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I posted this over on a different thread and don't know how to move it so decided to start a new one...



For those of you just starting out with a college player, you are about to be introduced to one of the most wonderful, most frustrating innovations known to man....


Nice when you are 3000 miles away (or 150 miles if you can't get off of work), but quite honestly, one of the most frustrating ways to try and "watch" a ballgame.

Do your homework. Get to know your organized or unorganized Parents Group, and try to get cell#'s of parents lucky enough to always be at the game... but be courteous on this avenue. You will want to know everything your kid is doing, but the parent who is there is not there to watch your kid. Don't be offended by that... just be thankful someone can give you some update when Gametracker "locks" and the count stays the same for 48 minutes...

Also be aware that many college towns have a local radio station that broadcasts over the Internet. These can be superb. Also some of the Alumni heavy schools will actually broadcast video over the Internet (BYU always did that at home and sometimes away). These can take a long time to research so start several hours before gametime. Some charge, some don't...

Enjoy everyone!!!

Navy opens against Air Force next Friday in Millington, TN. Hope to see some of you out there for the All Service Academies Tourney. Army's chicken... they don't come.... (that ought to get a response from Chip...)


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Game tracker forced me into group therapy and a high dose of Smirnoff.

Originally posted by AcademyDad:
Navy opens against Air Force next Friday in Millington, TN. Hope to see some of you out there for the All Service Academies Tourney. Army's chicken... they don't come.... (that ought to get a response from Chip...)

I think I saw this bird crossing a road in Millington, TN

Come out of your shell Chip, we're waiting
Last edited by rz1
From CPLZ...

"I had this really well formulated response to the original question...I can't seem to remember what it was though?

Now...about that chicken thingy.

Todays word of the day, boys and girls, is "trounce". It means, to thrash or punish severely ; especially : to defeat decisively.

Let me give some examples. Army will trounce Navy, just like it does every year.

You can also use it past tense...Army trounced Navy last year, sweeping all 4 games and it was AT Navy.

It can also be used in the present tense... I will be at Doubleday Field this year at West Point to witness the trouncing that Army will put on Navy...again.

There you have it boys and girls, your word for the day, trounce..."



Someone call in air support...

The nationally televised game was a good one. Army came to play.

I do know it's becoming more than an ARMY/NAVY thing though... it's becoming a baseball thing as well. I've heard some of the Navy objectives for the season. I hope without much pitching, we do show up.

But I do think it's sad that WP doesn't show up for a tournament they call the All-Services Academies Tournament. If you talk to old timers (guys from the 80's and 90's) they will tell you that Army doesn't show up because of how strong Air Force used to be (maybe under Manieri) and how AF won it every year. Boy have times changed...

"There you have it boys and girls, your word for the day, trounce..."

Are you starting some Bill O'Reilly thing here?


Last edited by AcademyDad
Hi CadDad

Memphis opens up against Kansas. I hope the Baseball guys fair better than the Basketball Team did last March!

I'll try to catch some of Kendall's game Saturday morning, Memphis plays Airforce @ 11 on Field #2 while your guys start @ 10 in the stadium. Who knows, maybe Fungo will be able to drop by?

USA Stadium will be the designated "Home" field for Memphis this season with renovations to begin soon at the ballfield on campus. The weather here has been great this last week or so. Today is sunny and 63 but the weather is changing back to more normal conditions with Highs in the 40's on Sunday. I hope we have dry weather this year.

The Baseball team is having a "Meet the Tigers Baseball Banquet" (Fundraiser) this Sunday with Memphis Basketball Coach John Calipari as the Featured Special Guest speaker. Coach Calipari is very inspiring and we are thankful he is taking time to support the Baseball team during the middle of another championship run for Memphis Basketball. Coach Cal also had the baseball guys at the last basketball game at FedEx forum signing autographs, handing out posters and schedules. He really promotes and supports the entire school and community.

Any other HSBBW folks planning on going to the Service Acad. Tourney?

Last edited by Still Learning
Who knows, maybe Fungo will be able to drop by

I'm making plans to be there ---- It's not that I have a lot to do since I've retired, I just can't remember those things I'm supposed to do. Big Grin
PS: CadDad, after reading the Forbes Magazine's report on America's most miserable cities, you may enjoy Millington --- plus if you get homesick you can always visit Memphis --- they came in second.
Last edited by Fungo

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