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Couple of years ago Cleveland's catcher, Diaz got two doubles off of him. Good swings, good hustle, safe both times. Next time up Martinez didn't throw one, but two pitches right at his head - can't wait till he gets his own medicine. You can bet the house the little sh** won't charge the mound - unless the pitcher is in his 60's.
I always expected to see Roger Clemons get some in the ear, but it never happened. Everyone probably figured they'd have to kill him, it wouldn't work if you just wounded him. If you're "going to storm the castle, you have to kill the king."

Still, I personally believe that Piaza was tipping off the batters to Rocket's pitches in the All-Star game.
RESPECT folks--it is all about RESPECT for the talent of the other player and the "inside pitch" is expected by the players--the media and the "politically correct" people make too much of the "brushback pitch" --it is part of the game especially in the National League where there is no DH--- we had it in LL when I played back in the 50's--that is the way the game is played !!!!

Pitchers job is to move the hitter off the plate !!! And good hitters know that
Totally agree with TRhit. I have absolutely no problem with pitching inside, protecting your own hitters (if they are hit), and taking back your half of the plate. I do have a problem when pitchers throw at batters heads. DON'T DO IT! If you want to get them off the plate by all means throw inside with purpose. I have a big problem with batters who wear body armour (ala bonds and others). Turn your back to the pitch, like we teach others to do. I personally don't think people will throw at Pedro, just me. Although, if Zimmer gets to throw BP to the Mets someday, you never know.
A batter can go up there with body armor on leaning over the plate and the second a pitcher does his job and goes inside everybody goes into an uproar. I wish there were more guys like Gibson and Drysdale around to tatoo some of these primma donna hitters. If they stared down those two guys you would'nt have to charge the mound they would charge the box.
Originally posted by rbi99:
Couple of years ago Cleveland's catcher, Diaz got two doubles off of him. Good swings, good hustle, safe both times. Next time up Martinez didn't throw one, but two pitches right at his head - can't wait till he gets his own medicine. You can bet the house the little sh** won't charge the mound - unless the pitcher is in his 60's.

There is a big difference between pitching inside to a hitter expecting to hit and a hitter who is just up there because the rules say it's his turn.
TR, the incident I am talking about is not a brush back, get dirty kind of ball. Both pitches nearly took his HEAD off. It was not inside, tight. The idiot went for his head. One pitch high and tight, maybe it got away from him a little bit. When he did it again with the next pitch he was showing it was no mistake. He can do it, others can't. Jaret Wright when he played for the Tribe got called to NY because the league wanted to talk to him about pitching inside. The little sh** didn't get booted because they didn't have the rule in place allowing an umpire to immediately toss someone if he feels the pitcher was trying to hit a batter without first warning him.

Apparently the umpire didnt feel he was throwing at the batter

In todays world guys like Gibson, Drysdale, Magle would never get out of the first inning.

I also think that there is enough respect among the players that they do not intentionally throw at the head--I think you might be reading too much into it because of your apparent bad feelings towrds Pedro.

I know when I played I was thrown at. My son was thrown at as well both in HS and in college-- that happens to good hitters--ask Frank Robinson

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