Well, I didn't think my last topic would get such interest but I feel very strongly about this one. After running my program for 15 years (since 1992), we are making big changes in how our teams are classified. We will now be formed by grade instead of age. FYI- These teams will be Middle school, freshman, sophomores, and juniors. We have dropped younger kids and seniors (another thread!). I need to throw in a caveat that my idea is based toward the upper-tier amateur programs in the country (I will not say *&^%$# Ball because I think it's a negative connotation).
Why? Lots of reasons. The biggest reason is that it is our goal for our kids to get to the next level. We look at the next level as a four-year college. We feel these kids are recruited by grade and not by age. A coach coming to watch our game knows that he is seeing a 2010 Grad team and not a team of 16's who could be sophomores or juniors.
I think it's even more important now because of the new age-cutoff. It added 25% more kids from another grade and made most teams split in half by grades. Why is that a problem? Well, we went one age group at a time and found the best sophomore 15's really didn't want to "play down" with freshman 15's. Looking back, I think they were correct.
Some people (even one or two of our coaches) commented that, until every elite team switched (which is my mission in the next two years!) to grade, we would be at a competitive disadvantage. My thought to that is- are we trying to accumulate plastic trophies or develop players? Somebody gave me a scenario that "what if we have a 16 year old junior and he won't play on our junior team but could help our 16 year old team. My response was that even the USA Baseball JO's are not well-scouted and we are doing that young man a disservice by using him for our own selfish gain instead of placing him on another junior-senior team that will get better exposure.
It's a big switch and we're taking a chance but I truly believe that is where the older, elite teams will head. What are your thoughts?
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