Originally posted by Krakatoa:
"We're versing you guys tonight!"
Krak, Does that mean the other team is writing poetry about your team?
Unfortunately I remember my parents being frustrated with some of my sentence structure and word use when I was a kid and I can remember my Grandmother backing me up by telling my Mom that she didn't always practice every English rule the nuns taught her. From the beginning of the time the written language has evolved and "allowed" alternatives to pop up all the time. We can't stop it and can only hope to contain it. I'd rather have a text from my kids in "shorthand" than not have one at all.
I think what we have today is a society that is not only built on speed, but, the mechanisms (texting, email) that enables those practices. IMO, many times we are the unexpected victim of our own technical advances
Lets not forget our own IMO, IMHO, FWIW, JMO.......guilty as charged.