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Originally posted by kevin25:
was wondering, my son got scored at PG and in comments "interresting young catcher to follow", does this mean he might make the top 500 or thousand rankings? thanks in advance

I am not sure if you read Midlo's post?

My suggestion is not to worry about it, but for some that isn't giving good advice. Frown
That comment would not govern whether he did or did not make the list. If he went to a PG showcase and got a numeric grade, that would be more indicative. If he was scouted at a different event and does not have a PG grade, it could still happen, but is by no means definite. All depends on how he appears in the eyes of the evaluators.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
That comment would not govern whether he did or did not make the list. If he went to a PG showcase and got a numeric grade, that would be more indicative. If he was scouted at a different event and does not have a PG grade, it could still happen, but is by no means definite. All depends on how he appears in the eyes of the evaluators.

So you could get a PG ranking without attending a PG event.....showcase?
Originally posted by WapakDad2013:
So you could get a PG ranking without attending a PG event.....showcase?

You will not get a number like 7.5, or 8.5, or any x.x, but can be put in their database and eventually end up with a State or National ranking. This only usually only happens if you are a draftable player however and are seen at a selective event like Area Code, USA National team, etc.

People are worrying way to much about PG rankings and should just have their kids focus on getting better and being at the right events.
Originally posted by Baseball Representatives:
It is all subjective. Like most of these services, this is a money making opportunity. It is hard to determine the criteria and if it is assessed fairly.

While all evaluations involve a certain amount of subjectivity, Perfect Game has an outstanding track record of identifying prospects and indicating where it would be appropriate for them to play past high school.

You might want to take a look at the following recent thread:
PG Scoring and Rankings

As you read through it, you'll learn quite a bit about how Perfect Game goes about it, its track record in doing so, and the generally high regard with which Perfect Game is held on this website.

I think one of the numerous reasons that Perfect Game is held in high regard here is that its founder, Jerry Ford, is a regular and meaningful contributor to this website. He is known for being thoughtful, objective, and straightforward; and he isn't afraid to answer any questions others might have about Perfect Game. If you have them, you should pose them directly to him.

Another significant contribution of Perfect Game's here is that they are one of this site's few advertisers. In other words, they come out of pocket regularly for the obvious benefit that their promotion on this site brings them.

While advertising on this site is quite limited (as the desire is to keep it as non-commercial as possible), it is still easy to contribute monetarily to it. This is highly recommended, in particular, for anyone who might post here for the obvious purpose of benefiting from the exposure the site provides. Since this seems to be your principal purpose, here's a link to the site's donation page:
Leave Your Sizable Donation Here

As you spend more time here, you'll find that the beauty of this site is that it holds all the information that a baseball player and his family need to successfully navigate their way through college recruiting (and the draft, if that's appropriate). Not only that, but you'll find that there's a strong belief that those who go through the process themselves end up being much better off for it.

Quality instruction, travel teams, equipment, camps, showcases...whew! There are more than enough necessary expenditures required to get a player to the college or professional level. Thankfully, this website removes recruiting services from that list.
Last edited by Prepster
I agree that PG is a great resource for kids in high school. What I'm saying is that one person who is evaluating talent could see the player as either above or below his actual ability level. Of course, this can be said about high school coaches, college coaches, and pro scouts. I have no problem with PG, and have had great experiences with them. I'm not knocking them at all, just letting players know that they should take some of the information with a grain of salt.

== MODERATOR EDIT: Deleted promotional links. - MN-Mom ==
Last edited by MN-Mom
It's not that at all. I'm not here trying to show how much I know. I just want to help players out. I've been a guest to the message boards for a long time now, and just wanted to contribute. Just because I have a business that deals with baseball players does not mean I am here promoting myself like crazy. I posted one post about my services. Check the post, what it says is true. I'm not here to take people's money, I'm here to help baseball players out.

== MODERATOR EDIT: Deleted promotional links. - MN-Mom ==
Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by Aleebaba:
Geez, leave it alone. Who cares about motive as long as information provided is helpful.

One reason this site is free is because the owner, Julie underwrites up to $800 per month in costs.
If someone comes here to advertise their business, they should pay, in my view.
Is this information helpful or potentially a big issue with a big warning sign. As an FYI, HS/college player cannot have agents and cannot sign even an "informal agreement" with an agent.
They might not get caught.
If they do, the player loses his eligibility. The agent part is what made me curious because for HS players and parents, it is a huge way it happens for them...why take a risk.
Check the thread started on recruiting by the OP and hopefully you will see the potential issue and risk for the HS player.
Last edited by infielddad
Originally posted by B-L Scouting:
I'm new to the boards, but I can see why this guy should not be on here. He is going to cause players to become ineligable for their college years. Agents should never sign an agreement with an amateur player or he risks losing his amateur status.

Again, why are you commenting on your own posts?

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