bar of ivory soap' rub it in directly and soak in sink. works wonders and cheap
My wife tried every remedy suggested for getting stains out of white pants, and then some, but found this stuff to work the best:
It's called Slideout, it definitely isn't cheap, but it works 100% of the time.
Iron Out - let it soak for awhile in it, then wash in washing machine.
You might feel a little silly doing it, but nothing, I mean nothing, works as well as hanging the pants on a car wash mat holder and spraying them with high pressure soap and water. It takes me less than a minute to do and I never have to pre-treat, scrub or soak. I have people ask me all the time how I keep the white baseball pants clean. I was spending $20 a month in products before someone taught me this quick trick at a tournament.
Iron Out - let it soak for awhile in it, then wash in washing machine.
Before this thread even started, I went out and bought some Iron Out, was told it will take the yellow tint out off white pants. Going to give it a try.
I am amazed!!! I just used Whink's Rust & Iron Stain Remover (Ace Hardware) and my son's pants are white again. I was afraid to use it because his pants have a red pinstripe but it didn't affect it at all. His pants were at a point where we were just going to have to trash them since we couldn't get the stains out. Until now... First I sprayed them with Oxy Clean and let them sit over night. Then let them soak in Whink's for 3 hours and then I washed them through a normal wash cycle with detergent. The pants look brand new again!!
I just picked up some Iron Out. Gonna try it, then gonna spray on some Scoch-Gard Fabric. Thanks.
my wife hand washes (presoak and hand scrub) my son's jersey's and pants/shorts for all of his sports - no machine wash and dry. No stain problems, great colors, and no numbers wearing off. Son is now learning how to do this.
Two words "Fels Naptha."
As stated previously, the car wash is the easiest and best! Most pants are polyester so the dirt is just attached to the material, not actually staining it. Of course, cotton pants would be different. Happy cleaning to all.
Ok...Iron Out is NO JOKE! I still have some stains from two weeks ago, but barely. Anything new is GONE. I'll scotch gard any new pants and use Iron Out for any new stains going forward. Thanks.
I just throw them in the wash. From game one on . If it's stained it's stained . My silent protest against white pants. I refuse to spend extra time on them . Here's a question do you own a pair of white pants yourself? I didn't think so.
I just throw them in the wash. From game one on . If it's stained it's stained . My silent protest against white pants. I refuse to spend extra time on them . Here's a question do you own a pair of white pants yourself? I didn't think so.
Good point. I just think white uniforms look good, and look better when they are clean. At least at the start of the game and season. A little dirt means the kid is working...or just playing in the dirt. We wear gray for our games, but my son has some white for practices. No extra work really needed, just add the Iron Out to your wash. It will do the rest. It will get the rest of your whites nice and clean too.
Two words "Fels Naptha."
I will second's tough to find when you find 2 or 3 bars at a time.
My wife... and kids, for that matter... like to give me a hard time about my activity on this site. When they call me "Soylent Green" for being a few minutes late to the dinner table for instance, you know they're laying it on thick. I gently remind them that hey, "Soylent green is people"!
Anyway... I'm getting revenge this morning... Sending a link to this thread to my wife under the email heading "This made me think of you, love".
I may have more time to peruse the site starting tonight... from the couch ;-)
My wife... and kids, for that matter... like to give me a hard time about my activity on this site. When they call me "Soylent Green" for being a few minutes late to the dinner table for instance, you know they're laying it on thick. I gently remind them that hey, "Soylent green is people"!
Anyway... I'm getting revenge this morning... Sending a link to this thread to my wife under the email heading "This made me think of you, love".
I may have more time to peruse the site starting tonight... from the couch ;-)
....and you think that's going to make her want you to spend more time here????
My wife... and kids, for that matter... like to give me a hard time about my activity on this site. When they call me "Soylent Green" for being a few minutes late to the dinner table for instance, you know they're laying it on thick. I gently remind them that hey, "Soylent green is people"!
Anyway... I'm getting revenge this morning... Sending a link to this thread to my wife under the email heading "This made me think of you, love".
I may have more time to peruse the site starting tonight... from the couch ;-)
Me thinks you in big trouble.
Ok. Iron Out is THE TRUTH! One more soak and wash and ALL stains are GONE. If you aren't using this stuff, get some NOW. I will now scotchgard fabric and add Iron Out to the wash.
I was trying to give my wife a hard time by sending her his thread on the snide, but as usual with such efforts it backfired on me. She enjoyed reading it and asked me to share the following, FWIW:
- She recently ordered this product, but hasn't used it yet -!Clubhouse%20Kit|page_1
- She finds that she worries less about absolute whiteness with each passing season.
Try Spec-Tak from U.N.X. Incorporated. You can purchase online at Victory Custom Athletics. One to two ounces per load and they come out like new.
Ok I cheat on this one. Take the pants to the car wash bays. Pin them up and let the soap sprayer get it out. After you spray them down keep them in a bag or put them in a bucket in the car and let them soak as you drive home before you wash them. You can watch the stains come out right before your eyes. BEST TRICK EVER.
Ok. Iron Out is THE TRUTH! One more soak and wash and ALL stains are GONE. If you aren't using this stuff, get some NOW. I will now scotchgard fabric and add Iron Out to the wash.
True dat!
My wife says it does have a smell to it but she is willing to put up with it because it works so well.
I mix a batch of iron out and put it in the cooler with the pants....the water stays hotter longer and I can leave it outside. I have also used Fels Naptha which cleans really well and does not have a bad odor.
I use the iron out too. I have a top load washing machine. Fill it with hot water, toss in the iron out and some detergent, soak overnight with the top down, spin out in the morning then wash as usual. Absolutely no work, no smell and it works every time. Most of the time I wait until there's a weeks worth of practice and game pants too. I did wonder what it might do to the machine but it seems to be holding up fine.
Uniforms should never see the inside of a dryer. Always air dry. If you still have stains, you can keep working on them as long as you do not set them in the dryer.
Fels Naptha works great. I basically scrub using the material itself - soap up right pants leg and use to scrub left pants leg. I use lots of water when soaping up and then usually soak in kitchen sink for 1-2 hours - basically rinse in the sink but with the drain closed. That way the Fels Naptha works it way everywhere. Then wash and hand to dry.
LowNaway posted:
Fels-Naptha - A parent gave a bar to each parent on the team a few years back. We did the same thing on the next years team and kept the tradition going. Good stuff and cheap. Krogers has it for around a dollar.
"What'd ya want me to do...DIVE???" Corbin Bersen - Major League
Love the idea! 👏
Dude/s, Dudettes....soak the pants in hot water/Iron Out in a 5 gallon bucket and wash normally afterwards. I never scrubbed and the pants were always as white as snow.
meads posted:LowNaway posted:
Fels-Naptha - A parent gave a bar to each parent on the team a few years back. We did the same thing on the next years team and kept the tradition going. Good stuff and cheap. Krogers has it for around a dollar.
"What'd ya want me to do...DIVE???" Corbin Bersen - Major LeagueLove the idea! 👏
Although we haven't had too many at bats, so I haven't had to use the Iron Out yet this stuff "Fels-Naptha" works great!!!! and a scoop of Oxy Clean and his pants still look new.
Ah, another true believer. The world will follow!
Our PA/NJ family has always relied on oxyclean and fels naphtha. However, we just got back from Georgia with some filthy red-clay pants - I’m gonna try the Iron Out! Will report back on how it goes...
hokieone posted:My wife tried every remedy suggested for getting stains out of white pants, and then some, but found this stuff to work the best:
It's called Slideout, it definitely isn't cheap, but it works 100% of the time.
I see that they have a "Cleat Wash" product as well...have you tried that?
@Harbormom posted:Best thing I have used is my mother's old standby, Fels-Naptha soap. Just get the pants really wet, then rub the soap over the stain and scrub. The best solution, of course, is to talk the coach into gray pants.
Yep I agree- that and a scrub brush then I would add oxy clean to the wash. If we played in clay, I would soak in iron out for 24 hrs. Always got the stains out ( but may fade logos or pin stripe)
Iron Out! First wash your pants in hot water, then fill up a bucket with hot water, dump some Iron Out into the bucket and soak the pants overnight. Then wash again in hot water. White pants usually come out clean. If not, scrub with a stain stick on the stains and wash in hot water again. This is the best solution I have used. Someone on another board tipped me off to Iron Out and we keep a few bottles on hand always.
(As meads said above...) Iron out definitely fades colors, so pants with piping or other logos will not look quite the same afterwards. But it works great otherwise!
@Fan2024 posted:(As meads said above...) Iron out definitely fades colors, so pants with piping or other logos will not look quite the same afterwards. But it works great otherwise!
I have not experienced any fading on piping on the pants. I would say that almost all of my son's pants are white with black piping, Easton or New Balance. No fading on any of the black piping. The only thing that faded was the embroidered Easton log on the back of the belt loop. But no big deal there. The New Balance logos didn't fade.
Wet the stain and rub with this bar. Then shave a couple of small sliver off into the washing machine and wash as normal with your regular detergent.
Fels-Naptha for 9 years. I like white pants to be white. For the really tough stains like blood, grass and clay, I use a scrub brush. Wet the stain first, get some Fels soap on your brush and brush in one direction with the water running over it in the sink. Still not completely gone? Work in some soap with your brush and let pants sit for 10-30 minutes and then throw them in the washer and wash with hot water and regular detergent. Comes out white every time. Also... I NEVER put my kids uniforms in the dryer. Sets the stains, dries out the material and makes them prone to ripping/staining. Also, never use bleach. It destroys the fibers. They will loose their stretch.
A few years ago I watched a video where a guy power washed his kids pants clean. I tried it and was amazed how much dirt came out. I should stay pushed out. Baseball pant material is woven really tight. The dirt and stuff gets into the weave and can be hard to get out. That's why I started using the scrub brush under running water. It pushes the dirt and stuff out.
A couple of seasons ago, because I am the way I am (  
, I challenged myself, Fels-Naptha, and Under Armour, to see how long I could make one pair of pants last. I only let him wear the same pair...and they lasted through an entire year...still white. I would have kept the experiment going...but he outgrew them, and I will only take crazy so far LOL...
This (from mominthestands): I NEVER put my kids uniforms in the dryer.