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A horse is a horse plain and simple---a horse cannot play basketball, cannot play football, cannot play baseball ---shall I go on?---they do not even speak English-- my wife trained and raced horses and we appreciate them as BEASTS ( ie HORSE) and no, but for the small minority, I do not consider humans to be animals

But then again here we go again with the left out coast vs the right coast beliefs---but that could change if you stand on the Canadian border and look south--it might all get reversed!!!
My vote is for Bo.
I heard George Brett say this (I'm paraphrasing)... If Bo would have chosen one hitting style and been healthy enough to stick with it; he would have eclipsed everything in this game. He would have obliterated the record book.
One week a defensive coordinator was gameplanning how to stop him and the next week a pitcher was pitching around him and that incrdible bat speed.

And sorry Tiger Woods fans: golf is a game, (shhh, quiet please while I take my time)... He may be the best golfer but to put him on a list with NFL, NBA, NHL, or MLB.... please, don't do it.
Last edited by trojan-skipper
I think it is an insult to all the athletes named that some posters want to include a horse on the list---if I felt the list as open to animals I would have named STRIPES


If I was a Great Athlete I would Feel Honored to be mentioned in the same Breath as Secretariat.
He was simply amazing.
Watch the Video's on Page 2 of this Thread and tell me he wasn't the Greatest.
Jim Brown might have been the best football player and the best lacrosse player of all-time. I know that lacrosse doesn't rate nationally with baseball but that's still pretty impressive. Bo Jackson is amazing- no question. Regarding Michael Jordan, his attempt at baseball automatically disqualifies him. As Bill Walton would have said, "he's horrrrible".
I see people are differing on what the criteria is for an athlete. Some people are looking at the speed and/or power and not so much the talent while others are looking at the talent for one particular sport and not the multiple sport athlete who was gifted with speed and/or power. It is hard to decide what is more important when choosing the best athlete.

Are we looking for the best physical specimens or the most dominant players to choose from?

Tiger Woods may be the best golfer in the world but no one even knows his vertical leap or 40 yd dash time. Can we say he is a better athlete than all the other athletes?

Bo Jackson may have been given more power and speed than everyone but it didn't make him the best player in the league, football or baseball. Guys with less power and speed had more talent and produced better. So maybe they are the better athlete.

And Secretariat is the only athlete competitor to be on the cover of Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated at the same time.

He made ESPN's list of top fifty athletes of all time.

His Triple Crown victory, and the way he accomplished it, was inspirational.

So I understand his name being mentioned.
Last edited by Dear old Dad
There really is no way to place ONE athlete at the very top of the list but it sure is interesting conjecture, isn't it? Thanks for the question PG.

Jim Thorpe, Jesse Owens, Babe Didriksen(sp), and others that were multiple sport athletes that made it to the pinnacle of their respective sports are hard to argue against. There are other athletes that only played one sport such as Mays, Mantle, Gretzky, Ali, Woods, Gibson, Robertson but would have been great in any sport they tried.

As far as the Jim Brown and Bo Jackson comparison, here's my take from personal experience. I grew up watching Jim Brown run over, around, through AND dragging tacklers
into the endzone. Bo Jackson was a "very good" pro running back, Jim Brown was "great". I watched them both play in person and quite honestly Bo Jackson wasn't the best running back in the NFL when he played.(Barry Sanders,Herschel Walker, Emmett Smith). Jim Brown was-by far! Now that being said, Bo Jackson would have been a HOF baseball player if he'd played one sport. Saw him hit a HR with a broken bat. Unbelievable power and speed and arm. My brother played with him for one year with the Royals and had nothing but superlatives to say about him.

If Jim Brown had played Professional LaCrosse(if it had existed) he would have made that HOF as well.

I still have memories of Jim Brown being gang tackled in old Municipal Stadium and limping back to the huddle only to carry the ball on the next play and run over one player, fake two out, and outrun the rest to the endzone.

Aren't opinions great?!
Last edited by Moc1
This thread caused me to think of two who aren't and likely never would be mentioned.
When I was growing up, a young running back named Ernie Davis was felt by many to be even better than his predecessor at Syracuse, Jim Brown.
Unfortunately, Davis succumbed to a battle with Leukemia before ever playing a down in professional sports.
The other one is purely personal, about a friend I knew for about 10 years.
During his lifetime, I knew Jim Campbell played football at Navy and was the very good "lonesome" end who was Staubach's top receiver. Received accolades including the national player of the week award.
As time went on, I also learned he was an All American lacrosse player during his days at Navy.
At Jim's funeral, I finally learned the balance.
He was the last 3 sport varsity athlete at the Naval Academy having been a starter in football/basketball and lacrosse, with some All American honors in football and receiving a national player of the year in lacrosse.
Jim had some ability to play professionally but his commitment prevented it.
Instead, he became a pilot in the US Navy where he earned and received the very first Top Gun award, followed by a lengthy assignment and many missions in Viet Nam. Some survived in the Forrestal disaster due to Jim's efforts.
Jim wasn't the greatest athlete of our time.
But when you combine athletics, courage, heroism and dedication to county, there aren't too many better.
Last edited by infielddad
Bob Gibson deserves consideration.

At Omaha Technical High School Gibson was a star in basketball, track and played catcher on the baseball team.

He earned a basketball scholarship at Creighton and played shortstop for the Bluejay baseball team.
Known for his reverse slam dunk, he played (off-season) for the Harlem Globetrotters in 1957 & 1958.

First ballot MLB HOF.
ERA of 1.12 in 1968.
In 1969, in response to Gibson's dominance the previous year, MLB lowered the mound from 15 inches to 10 inches.
He was also good enough to earn pinch hitter appearances in the big leagues.

Fearless, Gibson struck fear in others.
In retirement he often recalls, "When I knocked a guy down, there was no second part to the story."
Last edited by HaverDad
This thread is great because everyone is basically right. All of the people mentioned would make All Stars of every level of professional sports look silly or middle schoolers as Coach May said.

I don't think I can add anyone differently that would make anyone start thinking. I will bring up a group that are AMAZING athletes but I can't pick one out as the greatest because I don't know the history that well.

Olympic Level Gymnasts are in my opinion some of the greatest athletes of any time. Think of what these people are able to do with their bodies and on the apparatus that they do things on.

I only watch the sport once every 4 years during the olympics but they are amazing. Also, think of the little girl who broke her ankle during the vault and then had to do it again but with a really high score. She nailed it. That is amazing and inspirational.

Greatest team of all time would be the Dream Team of 1992 Olympics. I know USA Basketball is getting thrashed because they are losing now with pro players but any of the "Dream Teams" they had after the original in 1992 would get killed by the 92 squad. Just an amazing group of the greatest basketball players ever assembled and the results were amazing although were never in doubt.

I think Tiger Woods would be one of the greatest competitors instead of athletes. He is phenomenal at golf but I think he would not quite stand out in other sports with the exception of his desire to be the winner of any other competition.

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