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Dont go crazy with the White Sox bit-- a lot of people do not see them winning it this year---very difficult to go back to back

As for the Cubbies without Prior and Wood they "dead" getting out of the gate

By the way is 132-30 a typo or have you and Soxnole been out celebrating opening night?
Last edited by TRhit
Predicted 132-30 although I was hoping for 147-15.

Unique situation on the South side of town.


While on the North side of town...they'll talk about 3 million plus fans but won't talk about 90% of them being from out-of-town, wanting to see the "Cubbies"...the "lovable" Cubbies lose again.

Murton will ask to be traded to the Devil Rays. Dusty gone by July 1st. Only solid players in center and right (?), third base and 1st base. Walker to start at 2nd base although the Cubs have been trying to trade him for years. What does that say about Hairston?
Fastball Dad...if there is 1 single attribute that Tom Tunney and his crowd is that they are nice...maybe SWEET would be more to the point.

And...Mr. Tunney is staunchly supporting those female impersonator's as we speak.

The rumor is that rosy and some Evanston dude's got a little rough during a pre-season visit last week!...just because the poor guy couldn't hit the high notes!...heh heh, lol.
Last edited by soxnole
2005: Sox in first from opening day on
2006: Sox spent one day in first

2005: Sox win one run games all the time
2006: Cleveland wins one run games vs, Sox

2005: Sox dominate central division
2006: Sox lose two of three to central team

2005: Bobby Jenks is a big man
2006: Bobby Jenks is a fat guy

2005: Hermanson back to back to back scoreless
2006: Hermanson has no back.

2005: Konerko is an average player making 6 mil
2006: Konerko is an average player making 12 mil

2005: Sox fans were hard to find in April
2006: Sox fans will be hard to find in October

2005: Ozzie reinvents baseball
2006: Ozzie might shut up

2005: Sox deviate from the mean
2006: Sox regress to the mean

2005: Magic in the air
2006: Will turn into a Thome watch as the Sox fall out of the race. Sort of like the Sosa watch on the North Side for a few years there.
Last edited by RegressionToTheMean
Hey Regression your jealousy is showing……

You can have regression up or down.
If your sample consists of below-MLB-mean winners (or loses), like the Cubbies the regression to the mean will make it appear that they move up in number of wins. But if your sample consists of high winners, like our World Champion Chicago White Sox, their mean will appear to move down relative to the number of wins. However, this all depends on the “r” or the correlation measuring how well one team plays baseball vs. another team or vs. the rest of MLB.
You can estimate exactly the percent of regression to the mean in any given situation. The formula is:
Prm = 100(1 - r)
Prm = the percent of regression to the mean
r = the correlation measuring how well one team plays vs. another or to MLB

Given this formula the World Champion Chicago White Sox's “r” equals 1 (or maybe .9 because no one is perfect), and the Cubbies’ “r” equals 0 (or maybe .2 because no team can stink up the field that bad, maybe…except the Cubbies). Just do the math. This proves that the World Series Chicago White Sox have a small propensity to regress to the mean (r = 1 would be 0%) and that the Cubbies have a greater statistical correlation to regress to the mean (this is a good thing for Cubbie Blue fans, r = 0 would be 100%, it give you hope!!!). clever cleverman clever-man2.gif

Regression, thank for bring this up…. Don’t you just love numbers? glare

“Statistics are used like a drunk uses a lamppost…. For support, not illumination.” ~ Vin Scully

“Fans come to Comiskey Park to watch the game. They appreciate good baseball, and when you don’t play good baseball, they’ll let you know about that, too. But most people go to Wrigley Field to see how many bars they can hit before and after the game. Wrigley Field is more of a tourist attraction than anything else” ~ Paul Konerko, 2001
Last edited by Smokey

Fun response, but of course you know as I do very flawed. Starts with your given of the Sox' as having an r=1, or even as you quite humurously put it .9 which of course as any baseball guy would know that it should be .6. And since you brought the Cubs into it, their r=.475 or so. Even a regression of a very small amount will put the Sox out of it.

So as you can see, barring another statistical abberation, the Sox should end up closer to say, your example of the Cubs, than where they were last year.

A deeper analysis shows that the Sox randomly won more games during the regular season than any other team, given their overall numbers.

Like they say, even a blind dog finds a bone now and then and for the Sox it was last year.
Reg....Yes, the Cubs have a player named
"Woods"...He's the injured pitcher who had the game of his life years ago and ruined his arm striking out 457 Astros in a meaningless game.

First name is Kerry. From Texas. Disabled again.

This is the second time I've called him "Woods" because that is where his fastball winds up, i.e., in the woods.

Go White Sox.

The correlation measuring how well one team plays vs. another or “r” is not an average. That is like stating a person with an IQ of 150 will regress to the mean average of test scores, average IQ being 100. An individual with a high IQ will have a high “r” value. Therefore, this individual with a high IQ, with a high “r” value, will have a small statistical correlation to “regress to the mean” of test scores. The World Champion Chicago White Sox have a high MLB IQ or high “r” value thus having a small propensity to regress to the mean. The Cubs…. Never mind….

“Statistics are used like a drunk uses a lamppost…. For support, not illumination.” ~ Vin Scully
Last edited by Smokey
Wrong Smokey. Your IQ is based upon how you perform on your own. Teams' winning and losing percentages are relative because they are determined by how they perform against each other in very direct competition. Your comparison of the Sox to the 150 IQ is not only meaningless, but also funny. You as an apparent Sox fan are clouded in your thinking. As for me, I'm a fan of numbers.

We'll see.
Last edited by RegressionToTheMean

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