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Originally posted by TRhit:

I dont usually make parents privy to how I am running the team but in this case I told the kids and parents before time that if a rout happened I had this approach

And why would the other team want a forfeit because I pulled the studs? Simply because I did not abide by the rules---the rules are there for a purpose to be used correctly, not to be misused.

I will tell you another thing I did--we had a rule that if you were going to miss practice or a game for whatever the reason, a phone call prior to the date was MANDATORY, not optional. One year three boys went off on vacation without informing me---the three showed up two weeks later for a game and they sat---I played with 7 players instead of our normal ten like I did when they were no shows---those three kids never missed another game or practice---the parents went to the league commissioner and complained but to no avail---The commissioner knew my team rules as I had given him a copy of them, just as I had with all the players, prior to the season beginning

I couldn't see why in the world anyone would want to make you forfeit a game for not living up to the minimum playing time rule. The purpose of that rule is to make sure the studs aren't playing all the time and the ones who need to learn and grow stay on the bench. To me you didn't follow the letter of the rule but you did follow the intent of the rule.

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