown To me, it's very black and white - your post was "flame bait" and should've been deleted. But I suppose, given the history you cited (thank you), perhaps one could stretch BlueDog's comments as flame bait too? I sure didn't take it as such, but that's just my perspective.


But remember - if these guys personally slam the coaching community - or anyone else for that matter - I will be there again with another "sarcastic" post.

I guess I just didn't see BlueDog's comments as potential flame bait too - maybe because it didn't come across so blatantly nasty. But I suppose, to those of you who've battled him before, his words were "fighting words", NTL. Regardless, I guess his little jab really served no purpose towards helping daniel's balance question either.

Yes, the old baseball hitting mentality is changing.......It's about time!

Even Major League hitters have room for improvement......

I will certainly try to do my best on gently, politely nudging people to suggest when a post may have gone off track. Whether nasty or not, is "hijacking" a thread (taking it on a wild tangent) really fair to the original poster either? Though it keeps the thread alive, if it's no longer helping the person who started it, would it be better to just ask the involved parties to "please try to get back on track or feel free to start a new thread"?


And I give you my word - This will be my last post in this forum. Hopefully - that will make it more palatable and enjoyable for you.

I really am not asking you to do that, nor do I think I've even remotely suggested that you do not have something to offer on this site. Just to follow Bob's rules on flaming, that's all. Please do come back in and participate. I don't think this new forum will anywhere near provide its potential value if those beyond Pre-HS do not participate.

Good luck to you and your son in your baseball pursuits.

Thank you, and to you and yours too! Smile
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I have been a moderator for a while. I have never deleted a post, although I edited one on one occasion. I strongly believe that the threshhold for deleting or even editing someone else's post ought to be very high and seldom used. I have not had such a discussion with any other moderator here, but I stongly hope that they all ascribe to a similar standard. I've been here since the beginning and I have been in many kinds of discussions and only once or twice have I had the reaction you have described. Big Hit makes a great point on censorship. It is very rarely a good thing.

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I hear what you're saying.

FWIW, my main goal was never that moderators would ever get to the point of deleting/editing people's posts, nor that I wanted to do so. Rather, I was hoping that friendly reminders would stir authors back onto track all by themselves, or maybe even make them - both sides - pause an extra moment before hitting that "Post Now" button.

In my mind at least, I stand nothing to gain from my objections, yet I forge on because, to me, its' a matter of principle. I hope from that simple truth that you all can at least see that my heart is in the right place.

Looking forward to getting back on the baseball discussions. Wink


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