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ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - Pilots flying into and out of a small airport north of Anchorage, Alaska, no longer have to keep an eye out for stray moose on the runway.

The municipal airport at Wasilla, a town about 40 miles north of Anchorage, has installed an electric anti-moose mat around the airfield.

The barrier, similar to grated cattle guards on ranches, aims to prevent collisions between aircraft and the area's large moose population.

"They'd feel a shock and they'd also hear a snap. Those two things would cause the moose to not go in there," said Archie Giddings, public works director for Wasilla.

Airfield workers regularly had to chase the large ungulates away and moose have proved adept at getting through the gates of the airport's conventional fence, Giddings said.

A bull moose can weigh 1,000 pounds and stand 6 feet high.

"If they ever did come to the runway and have a collision with an aircraft, that could be disastrous to the pilot," Giddings said. "An airplane could disintegrate if it hits a moose."


Originally posted by FrankF:
Just for you Bull.

That photo is of a famous moose: MadonnaMoose

She always makes my atlers curl!
Dubya! It's for you...It's Putin and he's calling from Moose-cow. He wants to discuss those 'Weapons of Moose Destruction'.

All the moose agencies are reporting that they don't exist. He's worried that some of those 'moose missles' may miss their mark and make mayhem 'mongst the mullahs.

Do you want to take the call or should I let the moose-age machine pick it up? Roll Eyes
Hey Moose-ke-teers!

Spent the whole night at my mother-in-law's house. She's a civil and decent Cub's fan but I did find it odd that we missed the last out of the game because she inadvertently pressed her palm onto the remote sending the White Sox game into some electronic 'moosegow' that none of could quickly correct. There was some understated swearing going off under my breath.

We got the picture back only to see the team swarming Jenks on the mound. He's a moose of a man that Big Bobby Jenks!

What a moost wonderful feeling!

We had a rough time getting here to Lolla-pa-moosa tonight.

As we were waiting for the 'Lady Aqaba' toll ferry to take us across the Red Sea we noticed quite an agitated crowd at the end of the pier. Some guy named Mooses was really whooping and hollering and making all kinds of waves.

This went on for awhile and then suddenly they all jumped off the end of the pier and disappeared. It's like the sea just parted and they all made a mad dash for the other side while some Egyptian dudes were hot on their tail.

There were moose choppers buzzing all around. Something was up...I'll read about it in the moosepaper tomorrow...otherwise it was a pretty slow moose day...NOT!


About those 'Bullwinkle Brown' crayons...those are fine so long as the box doesn't have one of those built-in sharpeners!

Sharp minds think alike...or so I've been cautioned.

Time for my midday snack of moosechip cookies and milk (or should I say m-elk?).

Munch, munch, moose. Those were tasty (B-E-L-C-H w/ hint of spruce) for some shut eye...

Mister Sandmoose , bring me a team.
Make 'em the mooost s-c-a-p-p-i-e-s-t that I've ever seen.
Give them two hits with one goin' over.
And then tell them Astros that their season's over!

ZZZ zzzz z z z z 14

Your postings have reminded me not to miss 'moose' Sunday morning at St.Ungulate The Martyr Parish...c'mon by any Thursday night for our 'Bingo in the Bush'...excuse me a sec many cards will you be playing tonight Mrs. Winkle?...uh-huh...that'll be twenty bucks ma'am... thank you and let's hope that 'the moose is with you' tonight...sorry ump, now where were we?

About that 'gaseous release thing'...we can always hope for a season long vapor lock or perhaps we could pass the mooseskin cap and collect enough to buy one of those 'Non-Slip', 15 gauge, triple shank, corks...only trouble with that is it takes a 'handymoose' jack and a 'come-a-long' to get it just right...I'm not at all certain that he would stand still long enough for us to get the job done...maybe if we catch him sleeping standing up after a wild night of downing the mooseberry elixir (as he's prone to do) ... nah, that would take too much guts... and besides those devices have too many sharp edges for me to be of any help!


Yeah... I know the feeling alright. The toughest bill that I have to cover is my Buffalo Bill!

I know that one was a stretch.

The Moose Lode...or only so deep!

You can't hit 'em out of the park on each pitch...but when you do, like Konerko did with his slam, it can be a real the MOAB that chased Saddam around Baghdad until he ended up in that 'spider hole'. You know the MOAB...Moose Of All Bombs!

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