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I'm watching the Red Sox - Yankees game. The Yankees have watered down in front of home plate to the point where grounders kick up mud when they hit it. Jerry Remy proceeded to explain what the Angels did when he was a rookie.

The Angels weren't very good. They lacked power. But they had five or six guys who could run. He said the chalk lines were so deep soft bunts had no chance of going foul. They hit what Remy called a bowling alley gutter and stopped rolling away from the field. They died on the chalk. Second base was eighty-nine feet, six inches from first. Remy said not one umpire or opposing player noticed all season. Sounds like BaselineGate to me.

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

Last edited by RJM
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jacjacatk posted:
Second base was eighty-nine feet, six inches from first. Remy said not one umpire or opposing player noticed all season. Sounds like BaselineGate to me.

Why would they put 2nd base farther away than it's supposed to be?  The edge of 2nd base is 88' 1.5" from the edge of 1st.  

Rather than go nerd on the post or post to prove your intellectual superiority, how about if you just get it as Remy intended and maybe suggest he got his dimensions wrong? You had to understand his story meant the Angels shortened the basepaths by six inches or you really are a nerd.

i spent an afternoon with liberal Democrats who believe they are intellectually superior to everyone else just by being Demicrats. I don't come to this site to deal intellectual superiority complexes.

Last edited by RJM
RJM posted:
jacjacatk posted:
Second base was eighty-nine feet, six inches from first. Remy said not one umpire or opposing player noticed all season. Sounds like BaselineGate to me.

Why would they put 2nd base farther away than it's supposed to be?  The edge of 2nd base is 88' 1.5" from the edge of 1st.  

Rather than go nerd on the post or post to prove your intellectual superiority, how about if you just get it as Remy intended and maybe suggest he got his dimensions wrong? You had to understand his story meant the Angels shortened the basepaths by six inches or you really are a nerd.

i spent an afternoon with liberal Democrats who believe they are intellectually superior to everyone else just by being Demicrats. I don't come to this site to deal intellectual superiority complexes.

RJM posted:
jacjacatk posted:
Second base was eighty-nine feet, six inches from first. Remy said not one umpire or opposing player noticed all season. Sounds like BaselineGate to me.

Why would they put 2nd base farther away than it's supposed to be?  The edge of 2nd base is 88' 1.5" from the edge of 1st.  

Rather than go nerd on the post or post to prove your intellectual superiority, how about if you just get it as Remy intended and maybe suggest he got his dimensions wrong? You had to understand his story meant the Angels shortened the basepaths by six inches or you really are a nerd.

i spent an afternoon with liberal Democrats who believe they are intellectually superior to everyone else just by being Demicrats. I don't come to this site to deal intellectual superiority complexes.

Of course not. You hate competition.

Competition? I hate bigotry. My best friend/best man's wife told me she wouldn't give me the time of day (because I lean right) if not for our friendship. She said she detests Republican's. She said she never wants to have one as a friend. Get a clue girl. I'm not a Republican. Not that I want to be friends with a close mined, intolerant bigot.

This is the same tolerant liberal who when meeting my (ex) wife asked her what it's like to make her living (model) off her body like a prostitute. She asked my girlfriend (former Orange Bowl queen) what it's like to use her looks to get ahead in her career. She's a very successful tax accountant. 

This same person asked me how I could possibly shop at the grocery store I go to. The name of the store is called Hanniford. She said she calls it Ghettoford due to people who shop there. People she considers dirty are the black (Nigerian and Somalia) refugees. The store she shops at borders a white Sec8 housing complex that is so dangerous the fire department won't go near the place without a police escort. But those people are white.

She complains about how out of staters have made housing unaffordable in the area. Yet she's pissed Elizabeth Warren wants to start inquiries in an attempt to curb Airbnb. She rents out two condos via Airbnb for three, four times what she could get for rent.

She's one of the least tolerant people I've ever met. She thinks she's the smartest person in the room. She's so wrong she's incredible. My friend has lost all his long time friends. They, and their wives can't stomach her. Then there's the precocious 19yo daughter who has no problem being rude to her father's friends, interrupting conversations between adults to tell the side she disagrees with they're wrong. She's had proper liberal schooling though. Every question she asked starts with, "Hiw would you feel ..." That's what schools teach now. It's not what you think. It's how you feel.

Now back my response to Jac. I was about to change my post to be more subtle. But due to your arrogant, condescending response I can't.

What I was going to change it to was ... The bases from post to post are ninety feet apart. It doesn't account for the size of the bases. But you know what Remy was talking about. So why act like you don't? At most you could have said you got it but he's not accounting for the size of the bases. 

For those who want to follow this as a baseball story the Angels moved second six inches closer to first. I think everyone gets it.

I thought the original post might start an entertaining thread on field doctoring. It occurs at every level. It would probably be best if a moderator deletes the thread.

Last edited by RJM
RJM posted:

What I was going to change it to was ... The bases from post to post are ninety feet apart.

No, they're not, a fact which I was surprised to learn the first time I actually had to layout a field.

Also, having had to actually layout a field on multiple occasions, I'd be surprised if Remy's story about the bases isn't apocryphal (like many baseball stories). A 6 inch difference in post location wouldn't seem like much, but given the correct alignment, it would be pretty obvious to anyone who spent all their time in a baseball infield (the misalignment of 2nd with 3rd, or with the rubber/plate, would be quite noticeable to a 2B or SS, I'd imagine).

But don't let my making a pedantic joke (notice the original smiley) about Remy's likely-embellished anecdote stop you from going off on a political tirade.

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