According to both rosters, FSU and U of F, recruit the whole state. They both have players
from Miami and Ft Lauderdale area as well as a number from Ft. Myers, Port Charlotte, Tampa, Central Florida as well as outside the state. Funny how Malone went to FSU from Gainesville and
Gavin Dickey, UF, is from Tallahassee.
Last year FSU's top player was from Westminster Academy-Ft Lauderdale, Right under Miami's nose.
Tommy Wynn, freshman pitcher for Gators, is also from Westminster.
As far as recruiting from camps-Jonathon Lucroy went to a Gator camp and they told him they would
"be in touch". Never heard from them. He is now,as a freshman, starting catcher and leading hitter for Louisiana-Lafayette. Right DAD04? Not too shabby of a team.
No rhyme or reason