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He looks very good for his age,

His finish is a biproduct of his swing. His finish will come naturally based on his bat path.

A few things from my quick observation;

He seems to muscle up on the ball, meaning he looks tense in his arms. The "free-er" he can be with his hands the more bat speed he will generate. Look at youtube on Manny Ramirez, his arms and hands are loose allowing his to stay back a long time.

Like to see his lower half more quiet, he is moving around on his feet a little too much. When he faces faster pitchers, this may become an issue.

I think he is closing off his swing, he starts with a slight closed stance (front foot in toward the plate) and then his stride closes him off even more.

Try to get him to hit the ball right back up the middle while keeping it off the roof of the cage. This will builds a line drive swing and help him square up every pitch.

He looks very, very good for 11. Great work.


"hitting is like shaving, if you don't do it everyday you look like a bumb" - unknown
Is this something to work on or something that will change as he gets older? Overall thoughts on swing?Any other evaluations of the hitting video?

Originally posted by Coach Curt:
videos of swings with the low finish are all on pitches that are up in the zone. Old timers didn't keep the ball down as well as pitchers today.
The problem with the Kid in the video is he is swinging level with the ground and not level with the plane of the ball. that is why he is finishing low.
Last edited by kaos
Season has started and my 11 year old is hitting pretty good. Team is 5-1 and he is 10-18 with 5 doubles. My question is on the doubles it looks like off the bat that the ball jumps off but seems to die - what could be the cause for this? what should I look for or at to se what it is? is it just poss. hitting with too much top spin or something else?
He throws his hands (the barrell) really well. you can see him pull that front elbow down, as opposed to around the ball, which is perfect. His head is down to see the point of contact. My only suggestion would be to shorten his stride. He is losing balance after some swings, which means he can get alot more power out of his legs. Shorten his stride and have him hold his pose after he swings, to see if hes balanced. Other than that.. really good.
Originally posted by BlueDog:
Here's Manny....
Its really really difficult to mimic Manny;s swing and have success. I have seen him since he was younger as we both played in the same league, yet hes older. Ive seen him hit alot, and he has AMAZING bat speed, but its extremely hard to have good results with his leg kick. Hes a very smart hitter and he can figure out whats coming and ALWAYS has a plan when he gets up there with what he wants to do. Through his career (which has been hall of fame quality) he has gotten fooled and taken strike 3 quite often. But the good definitely outweighs the struggles. Best pure hitter I;ve ever seen up close.

Bat path....

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