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Discounts? Yeah, they're nice. I got my first AARP discount at the Econolodge in Tuscaloosa two months before I was eligible for membership. I phoned my wife with the happy news while she was shopping at the Wal-mart in Mt. Vernon, Illinois...not bad for a suburban couple from the Chicago area!

As a proud card-carrying member of AARP, I'm entitled to poke a little fun at them on occasion. Now where did I put that AARP magazine? Where did I put my reading glasses? Oh, here they are! On top of my head!

Anyone know how to get Metamucil stains out of a cardigan? And while we're at it, I could use a little advice on those Geritol stains, too.

That tongue-thru-cheek business...sounds painful...better get it checked out. IMHO.

I'm actually with you on the Vince Young stated it nicely in my view.

Our position is obviously very difficult to put forward in light of Young's utterly spectacular effort last night...but my sense is that in the longer term analysis, the focus will shift from Young's performance to USC'S lack of performance, lack of preparation to deal with Young, and lack of execution if such a plan existed.

This takes absolutely nothing away from the Texas Longhorns and their very much deserved win and National's just my gut feeling that the National Championship was there for the Trojans to seize, but the Longhorns wanted it more and took it themselves...they got it and they deserve it.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
If Pete Carroll gets a head coaching job in the NFL and then coaches against Young's team then I'd definitely chalk one up for Vince.

Young is definitely unorthodox in his style and that for now is his most valuable asset...if he finds success in the NFL then you can bet you will start to quickly see many unorthodox defenses rise to meet him.

He's fun to watch and it will be fun to watch how teams devise ways to counter his abilities.
They'll certainly have to adjust if they hope to have success against a team led by him.
I just don't think pro defenses will allow a "quarterback" to run wild on them like Vince ran last night.

He's a runner. Can you say Bobby Douglass with the Bears years ago. Put up 175 yards on the ground and lose the game.

Talented guy in this particular game. Much, much bigger than most defensive backs at this level (D1).

Too much blitzing by USC and they, invariably, were wrong.

Great collegiate performance.

I wouldn't bet the franchise on his being a "saviour" at the next level.

I was trying to figure out what the USC db's were doing most of the game because the receivers were so WIDE OPEN underneath!!!

One thing was certain from the beginning, i.e., that the USC defense couldn't stop anyone....and they couldn't!!!!!!!
Move that pro bowl to the smurf turf in Boise,

The Pac10 must have been way down defensivly this year. USC did not have any + defensive players. I don't care if Vince Young is the "star", with the puss arm he has which put 10 USC players within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage there should have been no way he gains 200+ yards rushing. Most of his carries went 10 yards and he he then smartly stepped out of bounds. No team tackles, and way to many misses. He gets smacked hard a couple times and he thinks twice about running. The best team won, the University of Spoiled Children were spanked.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

That tongue-thru-cheek business...sounds painful...better get it checked out. IMHO.

I'm actually with you on the Vince Young stated it nicely in my view.

Our position is obviously very difficult to put forward in light of Young's utterly spectacular effort last night...but my sense is that in the longer term analysis, the focus will shift from Young's performance to USC'S lack of performance, lack of preparation to deal with Young, and lack of execution if such a plan existed.

This takes absolutely nothing away from the Texas Longhorns and their very much deserved win and National's just my gut feeling that the National Championship was there for the Trojans to seize, but the Longhorns wanted it more and took it themselves...they got it and they deserve it.

Of everything I've read on last night's tremendous game, I don't think anyone has put it better than GotWood has done. Texas was very good, Vince Young was incredible and they earned the championship and should be honored at deserving champions. BUT, USC failed twice on 4th down conversions and hindsight might cause many to second guess the plays called. Leinert sneaking when he has Bush and White available? They passed up a chip shot field goal on that one, and look at the final score. And late in the game, giving to White up the middle on 4th down when everyone in America could guess who was getting the ball at that point? Ever heard of a play action pass? If USC had run a play action and faked to White up the middle and then thrown down the field, the score probably would have been an 11 point win for the trojans. Poor play calling on a national stage. Then, you have Reggie Bush trying that lateral...who would have ever believed he'd make such a huge mental mistake? The capper was when Carrol didn't call for a review of the Young lateral that went for a TD in the second quarter. That was a giant mental mistake on the SC coaches part.

USC's loss of poise, poor decision making and defensive performance cost them a national championship that was theirs for the taking. Texas came in very well prepared and Vince Young (not White) probably had the ultimate game of his life. The Longhorns deserve to be honored as truly deserving champions.
Last edited by 06catcherdad
By the way, Vince Young had an incredible game, but that game doesn't constitute a Heisman Trophy. Reggie Bush won the Heisman based on an incredible regular season, and that is what the Heisman is based upon.

With the Houston Texans having the first pick, can you imagine if Vince Young declares himself eligible for the draft? The Texans would have a favorite son at quarterback, and one with incredible mobility who might be able to compensate a little bit for an awful offensive line. David Carr could be trade bait for one or two real offensive linemen. That scenario would improve the Texans more than taking Reggie Bush ever would, IMO.
While his size and speed will be a great asset in the NFL, smart GM's will analyze his arm on the 20 yard outs and the zip or touch on other passes. I saw a few too many "floaters" that would have been picked off in the NFL that were only slapped down or dropped by USC.

Also, USC's defense isn't that tough, Fresno State I believe scored 42 on them. I thought ABC/ESPN were a little too generous calling him the "Greatest" this and that.
Vince Young's arm is strong and accurate. His motion is low, but he is 6'4". He will be awesome at the next level. I would not try to change the mechanics of an arm that strong and accurate. A better D. McNab. jmo

Have to disagree with whoever says Young has a weak arm. He has an easy release and the ball flies out of his hand. I have seen him throw 65 yards on almost a line. If anything, he needs to tone it down and learn to get some air under the ball.
Last edited by Bighit15
The probation officer will take Vick out of his game....

oh, you meant Michael, not Marcus??

Michael and Atlanta will be okay as soon as they get some receivers that defenses have to take seriously.

I see Vince Young as a young Randall Cunningham, with more speed, and more intangible leadership qualities, coming from a stronger college football program. He convinced me that should he come out, he might well be NFL draftee number 1.
Last edited by hokieone
Hey, Big, Where you been? You beat me to the punch on Young's arm. Totally agree on his strength. Very little effort and the ball came out like a sling
shot, and just about as accurate as any I've ever seen. I think it may APPEAR
as though his arm is weak because it's done with seemingly little force. I
wouldn't be surprised if he could throw it 70-75 yards if he wanted to.

He doesn't have the classic form of an NFL QB but neither did Sonny Jurgenson,
Billy Kilmer, Bernie Kosar, Doug Flutie. I'd have no problem taking him with
my first choice in the draft and starting him on opening day. Very cool under

BTW-Some poster's predictions:

See last year. USC runs better, throws better, has better receivers, a better line, and Pete Carroll has over a month to put together a plan to isolate Vince Young and stop Texas. This will be no contest just like what happened to the vaunted Oklahoma team who had a coach that is much better than Mack Brown

USC will beat the Longhorns......

I know you people from Texas don't wanna hear it, but, you can get ready for it......Southern Cal wins.....

USC wins 40-17.

To the people who think Texas will win, have you even seen USC play?

Its gonna be tough for Vince Young to have a great game if Texas never gets the ball. Between Bush, White, and their passing game, USC will dominate the game.

Darkmoon, I think most of us who've seen USC play will gladly take them over Texas without much hesitation. Last I recall, it is USC who has won 34 in a row, and is on the verge of being the only team in history to win three consecutive national championships. Texas may be awesome, but I think USC will find their crowning glory on their home field in Pasadena.

USC 135
Texas 3

Longhorn quarterback is an O.K. player, but, not near as good as Texas people think he is..........USC will have an easy win.....

SC by 14 45-31

Young will not have seen the complexity of the defenses that SC will throw at him, but he is a dangerous freelancer that can throw on the run and has excellent speed to move the ball up the field to get first downs.

Fresno State ran the underneath over offense and SC couldn't shut it down. Most entertaining game of the entire season.

But in the end Texas will not be able to stop all the SC weapons.

Fouth quarter SC will move away and take it.

USC- 49
Texas- 20

The points given up by SC to Fresno St. was a complete aberration, just an off day.

Texas played NO ONE this year except for Ohio State, who they barely beat and the Buckeyes would have no chance against the Trojans.

SC's team speed on both sides of the ball, the number of skill players they have and the coaching talent of Carroll and his staff is something Texas ain't seen. They will be as knocked for a loop as were the Sooners.
Vince Young was the best athlete on the field last night, Reggie Bush deserved the heisman, but if Young had gotten it would have been deserving as well. Bush had a good game by any standards last night. However, in my opinion, the player that will have the most impact at the next level will be Lindell White. North and south guy with good speed and a nose for the end zone. Oh well just my opinions.
yea MOC1... but if the halftime was shorter, if it didn't rain 3 days before, if Texas didn't wear orange, and there wasn't so many commercials USC would have kicked thier butt. Wink

Unless you lived on the left coast you didn't get to see a lot of USC games and recognize the fact that they were vaulnerable. The media glitzed up USC all year in the typical LA LA form and sold the country on this all-time dynasty. They were good, but not good enough. I'll bet the bookies around the country are making their extended vacation plans as we speak.
Last edited by rz1

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