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Young looked like a much bigger version of Michael Vick but with the ability to throw. I don't care what the delivery looks like - result is what matters. Have seen plenty in college & NFL with the classic mechanics & delivery and no results. Favre has awful mechanics and often throws off the wrong foot and falling backwards - he gets results.
Vick (or Ron Mexico if you will) a great athlete but absolutely laid down and mailed it in here in Chicago a few weeks ago. Hard to tell who will pan out if NFL but tons of talent on that field last night and some unusual decisions on part of USC players & staff.

I assume Pete Carroll knew what the rest of us knew-if Texas got the ball back, they were going to score. And they did. Would 40 more yards have made any difference? I doubt it, but debating that makes this stuff fun.

Absolutely unrelated: Another reason baseball is better than football: If Marcus Vick stomps on a guy's leg, next time he comes to the plate, he gets a 90 mph earring.
I believe they scored with 18 or so seconds left so even 20 yards net on a punt might have made a huge difference. Big blunder by USC wasting a timeout (their last) while Texas was setting up for 2 point conversion.
Holden - have seen 6'6 qb's who throw over the top get passes knocked down all day long - passes are thrown thru lanes and not over the outstretched hands of 6-6 lineman. Height gives a qb better downfield vision but I've watched Flutie and other smallish qb's complete lots of passes over the years.
Agree Carroll was asleep at the switch. A few other bowl teams looked completely disorganized including FSU. No exucse for teams having too many or too few players on the field & wrong personnel etc and then wasting timeouts. These coaches have all day and 4-6 hrs a day with the players to go over some of these things - maybe soaking up a little too much of the bowl atmosphere.
I wonder if Marcus Vick is confused and thinks of an ankle bracelet as "bling". noidea

What a tool, a waste of talent and a potential peer to kids. I was at the Y on Tues and overheard some kids proudly saying saying "did you see Marcus stomp that dude".

Now you can go tell the kids it didn't pay off considering he was kicked off the team. Between that episode and his run-ins with the law..... Roll Eyes

Wouldn't it be nice to never hear about Marcus Vick ever again...if the collective sports world would pay Marcus zero attention then maybe...just maybe...the other jerks out there who have looked at Marcus as some sort of bad boy role model might be convinced to change their ways since Marcus was spanked entirely off the stage...hopefully forever.

I am truly sorry for the Virginia Tech community for the impact that this will have on them, but...with Marcus gone it shows me they have good leadership at the school...something great to build on...they should be proud and supportive of their leaders. I am.

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