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Been reading this post and some good points made for both sides. My son plyed HS baseball and he did several high profile showcase/tournaments.
For me why does it always have to be about exposure. Maybe you dont get a lot of exposure or scouts to HS games although in our neck of the woods in Ca. All the players that were drafted ALL played HS ball. As were all the D1 early committs etc.They do their showcases in the fall and summer.
Hs ball is just HS ball. My sons team won their first section ever in the school history, I have pictures of this team when down to the last out one of our juniors hit a walk off two run HR.The stands were filled with not just baseball people but football and coaches from other sports, parents of kids who arent even in HS yet but support the HS sports. Such a sense of commuinity. I dont care if there were 1,000,000 scouts there it didnt matter but the joy on those boys faces and the fans was just something I will remember for the rest of my life.Many of these boys have known each other since they were 5-6 years old.
There is a time for travel ball and showcases and all the scouts looking at you. BUT it just seems too many parents are only looking at WHERE is my player going to be seen. Believe me they get seen everywhere. I was at a legion tournament this summer. Started chating with A dad(so I thought) just shooting the breeze, he was a pro scout who wanted to see a few kids. Ive seen when parents sitting in the stands at a hS game see a good player and call the college they attended to tell the coach about a player they saw.
HS is a community program, its only a short season,you workhard in the fall, you play high level in the summer and do your camps etc, but there should ALWAYS remain a place for HS baseball. Not everything is about being seen all the time.
Once again, thanks for the viewpoints. It has been very interesting. Just wanted to remind people that this is a theoretical discussion based on a trend that is in youth ball. Nothing definite. The other reason is that how a kid gets from HS to College or the pro's has changed quite a lot from when I was in HS(Go class of '83!). The third reason is that one of my son's teamates is very good but he doesn't have much chance of staying eligible in HS.
All of this brought up the ideas and alternate possibilities and I couldn't think of a better place to air it out for input than this site. My belief is that it will only matter to the kids that are in T-Ball right now. Certainly not my son.

But if these changes take place, give me credit for seeing it first. Big Grin

No this was a good thread lots of good viewpoints. I just wanted to comment on one aspect of your last post. If a player is having a hard time staying elgible in HS, unless there are learning disabilities it will be tough for him to have any scout take him seriously. First thing any coach asks for when hes interested is for your transcrips. grades mean way more than a lot of players think, with the shrinking roster spots I believe it even became that much more important.
WWBA events and showcase events are not held during the hs season. Name me one that is? Who are these players going to play? Where are they going to play? How are you going to get an entire team of high profile players together that are all going to be willing to skip hs baseball? And if you do , again who are they going to play?

I dont see any trend as far as hs baseball is concerned. Of course there are always going to be a handful of players that do not play hs baseball because of grades etc that are very talented that go to a showcase or workout and get drafted.

I dont know of a single showcase team that is playing during the high school season. If there is one please tell me about them. I dont know of a single showcase tourney that is held during the hs season. The trend you talk about is rec players now playing travel baseball. That has been going on for years.

When we talk about a true elite showcase team one that college coaches will want to come scout we are talking about top level talent. These teams are not made up of players from one little area. These teams are made up of players from across an entire state or region of an entire state. Sometimes players from multiple states.

I can tell you both the players recruited and signed to play in the ACC from my team this past year were scouted several times during our hs season. They were followed into the summer showcase season based on their performance during their hs careers.

High School baseball is not going to be over taken by showcase baseball. Where are the top players going to be scouted leading up to the draft their senior year? They are going to be scouted playing their senior year of high school baseball. The showcase season will not start until June.

We can argue the value of high school baseball. Some areas are better than others. But the fact remains that this is not youth travel ball. Showcase baseball will not replace hs baseball. It will continue to be an important part of the process where college coaches can follow up on and see new prospects during a time of the year they are not playing themselves.

If anyone thinks that high school baseball is not important to ML scouts you are just wrong. Many decisions are based on what those scouts see from March to June leading up to the draft. If you dont think a players performance in those hs games is important then again you are just wrong.
Originally posted by Doughnutman:
He has no chance of going to college. His only chance to keep playing is going to be through academy ball and maybe a showcase to try to get drafted. Its too bad.

I don't think that not playing HS ball is a reason not to get drafted, the reason would be more scrutinized as to WHY he is not playing HS ball. If you are not eligible (not sure what eligibility is in HS), a good chance that you may not graduate, and you must graduate HS to be drafted.
And if drafted with no leverage of any further education, he might get lucky and get a plane ticket and just be considered a roster filler.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Coach May:
WWBA events and showcase events are not held during the hs season. Name me one that is? Who are these players going to play? Where are they going to play? How are you going to get an entire team of high profile players together that are all going to be willing to skip hs baseball? And if you do , again who are they going to play?

I dont see any trend as far as hs baseball is concerned. Of course there are always going to be a handful of players that do not play hs baseball because of grades etc that are very talented that go to a showcase or workout and get drafted.

I dont know of a single showcase team that is playing during the high school season. If there is one please tell me about them. I dont know of a single showcase tourney that is held during the hs season. The trend you talk about is rec players now playing travel baseball. That has been going on for years.

When we talk about a true elite showcase team one that college coaches will want to come scout we are talking about top level talent. These teams are not made up of players from one little area. These teams are made up of players from across an entire state or region of an entire state. Sometimes players from multiple states.

I can tell you both the players recruited and signed to play in the ACC from my team this past year were scouted several times during our hs season. They were followed into the summer showcase season based on their performance during their hs careers.

High School baseball is not going to be over taken by showcase baseball. Where are the top players going to be scouted leading up to the draft their senior year? They are going to be scouted playing their senior year of high school baseball. The showcase season will not start until June.

We can argue the value of high school baseball. Some areas are better than others. But the fact remains that this is not youth travel ball. Showcase baseball will not replace hs baseball. It will continue to be an important part of the process where college coaches can follow up on and see new prospects during a time of the year they are not playing themselves.

If anyone thinks that high school baseball is not important to ML scouts you are just wrong. Many decisions are based on what those scouts see from March to June leading up to the draft. If you dont think a players performance in those hs games is important then again you are just wrong.

I said if this became the case you would find more and more. It has happened in other sports and will eventually find its way to baseball. The upper players WILL, not ARE, be doing showcases during high school. We are talking if and now. Many of you are reading only part of the posts. This is all IF no NOW. We are speculating. And I will disagree that ML scouts don't put near as much into high school as the showcases and pre-draft events. Name me a player who was drafted in the first 3 rounds in the past 5 years that did not do showcases. The high school only affects a few. They still watch and see but that is not the heavy weight.
Matt Harrison - South Granville High School , Creedmoor NC. Drafted 3rd round , Atlanta Braves. Now in the starting rotation with the Texas Rangers.

There is one for you.

I scout for Tampa. I know many scouts. I know that what prospects do in their sr year of hs baseball leading up to the draft in June is huge. I also know that showcase baseball is a part of the process just as HS baseball is. Showcase baseball has its place and HS baseball has its place. Showcase baseball will not replace HS baseball.

Some kids only exposure to pro scouts is HS baseball. Some work in the tobacco fields in the summer and play football in the fall. Some can not afford to travel and spend the money that it takes to attend showcase events.

Bring this thread back up when HS baseball is replaced by showcase baseball. I will admit at that time I was wrong. I hope I live that long but Im not banking on it.
Coach May,
If I could, this discussion was about what could happen in the future. Maybe 10-15 years from now when all of the travel only kids and parents are in play. Now HS matters. We were only basing this on the youth baseball trend of skipping rec ball. I am 100% sure that HS is a large player now. But things change and we were SPECULATING about trends based on youth ball and travel/showcases. It is all speculative.

Once again, I have never met you Coach May, but I respect your opinion greatly and I wish you would relocate to AZ for the '09-'10 through '13 season.
I understand what you are saying. Believe me when I say that these discussions do not upset me at all. I just dont believe that HS baseball will be replaced as long as it is an option. I do not understand the comments that "It is already happening in other sports." I dont know anyone in the NBA that did not play HS basketball. There might be someone in the NFL that did not play HS football but I am not aware of any. I am not aware of any American born ML player that did not play HS baseball.

The possiblility I do see is one where school districts phase out HS sports due to the cost of gas / diesel and the economy issues. There may come a day when sports are not a part of some if not all high schools. But I believe if indeed this happens it will be because of many school administrators apathy to sports and its benefits. And the cutting back of school budgets with costs.

If this does happen the kids it will hurt will be the ones not talented enough to make the "Showcase" type teams. It will hurt the marginal incoming players who later develop into outstanding prospects due to being in a great hs program. Good HS programs develop players. Showcase programs show off players already developed.
To me, if a player did not play for his high school team, it would be a big black mark on his resume. What's his problem? Does he think he's too good for them? Is he unable even to withstand someone he perceives as a problematic coach for 3 months?

Between that and the fact that there is no high level travel baseball going on in the spring months anyway, skipping the school season does not make any sense and to me would be a giant red flag about a player.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
To me, if a player did not play for his high school team, it would be a big black mark on his resume. What's his problem? Does he think he's too good for them? Is he unable even to withstand someone he perceives as a problematic coach for 3 months? …

The 1st question I’d ask is, was it grades. Does it make any difference if a player past HS age didn’t play HS ball if he couldn’t meet the scholastic requirements for the pros? It has to for college, but let’s face it, no one’s asking pro players to write and defend theses, solve problems in physics or math, or any other scholastic things. Wink
Originally posted by SKeep:
The 1st question I’d ask is, was it grades. Does it make any difference if a player past HS age didn’t play HS ball if he couldn’t meet the scholastic requirements for the pros? It has to for college, but let’s face it, no one’s asking pro players to write and defend theses, solve problems in physics or math, or any other scholastic things. Wink

A school flunkie says a lot about a player. It says he's irresponsible and lazy. Definite red flags when these kids all of a sudden are adults.
Originally posted by Coach May:

If this does happen the kids it will hurt will be the ones not talented enough to make the "Showcase" type teams. It will hurt the marginal incoming players who later develop into outstanding prospects due to being in a great hs program. Good HS programs develop players. Showcase programs show off players already developed.

Coach, I'm telling you it already IS happening!
They're still playing h.s. baseball, but the funding is getting difficult and they are resorting to running their h.s. teams like a travel team. As I mentioned in an earlier post, h.s. in Volusia County (Daytona Beach) have to pay their own h.s. a fee to represent them and to play on their own field. High School baseball isn't going away overnight, but it seems to me that it certainly is heading down that road...
Wow!! I guess my post about costs and the economy was a lot closer to happening than I thought! What a sad story imo. Wouldnt it be sad to see HS sports no longer exist? It would be a really sad day imo.

I coach in one of the top showcase baseball programs in the nation during the summer and fall. We get started next weekend with the fall season. I really enjoy working with these young players. But there is nothing like HS to me. This indeed is very sad news imo. How do you feel about all this Lester?
I would be too. The last thing you want to have to deal with when your kid gets to HS is having to deal with Daddy Ball and Travel Team politics. And you sure want to play for your school , community , home town and leave a legacy behind like those have before you. This is horrible imo. Someone needs to step up and do something about this type of stuff.

I posted earlier about the apathy that school admin has for athletics in this country in some areas. What a shame. Hey if they dont fix it move to NC. To be honest with you if I had a son getting ready to start a HS career and the area I was in did not have HS sports I would move to an area that did. It is something no kid should be deprived of imo.
OK, California logging in.....

We have one son in a public high school, one in a private (Catholic) high school, and one in a public middle school. All pay $150-$300 per sport each year. The cost varies by sport, with football the most expensive, and golf the least. I'm not sure how long students have paid these fees, but it is at least 10 years.

One reasonable inference is that people here have decided that participants in athletics should pay part of the cost explicitly. Put another way, people have decided that funding special ed, honors and AP courses, classes for non-English speakers, etc. are more important than fully funding athletics or music.

In spite of this, I don't see any trend that high school sports are going away, for pretty much all the reasons already posted here.

By the way, in 1960, when I was a young teenager in Portland, OR, the school board announced that sports would have to be cut, because the funding measure hadn't passed. Subsequently, the measure did pass. Cutting sports to ensure general education funding is not a new gambit.
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove
Im from CA. also. Jumping back on this thread.
Very sad to hear this about HS sports in some areas.
Besides being seen HS baseball (all HS sports) do so much for a student athlete, Education is not just about books . Education involves allowing kids to try other things. Arts, music athletics for some these things keep some students in HS.
My sons 4 years of HS were some of the most enjoyable years of his baseball. He has done it all LL, cooperstown, allstars, travel ball showcases,but theres something special to me about HS baseball and I agree with Coach May i would move if the area I lived in was cutting a HS sport.
Sure many HS teams dont have deep rosters so what, whats wrong with a few kids on the team who will never play past HS but maybe dont have a dad in the house and need some disciplonge in their lives. My son and most of the starters were all pretty good players, most are playing in college at some level, but the ones who are not they also became a part of our lives and I enjoyed watching them get better over the years and work really hard to make the team.
As I said before you dont just play a sport to get scouted or seen by high profile guys. Its nice to just play for the love of the game. And maybe its only us parents that read the article about little johnny hitting his first HS hr but I will miss those articles. I love reading our community paper about kids who are moving on in a particular avenue in life after HS and I have known them for the last 15 years. It makes it special to see what happens to local kids in your area. there is a place for all the travel, showcases , camps etc but sad to think someday you wont be able to take your young kids or Grandkids to a HS game for fun. hope this isnt a groing trend. We also pay a portion of HS sports, and it doesnt bother me a bit, When we didnt have buses to freshmen local games moms drove , it can work if the community stays involved.
I live in Georgia. My son is just starting his freshman year. My understanding from parents who played baseball last year is that families are expected to come up with around $2000 each between personal contributions and fund raising. I find that unbelievable. We have been paying less than that to play a 70 game travel schedule (not including travel expenses and meals on the road). I don't know where the money goes, but, the school can't be paying much if players families are expected to come up with that much.
Originally posted by bballman:
I live in Georgia. My son is just starting his freshman year. My understanding from parents who played baseball last year is that families are expected to come up with around $2000 each between personal contributions and fund raising.

I am certain this number might be over the 4 year period in a program. I did a bunch of research on this subject to get the costs in our program consistent with others in So Cal. In our area the costs/player are between $400-$600 per year for most programs. This includes fees for buses, uniforms, and other program fees. The public school only pays for "saftey" related items which usually is about $1,000 per year. Most HS programs out here run under a $10K-$30K budget. Some of the larger more affluent schools budgets get up to the $75K-$100K range. Their fields are better than most minor league fields and are amazing to play on.

With a properly organized booster club rasing $15-$30K is quite managable.
Originally posted by Coach May:
Matt Harrison - South Granville High School , Creedmoor NC. Drafted 3rd round , Atlanta Braves. Now in the starting rotation with the Texas Rangers.

There is one for you.

I scout for Tampa. I know many scouts. I know that what prospects do in their sr year of hs baseball leading up to the draft in June is huge. I also know that showcase baseball is a part of the process just as HS baseball is. Showcase baseball has its place and HS baseball has its place. Showcase baseball will not replace HS baseball.

Some kids only exposure to pro scouts is HS baseball. Some work in the tobacco fields in the summer and play football in the fall. Some can not afford to travel and spend the money that it takes to attend showcase events.

Bring this thread back up when HS baseball is replaced by showcase baseball. I will admit at that time I was wrong. I hope I live that long but Im not banking on it.
Wrong coach. Check out the link attached.
Matt went to a perfect game event. So, try again. I have researched it and there are not any US drafted players in the past 5 years that did not attend showcases. I have coached 12 kids who have been drafted and have went through the process with them or watched them in some form or fashion.
Every one of them did showcases. Again, I am not saying that high school is useless, but it is one of the smaller quotients in today's world. The few cases is where a player plays against a top team or another top player.
Let me add my senior is looking forward now to high school next spring. I can't imagine him not playing.
But if it meant getting to be a #1 draft pick and
$7 million and not play high school. I can guarantee mine would say see ya high school ball.

Tennessee may be one of those states that may force players to do it with some of their silly rules.
No fall ball for schools, only 5 players from one high school on any team once school starts.
No all-star events, which means missing any of the major recognition events in August or fall.
I believe it will happen in the next 3 years that a top tier player in Tennessee will either sue or not play senior year for some of the showcase/recognition stuff that Tennessee does not allow.
Last edited by Jeff Connell
Originally posted by Coach May:
Name me some top three round picks in the draft in the last 5 years that did not play HS baseball from our country.

Name me some of these kids that are skipping high school baseball to play showcase baseball.

I would be very interested to know who they are and who they are playing.

You may be a scout but you are not reading what I am writing. My grandfather would say let me slow it down for you.

IN THE FUTURE IF THINGS PROGRESS. The top players, (First three rounds) would choose to play showcase instead of high school if they knew it would increase their chances of being drafted. There have been plenty of examples of kids who skipped a game of the state playoffs to attend the pre-draft showcases. So don't tell me that high school is more important. The top kids and their parents see the big picture and high school is not as important as showcase. If so, why would so many players choose to play summer ball with showcase and upper teams rather than local ball with their high school.

Look into the future. There is something more than today. Look how showcases have changed in the past 10 years. Do you really think it will stay the same?
Thanks Jeff for slowing it down for me. I appreciate that. If things progress? Where did I say that high school was MORE important to the draft than showcase? What I said was the senior year of HS baseball was huge leading up to the draft. I coach in one of the top showcase programs in the nation. So I understand how important showcase is and can be not only for the draft but for college coaches.

There is nothing else for me to add to this thread. I fear if I continue to post on this one I will post something I will regret. I stand by my post.
Let me slow it down for you Jeff.

Matt Harrison from Nevada a current team mate of my son at UNC. 46th round draft pick and a heck of a player and one fine young man.

Matt Harrison from Stem NC and a former player of mine. Drafted in the 3rd round by Atlanta - traded to the Rangers with the ML club right now.

Do some more research. See if you can find any showcase events Matt Harrison from Stem attended. He was scouted only at HS games. He never attended a showcase event. He was very poor and could not afford to do any traveling. He had to work to support his family.

You got me on that one.
Jeff good luck to your son. I have coached a few kids that were drafted. Matt Harrison from "Stem" is the only top 3 rounder so far. I am just as proud of all the guys that went on to play in college from CC to JUCO to D1. And I am just as proud of the ones that never played again after hs baseball ended.

OK enough of this one for me. I will move on to another thread. You guys have at it.
[quote]WWBA events and showcase events are not held during the hs season. Name me one that is? Who are these players going to play? Where are they going to play? How are you going to get an entire team of high profile players together that are all going to be willing to skip hs baseball.

HS baseball is more about the boys playing ball, they don't have to be on a showcase team. Many of them play for the love of the game.
There are many schools that because of cuts that no longer field a baseball team or the schools is so small they just never had one.
I don't know about anyone else, but our booster club had to raise about 30-40K a year to keep the team going through season. We never asked a dime from parents, but we did ask them to help. You either had to pay the money from your pocket or gave you ideas to raise funds, each player was responsible for about 600 a year, the rest was raised through various activities (car washes, spaghetti dinners, pre season tournies, concession and sometimes just begging local business for support). We could not force anyone to do it, but most parents were more than willing to comply. And we often paid for our own gas for the bus when the team played tournaments not in the schedule. I never expected the school board to fully subsidize an after school activity.

Those of us who knew that most players would never have baseball experiences beyond HS worked very hard, along with parents who knew that their sons would never play beyond. We did have some parents (not many) who complained that the school should pay for everything but they most likely did the same when their sons played other sports. We worked bvery hard, even knowing that most likely the best exposure for our sons was threw summer tournies and showcases, the time when college coaches ARE out in full force. There are but a few national tournies in fall that bring out coaches , but I don't know of anything come HS season.

The scary part of that article is cutting back on football, as most football players rely heavily on their programs for college exposure. I can tell you that HS football is alive and well in south florida and folks will do anything and everything to keep the team competitive and going.

The only way HS baseball will continue to exist is through efforts of many people that understand why it is important for every player, not just for those that will play after they recieve their diploma.

I have not heard anyone answer Caoch May's question. Where do they play travel ball, attend tournies and showcase during the HS season?
I have not heard anyone answer Coach May's question. Where do they play travel ball, attend tournies and showcase during the HS season?

I believe there are tournaments and leagues in Phoenix during the spring. Not many and they are designed for kids who didn't make the HS team for whatever reason. I haven't seen any of them but I have seen teams advertising "Looking for Players that didn't make their HS team but still want to play ball." I have seen those ads many times so I assume they are playing somewhere and there is more than one team. It is a starting point for other things. No showcases that I have seen. Yet. It isn't that big of a stretch of the imagination to think that it could spread and include showcases in the future.
Just to throw a little more fuel on the fire, how about this scenario.

A good player, travel oriented, with a slew of coaches. A hitting, fielding, conditioning, pitching and speed coach. Now he gets to HS and there is one head coach who may be good and a couple of assitants. The team stinks. Now insert a different philosophy than what the kid has been learning and drilling for the last 11 years in travel. A conflict happens and neither budge. Kid is a D-1 or top 3 rounds pick unless he gets hurt so he leaves the team and still wants to play. He plays in the spring travel league that is already in place, gets drafted in the second round and a lot of other parents and players think that they want to do that too. Why risk injury in HS when you can continue with the exact same program that made you a high pick.

Now add in egos, stir and mix and you get a new league and tournaments. Just like in youth ball. Showcases would not even be needed in the spring because they are already in place in the fall and summer.

Now stir in $$$ for teams, leagues, tournaments, agents and showcases and you get a possible threat to HS baseball.

And yes, I have been known to read the occaisional conspiracy theory. Big Grin

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