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"I feel very disrespected right now. I don't understand why Yates just kept scoring and pressing when they were up so much. These are kids. It isn't good to do that to other young men." - Lee coach Jacques Armant

Yates coach Greg Wise didn't apologize for his team's play.

100 points in the first half

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Yates coach Greg Wise didn't apologize for his team's play.

"We have 15 guys, and all 15 play."

And all play hard, Wise said. He said it isn't fair to tell them to play any other way

I kind of agree with his statement......but where is the NFHS on this........dont they have some running clock/mercy rule for basketball?.....

we have 10/15 run rules to avoid this....
Absolutely right. That's why common sense is an oxymoron.

There are things you can work on in a blowout to post passing, inside out game, creating driving lanes, screen roll. Tell the players to pick 'em up at half court on D and no jump shots outside the arc unless they don't come out to guard you.

That whole statement by the coach that they have to play in the game like they play in practice is a smoke screen designed to make him look like all he's doing is letting the kids play hard. When you press and shoot 3's, you're trying to run up the score.
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Absolutely right. That's why common sense is an oxymoron.

There are things you can work on in a blowout to post passing, inside out game, creating driving lanes, screen roll. Tell the players to pick 'em up at half court on D and no jump shots outside the arc unless they don't come out to guard you.

That whole statement by the coach that they have to play in the game like they play in practice is a smoke screen designed to make him look like all he's doing is letting the kids play hard. When you press and shoot 3's, you're trying to run up the score.

Nice post! Smokescreen is right. Any coach can destroy lesser talented teams. Can you have your kids run a motion offense and set goals like five passes or run 3 minutes off of the clock without a turnover? How about, we're going to run motion to flex off of the third post touch? If playing against a zone, something to the effect of 4 dribble penetrations to kickouts to ball reversal for at least 3 minutes without a turn over. There is always something they can do. BTW, I see a potential problem with this type of play. Having these types of wins just might demonstrate that this league is terrible and so, this school does not play the level of competition day in and day out to warrent consideration for a national title. I have coach a baseball team that was proclaimed the #1 team in the nation in 1998. In gaining that recognition, certainly strength of schedule was considered. JMHO!
I believe the coach is gunning for a USAToday #1 rating and games on ESPN. It's not about the kids. It's about the coach. This is why I find high school national rankings and nationally televised games to be part of the corruption of high school sports. There is absolutely no way to determine a high school national champion.
The problem is with the Lee team and their hed coach for being a bunch of hotheads by starting a fght and being sore losers. Since the Yates team was using it's subs, there's no reason to expect them to not play the way they are coached. If the team's taking 3's and draining them, then it's obvious the Lee team did not come to play and are just standing around letting the Yates team score at will. Maybe some of these teams should come to play.

I'll bet the Lee team psyched themselves out before they ever stepped on the court by talking about it instead of showing some leadership from their head coach and get them in the right frame of mind to go out and compete.

The only problems I would have is if the coach is doing it for a #1 ranking nationally which makes no sense at all because as RJM said, there's no way you can determine a national champion. And the other is if the subs weren't getting extended time in this type of game.
Last edited by zombywoof
Its about having some class and respect for the game. Yes you always play as hard as you can. But do you have to continue the full court press. Is there a shot clock in HS basketball in Texas? If not run a motion offense and burn clock.

When your pounding someone in baseball do you bunt , steal , etc etc? No. Why?

This kind of stuff happens in football all the time as well. Some coach who is out to prove something runs up scores. Passing and running trick plays up by 50 in the 3rd qtr. Blitzing and doing whatever he can to humiliate the opponent.

Seriously if you can score 100 pts in a half in a hs game is it not obvious to everyone that the other team is clearly over matched? Can the coach not understand that he is in no way in danger of losing the game? I heard the coaches interview on ESPN this morning and it was pathetic. Congrats coach you proved that you have absolutely no class and your teaching your young men how to have no class. You can play as hard as you can and you always should and you can still do it with class.
Someone asked about a shot clock. No, there's no shot clock in Texas HS basketball. So, that makes this even more inexcusable.

On a positive note, the girls team that got beat by almost 100 last year actually WON a game sometime between Christmas and Thanksgiving. Obviously, they were thrilled. Their first win a looooooooooooong time.
Last edited by Tx-Husker
No shot clock and you score that many points. I assume they play 8 minute qtrs as well so thats a 32 minute game. I think its pretty obvious that the opponent was seriously over matched. What a clown for even trying to convince anyone that he has a clue.

My hope is one day he will suffer the same kind of treatment so he can know what this might feel like. Maybe the IRS will one day give him a call.
Originally posted by Coach_May:
This kind of stuff happens in football all the time as well.

I absolutely loved it when Jim Harbaugh at Stanford did it to USC's Pete Carroll. Carroll got a dose of his own medicine. It's nice to see a guy get his come uppance. Harbaugh is just the right guy to do it too...he's always been a hard nosed, edgy competitor that did it the right way. Watched him for years at Michigan and with the Chicago Bears. He went a long way on less than average pro athletic talent.
You see there should not have to be a mercy rule. No coach should have to ask for mercy. No coach should have to rely on a rule to step in and stop something like this from happening. There is a 10 after 5 rule in hsbb. But sometimes games are totally out of control in the first or second inning. The coach steps in and does the right thing. He doesnt need a rule to MAKE him do the right thing. If a coach needs a rule to MAKE him do the right thing he doesnt need to be coaching in the first place.

This clown needs to be fired now. No if ands or buts. What else is he doing? What else is he teaching his players? Total lack of character.
Hi Coach,

Here is what happened in our neck of the woods... Freshman girls team is loaded with talent. Starters in the whole game, press the whole game etc. Beating other Frosh teams by 40+ points.

Anyway, they were playing our freshman girls and they were way up etc. Our associate principal got up, walked over to the coach and lit into him during the game. When she was done with him, then she went after the AD. This was at their gym too.

The starters were pulled and the press came off. I think they were shocked that anything was said. Sad really.
If you schedule a team you can beat by 135 points, you've done a disservice to the players on both teams.

Why don't you schedule a game against a comparable team?

If this was a conference game (sorry I didn't read all the details), then who is determining the teams in the conference?

I'll make a statement sure to get me in trouble.

If we really cared about developing players, all teams should play against opposition that results in approximately a .500 winning percentage. This might mean an ellite 10U team has to play 13U teams. It might mean this team needs to play college teams.

Let the kids play where they belong and continue to develop their skills. As a parent, it took me a long time to 'get' this, but the first time I saw my 8th grader strike out a community college hitter, it started to make sense. Why play 14U when you can compete at 19U?

Fundamentally, none of the kids involved in this game experienced competition. So what's the point of playing the game?
Last edited by JMoff
Conferences are put together based on location and school size. There is a big difference in being capable of competing against a team , being capable of defeated a team and simply being over matched by the opponent.

What we are talking about here is 170 - 35. At what point does the coach realize that his opponent is simply over matched? At what point does he realize there is no way in h e l l that the game is in jeopardy? So you continue to press the entire game. You never attempt to run clock. Basically you try to see just how bad you can beat this team down.

We had two teams in our old conference that could not beat a decent LL team. Several players could hardly catch. We had no choice but to play them. But we did not have to humiliate them. I agree a game like this when a team is this over matched does no one any good and should not be scheduled. But if it was a conference game you have to play it. And sometimes you have no idea how over matched someone is until you actually start playing the game. And I would think once we hit 100 pts in the first half that would be a pretty good indication we could take off the press and run some clock.
I would take my guys off the floor and tell the refs. 'We forfeit. They win. And tell them to stick that 2-0 victory in their USAToday power rankings'.
This isn' travel ball. Pulling a team could be grounds for suspension or expulsion for the coach at the conference, district or state level.
I would think once we hit 100 pts in the first half that would be a pretty good indication we could take off the press and run some clock.
They scored 57 points in the first period. It was 100-12 at the half. If it was 57-12 (or worse) at the end of the first period the coach should have known this one was out of reach and pulled back after the first quarter. The coach is a clown.
Last edited by RJM
My daughter plays on a very good high school basketball team. They've won a number of games this year by 30+ points, but her coach has always had class by calling off the press, dropping into a conservative zone defense, moving the ball around on offensive (3 pass minimum before shot), and they still continued playing hard rotating all 14 girls!

The coach that ran up the score has absolutely no class. I'm eager to see what is going to happen next time these two teams play in conference, I'm sure there may be some fireworks? I know one thing, I agree with Coach May, I can't type what I would have said to the coach after that blow out...and I hope he is on the receiving end of one of those losses sooner, rather than later!
Originally posted by Good-eye:
waiting to see when we have the 200 run baseball game...

About the worst game I ever umpired was a 26-2 3 inning fiasco ended by 15 run rule....

visiting team scored 15 runs in the first inning....

6 runs in the 2nd inning...

5 runs in the 3rd inning...

they never bunted, never stole a base....entire team played...the starting catcher was the only player who played all 3 innings......the coaches never came back out of the dugout onto the field after 1st signs given.....the batters went up and took a hack.....then went station to station....
Last edited by piaa_ump
I used to operate the clock during basketball games at my last school and let me tell you this - if it was me that score wouldn't have been that bad because that clock would never have been shut off. It still wouldn't have been respectable but hopefully the coach would have said something to me. Then I would have a conversation with him like Coach May has said he would.
Originally posted by JMoff:

Fundamentally, none of the kids involved in this game experienced competition. So what's the point of playing the game?

So they had to play the game because of the conference/leauge. How can this coach and team have any pride in the records that were broken?

During my sons's JV season a Freshman pitcher threw a no hitter against a team that were worse than the bad news bears. He wasn't/isn't our best pitcher and often struggles with the strike zone. As he walked off the mound to cheers and then out of the dugout, I heard him say "Big deal. Those guys couldn't hit a bus." True athletes want to be challenged and know that anything less is doing a disservice to the sport. This coach and team had no class.
Last edited by sandlotmom
There is another side to this argument as well---I used to coach in a youth basketball league where we had mandatory minutes minimum for the players. Fortunately I had a solid team and we had a tendency to run over some teams but I ignored the minutes minimum and pulled the studs and they sat ---the lesser players got the bulk of the time in those games--by the end of the season they becoming real solid players--perhaps that is why we won as many league championships as we did.

By the way, I saw the YATES team in a HS Tournament Title on ESPN last week---they are really really good---they won the state title last year and are undefeated this year---
I'm surprised that even though you were doing the right thing nobody made you forfeit a game for not playing your studs at least the minimum minutes.

Personally I never had the guts to do that. When I coached a LL team that was much stronger than the rest of the teams I played every kid who showed up for practices more than the minimum every game, but even the studs got at least their minimum playing time.
Last edited by CADad

I dont usually make parents privy to how I am running the team but in this case I told the kids and parents before time that if a rout happened I had this approach

And why would the other team want a forfeit because I pulled the studs? Simply because I did not abide by the rules---the rules are there for a purpose to be used correctly, not to be misused.

I will tell you another thing I did--we had a rule that if you were going to miss practice or a game for whatever the reason, a phone call prior to the date was MANDATORY, not optional. One year three boys went off on vacation without informing me---the three showed up two weeks later for a game and they sat---I played with 7 players instead of our normal ten like I did when they were no shows---those three kids never missed another game or practice---the parents went to the league commissioner and complained but to no avail---The commissioner knew my team rules as I had given him a copy of them, just as I had with all the players, prior to the season beginning

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