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Surprise but I disgree with the "not calling coaches".
My son had offers from coaches who never saw him in person. Never came to one of his games. In fact never talked to him until the wanted to ask him if he wanted to go there. He also had invites from colleges like Miami and some top programs to workout for them. JC like Pensacola, Miami Dade and others that wanted to see him in person. We were talking to 25+ schools and all based on DVD.
I strongly r5ecommend emails with a picture that grabs the coaches attention. A picture as they say is worth a thousand words but a great pictuer is worth 10 times that in BB. Ever email had an action shot that showed key things about my son. You grab their attention and get to the point. I just can't remember a negative reaction from a college coach.
I also think you are dead wrong about bothering a coach. You send email you follow up and evetually when the coach has time he will look at the video and he will call. Yes they even left cell phone #s. Whats the worst that a coach can do ? Tell you to get lost or yell at you. Don't recall that ever happening. I do remember wonderful phone calls some as long as an hour long. I found most coaches quite willing to talk about BB and a possible recruit.
I have been in sales for 20 years and I guess most of your answers are from posters who don't make a living selling. If we wait for the phone to ring we go out of business.
Years ago iI learned a valuable lesson. If you don't ask for something you probably won't get it. The beautiful girls are often the loneliest girls because guys are afraid to ask them out. I always felt obligated to eradicate lonliness.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll

I've heard your recruiting story and it is a good one. You did a fantastic job.

Not saying contact should not be made with coaches, but you are the exception. And of course, you had a son talented enough to play at a high level. Do you know of anyone else who was offered a scholarship based on just a video without ever seeing the player or checking with others about him? That is not common practice. Surely they did some checking in addition to the video, didn't they?

Let's ask this question, at least as far as DI level goes.

Do DI recruiters choose the prospects they want or are they sold prospects by parents?

There is nothing wrong with filling out questionaires and even sending emails or writing letters. However, when there continues to be no response, it should tell you something. They're not excited or even interested. I'm afraid there are people who think the more you hound them the better your chances. I guess what I'm saying is... There has to be interest both ways. And most importantly, especially by them!
BHD I like:
"also think you are dead wrong about bothering a coach. You send email you follow up and evetually when the coach has time he will look at the video and he will call. Yes they even left cell phone #s. Whats the worst that a coach can do ? Tell you to get lost or yell at you. Don't recall that ever happening."

I also have a sales backgound and I suppose that is one reason I gave my input earlier. You will never get a "yes" from someone you never contacted. Getting a "No" is ok and let's you know to spend your time elsewhere. (PG you're right about multiple attemps at contact but in the end who cares how often you contact the school? If they want you they will respond. They also might send your info to another school or someone they know. How about the coach that leaves and moves on to a different school? Perhaps he will take some names along with him? However if they tell you they are not interested then it probably is best to move on.)

As far as wish lists I have always taken that to mean
1. Location - seek out the schools in the geographical area of interest. This does not eliminate others that may contact you and/or show an interest but it is a guideline. Pick and research ALL within your area of interest. Doesn't have to be just D1 or D2. For example my son and I have a list of about 150 schools that are on his "list". They range from D1 to NAIA/JC's. This list is alway subject to change but as a junior he and I both know what parts of the country he wants to go to.

2. Acedemics - It does you no good to seek out a school if they don't offer the acedemic program you desire. Granted many students change their mind about 50 times Smile in the first year or two but also remember they can transfer (i.e. D2 to D1 or NAIA to and NCAA D1-D3 school).

3. Look at the baseball program, especially the roster. How many kids will be lost to graduation? How many kids play your position? Are you willing to sit on the bench your first year?

Without taking anything away from showcases, etc, PG is correct. There are many scouts, coaches that attend these events. If your kid is very good then he'll probably get noticed. If not then it may be a waste of money. All I'm saying is to chose wisely.

Finally how many of us really have sons who will go one to play at a D1 school or even pro ball? The odds are they probably won't. This leaves the door open for D2's D3's, NAIA and Juco's. While D3's don't offer athletic scholarships there are usually ways for any school to find ways to attract your kid.

In the end aren't most of us really looking for that piece of gold that will pay for our son's education?
Last edited by jfsbndr
Do you know of anyone else who was offered a scholarship based on just a video without ever seeing the player or checking with others about him?

I can't answer that question because I have never asked anyone. I know that several of my son's friends play D1 as well as JC etc. The schools were recruiting locally and were cold weather schools which were of no interest to us. Nothing wrong with them its just if you are going south of the border why not go South ?
Marketing is like anything. You need something to sell and you have to package it properly. If I ever got thye impression I was bothering them it wnet clear over my head. Most were friendly and talkative. I can be nice too.
We just spread our search out not knowing the response we would get. I was actually surprised at how quick some got back and others I had to chase to get them to look at the DVD. One I called several times until he watched it and called me with an offer. That one I was referred to by a coach who ran a big tournament here in Canada. I don't think they talked but I was told to mention his name.
I actually don't think it is unusual what we did. there are enough colleges that you will hit some that are willing to take a chance. It just happened that the college he went to he had some knowledge of and loved the location.
There is no doubt that a couple good showcases could have helped which we planned on doing if we didn't get the right offer. We have friends at some big name schools and it will be interesting to see how thyey do. I know they were recruited from showcases.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Do you know of anyone else who was offered a scholarship based on just a video without ever seeing the player or checking with others about him?

I can't answer that question because I have never asked anyone. I know that several of my son's friends play D1 as well as JC etc. The schools were recruiting locally and were cold weather schools which were of no interest to us. Nothing wrong with them its just if you are going south of the border why not go South ?
Marketing is like anything. You need something to sell and you have to package it properly. If I ever got thye impression I was bothering them it wnet clear over my head. Most were friendly and talkative. I can be nice too.
We just spread our search out not knowing the response we would get. I was actually surprised at how quick some got back and others I had to chase to get them to look at the DVD. One I called several times until he watched it and called me with an offer. That one I was referred to by a coach who ran a big tournament here in Canada. I don't think they talked but I was told to mention his name.
I actually don't think it is unusual what we did. there are enough colleges that you will hit some that are willing to take a chance. It just happened that the college he went to he had some knowledge of and loved the location.
There is no doubt that a couple good showcases could have helped which we planned on doing if we didn't get the right offer. We have friends at some big name schools and it will be interesting to see how thyey do. I know they were recruited from showcases.

Well, we have the whole hsbbweb at our disposal. Can anyone else answer PG's question. How realistic is it to get recruited by the players or parents contacting schools they might be interested in or otherwise? We have one shining example with BHD's story. Anyone else?
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Here's another question. How many have been asked to send a DVD and got a positive response ? There are many who sent letters and were asked to submit a DVD before the coach got interested in them. I just can't say if they had to workout for a coach before an offer was made.
We always checked rosters to see if the college had any guys I knew and I was amazing how many there were. If I could find a new clip where my son had pitched against them I included it and pointed out the info. An example was Pensacola wher 2 guys were on the team and I had a news clip of my son pitching a very starong game against them. This is an example of the importance of playing up a couple years. Some of the guys he played against were in college. One guy at the school he is at hadn't lost a HS game all season. They also had David Davidson( Pirates) on their team. My son handed them their 1st loss and it was in the championship game. They had a great team with another guy going to Wakeforest. I pointed this out and I assumed the coach talked to the player who was still there as a senior.
I presented the info to these coaches to give them some avenues to confirm what I was saying and the video showed him the actual games against guys who played College, just graduated and some ex pros.. I put a lot of work into what I did but son had to show what they needed to see. I actually never used HS footage.
My son was invited to 3 "official visits" due to a recruiting website he developed back in 2002. That site had a short video clip with video quality that resembled a clip of a Lockness Monster sighting. I doubt the video was the reason for the invite but an accumulation of all the site parts was the determining factor.
My son didn't go on any official visits just 1 un official visit. He was at a basketball tourney in Vegas and Arizona so we set up a visit and he left his DVD. He was contacted immediately after the dead period at 4:30 in the PM to catch him after school. Lucky them they got me instaed. Son called them back when he finished Basket ball practice. he was heavily recruited after that and was told they considered him a grade A recruit. Unfortunately he got caught in a situation that saw them recruit JC players who they thought would get them to the Super Regionals. Also the guy who evaluated him left in the middle of the process and went tp Pepperdine.
DVD's and website might be especially useful to offer to schools that do not have big recruiting budgets and looking for out of state players. I do not disagree with that.
If I am a coach receiving a DVD from a parent or player I am going to figure that information contained is going to be the players best performances. Do you also send their bad games as well?
It's like ones MLB films, they don't pick and choose out of the performances, what you see is what you get, for that day and that also includes their analysis. If a team is really interested, they are going to go out and watch for themselves. I would imagine the same for a college coach with scout connections, he is going to send someone out to be his eyes and ears, if he has taken the time to watch the video.
That's why, I would imagine that on the questionaires they ask what scouts have watched you play.
It can all be very subjective, IMO.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Unfortunately he got caught in a situation that saw them recruit JC players who they thought would get them to the Super Regionals. Also the guy who evaluated him left in the middle of the process and went tp Pepperdine.

So why didn't the guy who was interested and left contact him when he got to Pepperdine?
Most D1 schools recruit and take JUCO players to fill gaps. A roster filled with lots of JUCO players signals to me that they don't want to make commitments and develop players. JMO.
Do you also send their bad games as well?

Absolutely because it shows your son under pressure. No pitcher is perfect and to cherry pick is foolish. That is one reason I edit waste time out but leave the game in tact. I also pointed that out to the coaches. I also graded the level of competition and the back ground of the players. I was shocked at how many coaches knew some ot the players.
what I am saying in the end it can be done by DVD if you put the effort in. Yes there were some colleges that wanted to see him in person but several offers and interest off DVD. If we had to go to Florida or the South to get an offer that was the next step and we probably would have showcased a few times.
Several guys I know showcased and were taken by top programs like Oklahoma State, Arizona State and Oegon. I know that might have raised his profile but we had different goals than most. We accomplished evrey goal but a large student population. Not sure why he wanted that.
So why didn't the guy who was interested and left contact him when he got to Pepperdine?

You would have to ask him. We didn't even know he had left. All our contact was with the coordinator sinc the initial contact after the evaluation. His file was handed back to the coordinator who kept talking offer but in the end it didn't come. We were a little naive in hind site. I would have pushed him sooner and harder.
He actual had a good team and won the conference sevral years in a row. He flet tha going JC would give him the talent he needed to get to the Super Regionals but unfortunatley that didn't workout.
He actually sent congrats to me after my son's performances at Florida State and USC. Son also pitched 3 scoreless innings against a team that beat them. I am sure he was curious to see what he gave up. He actually listened to the games.
Recruiting is not an exact science and I liked the guy a lot. As I have said he taught me more than anyone about the process.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Originally posted by TPM:
If I am a coach receiving a DVD from a parent or player I am going to figure that information contained is going to be the players best performances. Do you also send their bad games as well?

My sons DVD, and also his website, showed in less than 5 minutes, pitch sequences to about 8 batters (editing out between pitches). It was just a typical game and the only perpective was from behind the backstop. It was pretty obvious that it wasn't a highlight film, but one that showed a variety of situations and pitches and batters reactions.

We were never offered anyting from viewing, however every coach that responded to it, responded very favorably (but that's to be expected, because if they veiwed it unfavorably, they wouldn't contact us). Nearly all coaches it was sent to responded.

The one comment that they all seemed to make was, "it's pretty obvious he has a good arm and it works well", which was followed up with futher interest. Most wound up coming to see him in Jupiter.

I would have to say that having video of my son, both readily available on the web, and mailed to specific coaches of interest, was a key in my sons recruitment. I am confident that without it, there would have been far, far, less interest in my son.

The caveat here is that my son was an unknown and did not have scout references, making him a "late bloomer,diamond in the rough", type prospect. Therefore the video was key to creating interest.
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by TPM:
DVD's and website might be especially useful to offer to schools that do not have big recruiting budgets and looking for out of state players. I do not disagree with that.

**** neither do I.....we sent a few by request to the left coast****

It's like ones MLB films, they don't pick and choose out of the performances, what you see is what you get, for that day and that also includes their analysis.

**** My kids video on the MLB site showed him getting beaned in the head.... Roll Eyes****

Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
CPLZ you toched on my next point. You don't een a lot of video fora coach to evaluate the pitcher.
I prived a lot of them with descriptions so tha a coach could fip around easily if interested .
The one coach told me he looked at every in of them and asked for more from the coming summer. He actually said he enjoyed it. He was a pitcher in the Yankee minor leagues.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
So why didn't the guy who was interested and left contact him when he got to Pepperdine?

You would have to ask him. We didn't even know he had left. All our contact was with the coordinator sinc the initial contact after the evaluation. His file was handed back to the coordinator who kept talking offer but in the end it didn't come. We were a little naive in hind site. I would have pushed him sooner and harder.
He actual had a good team and won the conference sevral years in a row. He flet tha going JC would give him the talent he needed to get to the Super Regionals but unfortunatley that didn't workout.
He actually sent congrats to me after my son's performances at Florida State and USC. Son also pitched 3 scoreless innings against a team that beat them. I am sure he was curious to see what he gave up. He actually listened to the games.
Recruiting is not an exact science and I liked the guy a lot. As I have said he taught me more than anyone about the process.

Well I do not know him ot ask him but illustrates a point, he got someones attention but not enough to get signed.
So how many people have sent out videos that actually turned into an offer?
Why would a coach send congrats to a parent after a performance? Is that normal? I know that some coaches recruiting son went to speak to him after a game in person. Are you actually saying that this coach said he was sorry he didn't sign your son?
Are you actually saying that this coach said he was sorry he didn't sign your son?

I don't remember saying that. I did say he was probably curious enough to listen to some of his freshman games. I had a very good relationship with him and I even talked (email) withy him this fall. he now is a HC and coaches one of my son's best friends and a former catcher. I extended my best wishes and asked him to say hello to my friend who transfered from a JC in Cal. By the way the friend is a brilliant student who went JC.

On second thought I would like to think he did.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
When I was at the Pepperdine camp I asked the coach who was gunning the pitchers what the kids had been throwing to that point. He said 83-84. As he was using a Stalker I said that wasn't too bad a velocity for HS kids. He just responded with a polite little laugh. Some of the kids who had already thrown were good junior pitchers. I think Pepperdine is in a position these days where they can afford to be more than a little bit choosy.
Last edited by CADad
Have a friend who played basketball there. He is now at Florida International.
New coach at Pepperdine and he was gone. Not sure hwy but he also broke his leg in his freshman year.

Big things are expected from this true center...if he progresses the way coaches believe, FIU could become one of the better teams in the Sun Belt Conference.

Pepperdine University (2004-06): Member of the 2004-05 West Coast Conference All-Freshman team...appeared in 30 games as a freshman and averaged four points, 3.1 rebounds and 1.6 blocked shots...ranked second in the WCC in blocked shots behind Gonzaga’s Ronny Turiaf, who currently plays with the Los Angeles Lakers...scored a career high 15 points with seven rebounds and a blocked shot against Loyola Marymount in the opening round of the 2005 conference tournament...suffered a broken bone in his left foot and missed the first 11 games of his sophomore campaign...shot 45.7-percent from the field and 84.2-percent from the foul line in that injury-shortened season while averaging five points, 2.8 rebounds and 0.9 blocks per game
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Originally posted by TPM:
DVD's and website might be especially useful to offer to schools that do not have big recruiting budgets and looking for out of state players. I do not disagree with that.
It's not about a schools recruiting budget, it's about a player being discovered by a school and put on their radar. If they haven't come to see you already, a website/video is not going to make them run to the car. All it will do is open a door for communication

If I am a coach receiving a DVD from a parent or player I am going to figure that information contained is going to be the players best performances. Do you also send their bad games as well?
It's not about a performance, it's about watching mechanics, not outs. .
Does a DVD show a pitchers bullpen or pregame prep (speaking about pitchers only)? How he relates to his teammates, his coaches? I am sure that is an important factor for many coaches?

I know a coach told us that he watches pitchers and players during a game when they aren't pitching.

I just know as a parent, I want that coach to get the whole picture, and I want mine to get the same.

Right now I am considering a business opportunity and doing tons of homework on research. I want to know if I make an investment, I won't be sorry later and have done all I have done to make the right choice.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by CADad:
Why would it be about mechanics? I've seen kids with beautiful mechanics who can't break 80 and I've seen kids with very raw mechanics throwing smoke and vice-versa.

Good point.

You answered my question, your son's decision was about financial fit more than anything. I am not sure that always is a good choice.
Originally posted by CADad:
Why would it be about mechanics? I've seen kids with beautiful mechanics who can't break 80 and I've seen kids with very raw mechanics throwing smoke and vice-versa.

I agree about the good mech and breaking 80 but unless there's a gun attached to the video what else could a clip be used for but to break down mechanics/movement?
Last edited by rz1
Right and unless there's a way to verify velocity who then cares what the mechanics show? There's people who have way more experience than I ever will and they may be able to see something with just mechanics but there's a reason they list fastball velocities with showcase results.

You do bring up a good point with being able to see the movement on a clip and I can see where that would have shown up for BHD's son.
Last edited by CADad
I listed my son as max 84 and pitches 81-82. I didn't hear anyone say no way tohim. He still doesn't throw that hard and has hit 85 once in a while.
I think he feels comfortable at that velo. I have seen days when he pumped it up but no gun was there. His team was asking me where that came from as he struchout 5 senior batters in a row to win agame that we were losing. The starter was an ex pro who played for Britain in the World Cup last summer. Don't get hung up on velo.
My son will always be on teams with guys who throw harder than he does. A fact of life.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
You both have good points. A pitcher shows incredible movement and good mechanics but then coach calls and makes an inquiry, what's your velo?
If you have targeted the right school for your sons talent, you may have interest. I can see how that works, if people send the videos to the right programs.

For those that sent out video, did you feel you were targeting the right program for your player?
Originally posted by CADad:
Right and unless there's a way to verify velocity who then cares what the mechanics show? There's people who have way more experience than I ever will and they may be able to see something with just mechanics but there's a reason they list fastball velocities with showcase results. .

We're on the same page and I think both agree that a video is not a "sign on the dotted line" tool. It's a "heads-up", "this is where I'm at" tool. But as humans we are very visual and what better way to spread the word if not f2f than a video clip.
We sent the video to some top programs like Miami and got an email iviting us to a camp put on by them. Yes it cost money but it still opened a door. We also sent one to Florida Intenational and a bunch of Florida JCs and gor response from all of them Most invited us to a workout. The JC told us to call when we could attend and they were looking forward to seeing him. We got the offer we wanted and I emailed them thanks but he was going tos sign with CSU. The velo didn't come up as an issue and it certainly hasn't been an issue over the 2 years he has pitched.
Originally posted by TPM:
You both have good points. A pitcher shows incredible movement and good mechanics but then coach calls and makes an inquiry, what's your velo?

Just a baseball thought about velocity. My comment will either go ignored, or be a cause of debate.

Velocity can mean the elimination of a good portion of a hitting lineup simple because the hitters tools or mechanics can't catch up. What accentuates that is the compliment of offspeed and movement that makes the velocity appear even faster because the hitter is basically overmatched.

A guy topping out at 85 mph where the hitter knows he can deliver the "quarter" on time just increases his chances of success, but can't do it at 93 mph. We have all seen it before.

Good hitters will beat "soft-tossers" if they use the entire field and hit it where its pitched. Pitchers with average velocity need to locate and move the ball to stay equal.
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8
Good points.

My point is, as an example, let's say you are a RHP with good stuff but lower velocity and you are sending your video to schools that recruit 90+ guys only. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to target in on schools that are looking for what you have to offer them, not those who will not be interested.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
If there were colleges who recruit 90+ guys you would be wise to stay away. I just didn't find any. Most just want to find guys that will help them win.

Thats the point I thought I made. Regardless of Division, but even in D1, many kids are trumped by velocity. You can go to GURU University of hitting, but the ability to handle high velocity is a lot more than guesswork by a hitter, its a gift.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Most just want to find guys that will help them win.

Ok, I agree. Then why do we have so many complaining that size matters and so does velocity for pitchers?
I am just trying to figure out how people go about the recruiting process and come up short (or claim they do). Is their "marketing" strategy wrong 9if you have one) wrong are the expectations to high, they overlook the importance of grades, they think that someone will find them on the HS field?
The original question was about what was teh most important thing in recrutiment. We've gotten into a variety of answers, some may work for some, other ways may work for others.

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