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Im looking to put on weight but i wanted to do it in a healthy manner. My weight is anywhere from 145-157,i eat so much and lift at the same time but my metabolism is just so fast,that i cant gain.Since im a senior and im only 146lbs now(Played outfield,if u didnt guess.Less weight for speed is good but i need a little weight to me) ,i want to gain about 10 lbs and and maybe get up to about 160,which is where i would be satisfied for the the time being.What are some ways that i will put on weight in a healthy way? food tips? lifting tips? My one coach told me to Eat a banana and then drink a class of water after,i dont know how affective that is because ive never heard of it)

any help would be appreciated,thanks!.
"We NOT Me"
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If you are trying to gain muscle mass, nutrient timing in addition to your weight training program is probably your best option.

Make sure that as you are lifting and other workouts, you are drinking a sports drink to keep your carb level up. Immediately after working out, you should eat a meal that contains carbs & protien. For about an hour after you workout there is a window where your body is receptive to nutrients to build muscle. Take advantage of that window and you will gain muscle mass.
Originally posted by CollegeParent:
If you have high blood sugar issues you don't want to carbo load!! Talk to you doctor and get some blood tests before you change your diet to a high protein and carbs. Most kids aren't tested for high blood sugar (diabetes).

No one advised any loading, simply intake and the timing of the intake. Athletes are actually better off spreading their meals out to eat 6 to 8 times a day rather than loading at 3 meals.

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