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Somehow when I read the Dolphin updates, all I can think of are those boring newsletters we get every year at Christmas from the least interesting members of our family. As boring and self-serving as his posts are, it's like a train wreck. You can't believe that it just keeps going on and on and on.

CP, my house is like yours - those who are annoying leave, not those who are being annoyed.
...and again, there is a neat feature on this site. It is called the "Ignore Feature." Simply take the time to use it with regards to Dolphin Mom's posts. Since Dolphin Mom has mentioned that he is using this site to promote his son, I'm sure that when college coaches view his posts, they will be able to draw similar opinions to many posters. I'd note that in the hundreds of posts Dolphin Mom's son has never done wrong. Has always gotten the outs. Has always come up with the big play or hit. Dolphin Mom has much to be proud of. Mine? Well, she's makes mistakes.

As I've pointed out and Julie has pointed out, there is nothing wrong with a parent promoting their child. Heck, my Wife and I are proud of ours. My child and the children of other posters on this site have very successful resumes themselves. They will all do just fine without the theatrics. There is a point where it becomes boorish.

I once coached a young man that eventually made it to the big leagues. He was some talent. He was also very humble and never spoke about his achievements. Believe me, they were considerable. So, I asked him one time why he never spoke about himself. His answer said it all. He said, "Coach if you are truly good, you'll never have to talk about yourself. Everyone else will be doing that for you." I would guess that is why he has done so well in life.

My Wife and I have raised three great kids. Jason plays baseball and we have supported his passion to play to the max. His two sisters ice skate and we have supported them similarly. Jason realizes that he has had a great schedule for the last two summers. He has learned a lot. The kid is a national honor student and will attend college somewhere. Anyone who knows Jason, knows that he is a class act.

The Marcus Jordan article written by a Sun Times reporter tells his story for the summer of playing basketball with a schedule that was designed to get the kid playing time and to be seen by as many coaches as was possible around the country. The Sun Times follows Marcus Jordan because of who he is. I do not have a newspaper chronicling Jason's schedule or pursuits so I have done it myself. I believe that with good coaching and playing with passion at any activity, from business to sports can yield results. What I tell my clients every day is to play with a passion to continuously get better, and if done right, chances are that you will. My posts have done nothing more than to tell that story.

As you suggest, if you do not like the story then simply tune the threads out and do not read them.

End of story.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
Mark, unfortunaly, I can not "tune it out" as you suggest. As you know, I moderate this forum. As you know, I've mentioned my opinion to you before and suggested that you aren't providing a service to your son. You have chosen to ignore that. In fairness to you, other than posting our opinion, we've let it be knowing that the complaints will continue to roll in.

I think it great that you can afford so many opportunities for you son. However, make no mistake, the validity of your posts come into question by many posters. For example you can't get past the typical Dad impressions of those constantly talking about their child. Was that a hit or an error? If your son does it, it is a hit. If your son is pitching, it is an error. I'd suppose that many would question all of the perfect innings your son has pitched. You had your son at 81 mph. Now two weeks later he is 85. Many of us have worked with players. 4 mph is an amazing improvement in 2 weeks. Well, you get the point. Mark, I'm not attempting to be mean with this post. Rather, I'm giving an honest impression from someone who will never meet you or your son but has already formed an impression. Take it for what it is worth.

With all due respect ..ive seen/read much much worse antics go on in the hitting forum that you have been involved in over the last couple of years ...pretty childish/petty stuff imo . To me , what mark is choosing to do here is certainly over the top , but not hurting anyone ..not even attempting to hurt anyone . His postings have been well-documented --what is left to say ?
Last edited by sulltiger24

There are lots of contrarians on the Internet. I understand that.

The bottom line is that players have to improve and get better. Jason has two high level coaches who are working with him and he will be at the Perfect Game Midwest Top Prospect Showcase at the end of September in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. At 6' 3" his team of advisors are all pretty sure he has more velocity in him.

I will be happy to let you know how he does at the Purdue skill evaluation camp this weekend. The numbers will be what they will be and the free advice I get on this Board is worth just what it cost me.

Also if you reinstate my other High School Baseball account (which has been locked for over one year), I will be happy to post under my alter ego, instead of using my wifes account.

Best regards.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
Thanks for the update, Ig.

You are right.....Jason already did the Perfect Game National Academic Showcase in June 2008 in Fort Meyers, Florida which is where he was seen by a lot of the Ivy's. That was an invite only showcase and his test scores and academic performance allowed him entry. He was the only Illinois participant and by all accounts he did well. I was not present.....only his Dolphin Mom was there. He pitched well enough to receive a hand written letter from a coach. I understand that to be a meaningful indication of interest, by a school.

The Perfect Game - Midwest Top Prospect Showcase is to be held at Veterans Memorial Stadium in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on September 27 and 28, 2008.

The Perfect Game organization runs excellent events and produces high quality video of the action. I have been saying for a long time that the world of baseball content is changing and it is all moving to the Internet. The Perfect Game player web sites are capable of interfacing the showcase with the player data. Prep Baseball Report has similiar capabilities. Jason has videos up on both Perfect Game and PBR. We have been a supporter of PBR for some time. In fact I recently spoke to Sean Duncan about how he wants to improve his showcase events. What PBR is doing to bring college coaches to the Chicago area is outstanding. I personally believe that Illinois baseball players can compete anywhere. They just need the exposure.

I am presently working with several baseball coaches to help them get their content information up on the Internet. My baseball web site was one of the first of its kind which I started in 2002.

How does Jason feel about me doing this? As a CPS Player he knows that he is not going to get many looks. Whitney Young is where he is and unfortunately, CPS baseball is just what it is, but I am quite sure he appreciates the support I have given. I have spoken to various CPS officials about the state of CPS baseball and tried to give my suggestions for making improvements, but it is what it is. Basketball is king in CPS and the rest of the sports are sadly left behind. While I have supported the baseball program, I have not been reticent to make my feelings known as well. That was a risk that I took. Sadly, my suggestions have only fallen on deaf ears. However, make no mistake about it, Jason has known for a long time that he just has a wacky baseball dad.

Hope to see you there and I am happy to have a beer with you anytime!
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
Can't believe a HS kid has a team of advisors.

I know Perfect Game does a good job but do they evaluate anyone that doesn't go to their camps and pay money? Seems from their site they only evaluate the kids that are paying to go to their evaluation events.

Do you have experience running showcase camps that PBR would solicit you in asking how they can run them better? All showcase events are run exactly the same, not sure how one can be done any differently than the other. Camps are obviously different.
Here we go again with a new poster already who is going crazy.

To substantiate more about what I am saying I suggest you read the August 27, 2008 Chicago Tribune Sports section for a story on Page 1 about Dan LeFevour who played for Benet Academy and was a self promoter high school recruit who got himself into D-I School, Central Michigan University. He was shunned by the Big Ten. Today he is just the second D-I player to throw for 3,000 yards and rush for 1,000 yards in the same season.

His own "hypermobile self promotion" revved up his stock and got himself recruited. Dan did a lot of his own self promoting. Today he is the best all around quarterback in all of college football, this according to many college football observers.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
As an outsider looking in this is a very entertaining thread. I agree with mythreesons that this is like those dreaded christmas cards that you love to hate!

Having a son that just started college and having been with him on the recruiting circuit for the last 4 years I have some observations:

College coaches DO NOT recruit a player by Googling his name. They want to see him play and see if he fits into their team. So mentioning this players name all the time probably isn't going to help much. Now a nice write-up from several newspapers might help.

All it takes is 1 coach to like you. I have always read on this board that there are lots of colleges to play at if you can target those where your son might fit best.

Some of the most obnoxious parents we have met through the years have the nicest sons. I bet Flippers son is probably a very nice kid.

Sounds like the Dolphin's have plenty of money to pay full price for college. I'm sure there is a college somewhere that would love to have Dolphin son.......and his full tuition........and maybe a little extra $ for the program.
Great point CaBB. I knew a kid that was playing D3 baseball and I asked him why he's playing there I think he can do better. He told me they made him a nice offer and he didn't have the money to attend 1,000 showcases, his quote was "i couldn't afford to pay for a scholarship" That quote is so true and those are the kids I feel bad about. There's parents that send their kids to 100 showcases and don't get an offer bigger than a D3 school, cause after all it comes down to talent.

If you have the money you can attend all these and maybe someone will see you maybe not. But I wish there was more stuff going on for the kids that cant afford all this but love to play the game and they are the one's falling through the cracks and getting overlooked. I see alot of kids going to D1 schools because they have alot of money, the baseball team lets them play because the parents can afford the tuition and since they aren't scholarshipping him and the parent called the coach 100 times, they let him on the team and play. It's the politics of the system and how money helps. I am sure Dolphin's kid will end up somewhere, whether he gets money from the school or not. I just feel bad for all the kids that aren't being seen because they can't afford $500 for a national showcase. If you aren't getting letters after going to a few, you should probably realize he needs to get better before attending more of them. I still think if your very good they will find you but it's those tweener kids that can't afford all these showcases or travel teams that end up getting overlooked.
I'd just like to make one post on this thread and that will be it. I'll sit back in amazement after that.

The list of showcases that Dolphin dad has listed is marginal at best, besides anything that has PG in front of it.

Dolphin dad, Let me give you the best piece of advice given to you on this whole thread if you think your kid is one of the elite or thinks he can play at the highest collegiate level. Get him on a team that will be playing at the PG WBBA in Jupiter in October. The reason I say he should be attending that event is because the BEST collection of hs baseball talent in the U.S. will be assembled in Jupiter on that weekend, hands down. It will be the biggest collection of pro scouts and college recruiters you have seen in your life, hands down. If junior can compete and do well down there you will have plenty to talk about. Two years ago my son competed with the Sparks and threw the first game of pool play for them against an East Cobb team (not the Astros). He threw 5+ innings of no hit ball against them and was offered two seperate 75% scolarships on the spot. Another poster's son who was drafted last year also did very well down there. Your son (and yourself) will find out real quick where the proverbial bear downloads in the woods.

You obviously can tell he is not draft material at this point and I would agree, mid 80's isnt draft material. But you have talked about Ivy league schools on a couple different occasions. My question is.....Why are you sending him to a Purdue camp? You are basically paying a school to look at him. No offense to Purdue people or any other school in the Big Ten, especially Northwestern, it is a big step down academically from an Ivy league school to the Big Ten. What gives with that?

BTW, you can ask me questions whenever you want, but it will only be in pm forum, not on the message board.
once again, paying for scholarships. I don't think dolphin dad has a problem affording it, but it has to cost at least $1,500 to get down there and stay down there, plus whatever your paying to play in someone's fall league. I also don't think it's any one team or organization that gets you looked at, it's you the individual and your talents. I see too many people that have gone from team to team hoping that one is going to give them better looks by schools, always thinking that they have to be with XYZ club to get looked at. That simply is not the case, if your good you will be seen. I still think the reason most kids jump to a different program is they think it's going to showcase them better to colleges, that simply isn't the case. Most these organizations do the same things, it's up to the kid to showcase his abilties. As I said before you can play for East Cobb or go to 1,000 showcases, if you don't translate to a D1 player, you won't be playing D1 baseball. plain and simple. Did your son take any of those 75% rides on the spot?
I've always been surprised that more kids from Illinois don't go to Jupiter. I believe there are two Ill. teams that have open invites there (Sparks and Blazers) but a player could always hook up with a PG team. Its a great experience (I would even say a once in a lifetime experience) if you can make it happen.
Last edited by igball
Originally posted by Dolphin Mom:

Also if you reinstate my other High School Baseball account (which has been locked for over one year), I will be happy to post under my alter ego, instead of using my wifes account.

Best regards.

Huh, what a conincidence that Mrs. Ormonds account was opened right after Mark Ormonds account was banned. Pretty sneaky Mark! Are you showing junior all the sneaky moves he needs to know, so that when people tell him to get out because his behavior is inappropriate, he can sneak back in through the back door like you did?

I used to think you were just a tool, but I was wrong. You may be the whole toolbox.
Last edited by CPLZ
I am sure Jupiter is a great event. Are these schools that are offering your kids scholarships from seeing them down there Illinois schools? The other post was about how he got two D1 offers, did he take them and who were they from? If you have the money I am sure it's a great experience but that's alot of money to pay for 4 games and getting offers from Midwest schools that could have seen you here without spending that money. But as I said, if you have it and it's not a problem I am not someone to tell you how to spend it.
Sulltiger, I have defended Mark a few times but he deserves whatever is going back his way. I think if any dad posted the details (most meaningless) of each camp they attended they would get the same **** back as he does. What bugs me is that this stuff is written as though it is all new. Most kids who attend the Harvard Showcase have zero chance of going there either academically or baseball talent wise. Harvard is not looking for RHP who are in the low 80's. Believe it or not, they can find kids who throw hard and have the grades. I have a feeling if you went to that camp and they want you and you have the grades, you'll know it before you leave if you are a 2009.

On the other hand, camps such as his kid attends have just as much purpose as does Jupiter for those who go there. Just a different kind of student athlete. Lots of other school are there. My son attended that camp and when he got home had offers from a couple of the best academic schools in the country waiting when he got home.

Not feeling a fact I am feeling allright.

This has been an entertaining thread that is getting a lot of comments which is typical of most every thread I generate. Lots of commercials on the Democratic Convention channels so this is a good break. Michelle Obama is a Whitney Young grad. Her brother Craig Robinson, played at Princeton. He also coached basketball in Chicago many years ago. Then he left Chicago to coach at Brown and now is a coach at Oregon State.

Although none of this is "new" to you, for most parents coming to these showcases and camps for the first time, everything about the experience is new.

The hits should be good for HSBBW ad revenue stats.

By the way, a coach told Jason that his velocity was 85 mph at the Harvard camp.
Last edited by Dolphin Mom
If your comments were directed to me ...I didnt mention scholarships..i said interest . And no they were not midwest schools . Understand your point about that though. Going to a tourney like Jupiter is not solely about getting exposure ..but rather the whole experience . I am speaking for myself . Whats wrong with competing against the best in the country ? It can only help make you a better player and there is no better gauge to measure how you stack up against the best . You only get the chance to do it a couple of times . Its a no-brainer imo . Using your rational ..illinois players should not go down there because they might only get noticed by a midwest school ..i can tell you that is definitely not the case .
Last edited by sulltiger24
I hear you about the experience. I heard it's nothing but the best down there and schools and scouts all over the place. I was just curious if the offers were from Midwest schools or schools down there. The other parent said he went down there and got 2 offers immediately. I haven't seen many kids from Illinois going to many schools down south so I was just curious.

I guess my rational would be that why pay $2,000 to go down there and get recreuted by Midwest schools when you can do that by going to a tourney at ISU. If it's for the experience I see your point but not many kids will be getting recreuted by Georgia or Georgia Tech like I am sure some people think.
A lot of Midwest schools were at Jupiter. My memory might be a little fuzzy but I know NIU, Purdue, Illinois, ND, Valpo and a few others were there.
Also, the Chicago area scouts for the Sox, DBacks and Giants were there and paid close attention to the Chicago Area players.

Jupiter is pretty late in the recruiting process for this years Seniors. At that time most of the verbals are done. I got the feeling most of the college coaches were there to make sure their guys weren't lured away by another offer.
I do believe that many JUCOs have a rather large presence at Jupiter. Although my son had verbally committed way before Jupiter to a D-1, after playing in Jupiter he started getting contacts from JUCOs in the South. The closer to the draft, the more contacts.

Realize that a lot of kids who are potential draft picks next spring are now going to get on the radar screens of top notch JUCOs. Some kid who doesn't like his draft position or $$$ offer can attend a JUCO and be eligible for the draft the spring following his freshman year. (D-1 kid not eligible until after junior year)
Schools like San Jacinto CC probably end up with a better pitching staff than most D-1 schools. I would guess that half of their top recruits probably do not even committ until after the draft. I saw a lot of those top-level JUCOs in Jupiter too.
your thoughts about juco's are right on. It's been that way forever. I see alot of juco baseball that's better than D1's, but there's alot of people that think juco is a step down for some reason. It's unfortunate but it can be a great way to get better while playing alot. I see so many kids go to a D1 with the notion they will play right away and that doesn't happen and is very unlikely, then they get disheartened and transfer out.
Boastin Mom, and others, MN-Mom has weighed in on this thread and, to this point, Dolphin Mom has stayed within the guidelines of the site. It'd be prudent on your part to cease the flaming. Yes, we can disagree with Dolphin Mom and I have often done so. However, there is a line and that line is being crossed. It won't continue!

Take care,

Darrell Butler

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