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I was just curious as to why the marketing video to start with?

Yea, wonder who pioneered that video craze! Wow! These clips are going to help front offices tremendously along with the MLBSB videotapes. Never forget the one I saw at scout development school of Palmero, Will Clark and Boddy Thigpen at MISS State! That film made all three a shoe-in for 1st round status! Smile peace Shep
Last edited by Shepster
Aren't any of you worried over what seems to me that he is diving in hard at the plate? Maybe I saw it wrong but he has a great swing with great power but that front foot lands diving toward the plate.

Plus that throw was pretty nice even though it was just warm ups. I think that would impress a scout that a kid would take that much effort into a warm up throw. If he is remotely near that in the game he will do a good job of shutting down the running game (if the pitchers hold runners).
Sorry you're so sad Racab. I guess we should limit our comments only to just serious and important baseball stuff. You and TR will be happy to know that pretty much counts me out.

Now I feel very stupid after commenting on this now confirmed prospect's choice on how he wears his cap. It doesn't matter much what I think. He can wear it any way he chooses because he's on his way! Silly me.

I've installed the drool guard on my monitor for this thread because the drool is dribbling from you guys so much on account of the video. Would the drool be dribbling so freely if this video were showing a kid with the same skills, but was only 5'8" and 160 lbs.?

It sure seems like the dream of playing major league ball dies around 6'2" and 200 lbs. There are lots and lots of kids who have that very same swing and that same powerful arm, yet will not get a drop of drool flung their way because they literally don't measure up...not possessing that coveted projectable body.

In the past there has been much discussion about the height of baseball players and how their height may affect their success. Many members have put forth an example of a shorter player making it to the upper levels of baseball. These examples can not be denied, but it sure seems that the deck is stacked against the shorter player.

The video shows a good looking, athletic kid and I wish him all of the baseball success that he can earn. My comments are not intended to be negative towards this player at all.

Don't accuse me of being jealous because my kids are not 6'2" and 200 lbs. I'm not jealous. I'm merely observant.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I'm truly glad to read your post 2007.

Your kid is getting the job done and he has earned the respect of those that count the most for a catcher...the pitchers!

That's great! I'll be pulling for him to have much continued success.

And lgejjt...thanks for the post...that makes sense regarding what you were looking for. Much success to your talented son.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by lgejjt:
this was never intended to be a marketing video that's why no name attached. from a baseball standpoint, was looking for input on players mechanics from knowlegable baseball people. coach2709, he does start with a open stance so it does look like he dives in hard.

I see what you are saying lgejjt - it is an open stance. I had to watch it again to see it. I guess the eyes are not as good as they used to be. I thought it was a nice swing before and knowing it's an open stance just makes me like it more.

I am still digging the throw though - right on the money, low and quick.
coach, don't retreat too soon. Yes, he does start open, but he also ends quite closed. You can see that his right foot lands much closer to home than where his left foot sits. I was wondering if anyone was going to get off the digression and note that point. Seems to have good upper body mechanics but the front side is clearly closed off down below. This would be an easy adjustment, though depending on how he's performing you may not want to mess with him at all.
Midlo Dad, this player had a hitting session today with the phillies with the likes of other players like freddie freeman and brett krill. After closer inspection, you and the others who pointed it out are quite correct. he is slightly blocking off his hips with an overstep. A small adjustment and he will generate more power. Thank you all for the constructive criticism in regards to his mechanics. It helps!
Last edited by lgejjt edited and removed your comment about the fashion police from your post so I had better mention it here so my comment that follows make sense. For those of you keeping score at making sense would be a first!

The comment that you removed was something like this if I recall correctly...

" ...thank you to the fashion police. LOL."

And my response to your comment follows...

You're quite welcome lgejjt. I wouldn't consider myself much of a fashion policeman, but rather an old fashioned disciplinarian. Much success to this player...regardless of his fashion choices!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

It has virtually nothing to do with fashion and everything to do with respect and discipline.

Every coaching job I have ever had... all the way back to when the kids were 5 or so... one of the first things I ever taught kids was how to address an adult. You shake his hand so they remember your grip and you look straight into their eyes... I would tell them that later, there would be a test... what color were the man's eyes?

About a month ago, the Head Scout from one of the MLB teams wanted to meet cadKID#1 after a game, and asked me to call him over. One of the proudest things I ever experienced, was when the Scout looked at me, and said, "wow, what a handshake".

cadKID#1 later said to me.... "they were blue Dad..."

All of this has so little to do with baseball, and so much to do with life. Or is it the other way around?


Originally posted by lgejjt:
Midlo Dad, this player had a hitting session today with the phillies with the likes of other players like freddie freeman and brett krill. After closer inspection, you and the others who pointed it out are quite correct. he is slightly blocking off his hips with an overstep. A small adjustment and he will generate more power. Thank you all for the constructive criticism in regards to his mechanics. It helps! Also, thanks to the fashion police out there. LOL

Somehow I get the feeling this is not a new poster.
Roll Eyes
Wow this story hits home.

The son has a uniform regulation at HighSchool. He cannot wear his hat backwards on and off the field. He was caught recently wearing his hat bacwards after practice, sure enough the coach told him about it and hasn't worn it backwards ever since. I explained to him that, " everyone is watching on and off the field". Sometimes wearing the hat backwards is sign of not being a part of a team as well. Let me see everyone has their hat worn right except one person?

Last weekend he was doing bp at a local batting cage, he was about to wear his cap backwards and looked at me for a second. Then smiled and put it on the correct way.
This LHH is definitely a player! There's just something about his approach as a hitter that is rarely found in a HS player that size. He has definitely gained the attention of many here and I would bet out west at Carlsbad HS as well. This player could always be the next Jim Thome @ 1st base if he falls short behind the plate with that swing, IMHO.

Your opinion painguy, is your opinion, but I believe that beenthereIL and I see something as former players that is special in Johnny Talley, who by the way, jumped around 40 spots and is currently in PG CCs top 200! This could end up being another Mike Piazza story except this player was identified soon enough not to be a "late round, down-the-line" selection. Many organizations are looking for that "diamond in the rough". In my correspondence with this player "last year" Smile when he was down with the thumb dislocation, he reached out to me and I didn't follow up because I became so busy...This player has proven that he is the "REAL DEAL" and has demonstrated the perseverance and determination that is a necessary to play this game a long time. John Talley is a player that has the character of a winner! May the chips fall where they may this June but this player is in the comparable group of catchers among several cross-checkers from west coast supervisor cross checkers to east coast supervisor cross checkers and in my opinion, tools are stacking up really good for this power hitting LHH with strength, size and ability to take it to the next level. As always, just my opinion, but this player summary also includes information that is "fact". peace shep
Last edited by Shepster

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