Krakatoa - What album (just showed my age there) is that from? I'm a BIG Rod Stewart fan from wayyyyyyy back. Is that a newer release?
No, it's an oldie......the album is "Tonight I'm Yours"
A powerful, heartfelt ballad actually written to commemorate the life of Terry Fox, the runner who ran across Canada with cancer and eventually succumbed to the disease. But the lyrics fit for anyone who is going for 'it', whatever it might be - even just life.
A powerful, heartfelt ballad actually written to commemorate the life of Terry Fox, the runner who ran across Canada with cancer and eventually succumbed to the disease. But the lyrics fit for anyone who is going for 'it', whatever it might be - even just life.
I have it - I have a large Rod Stewart collection going back many, many years!!!! Thanks for sharing - nice song!
You know....this thread is one of the many reasons why I'll miss hsbaseball....great postings here....can't add....can only say thanks...
I feel the same way. Thanks to you and the many others who are tremendous and very talented contributors to this site
I feel the same way. Thanks to you and the many others who are tremendous and very talented contributors to this site

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