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Okay, I've refrained for months cheering from the bandwagon as experience has taught me that rooting for the O's can be cruel....but the Charm City guys continue to hang in there, nipping at the Evil Empire's heels and treading water in the wild card race.

Meaningful games in August? I don't remember the last time that happened...

Welcome to Manny "Bryce who?" Machado!

I challenge anyone to seriously name a skipper that deserves the Manager of the Year award more than Buck Showalter. With a fragmented pitching staff, multiple injuries, and a constantly rotating roster, the constant has been Buck's calm demeanor through it all.

Let's Go O's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. to Evil Empire fans-take a look back, we're gaining.

p.s. to Red Sox fans-Stub Hub will have O's playoff tickets available.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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Originally posted by hokieone:
Okay, I've refrained for months cheering from the bandwagon as experience has taught me that rooting for the O's can be cruel....but the Charm City guys continue to hang in there, nipping at the Evil Empire's heels and treading water in the wild card race.

Meaningful games in August? I don't remember the last time that happened...

Welcome to Manny "Bryce who?" Machado!

I challenge anyone to seriously name a skipper that deserves the Manager of the Year award more than Buck Showalter. With a fragmented pitching staff, multiple injuries, and a constantly rotating roster, the constant has been Buck's calm demeanor through it all.

Let's Go O's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. to Evil Empire fans-take a look back, we're gaining.

p.s. to Red Sox fans-Stub Hub will have O's playoff tickets available.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

LOL..Watch Buck Showalter make Baltimore respectable again, get fired and the next manager win a world series. Big Grin That's been a trend with Buck. The 1995 Yankees. 2000 D'Backs..A couple seasons later, Texas goes to a world series(although I think that mostly is due to Nolan Ryan changing the scene and developing 9-inning pitchers, not wusses.) and now the Orioles who are shockingly back in the hunt after a little slump by the Yanks (although I expect the O's to be nowhere near the yankees at the end of the season.

However, I do think the Orioles can hang around a while longer for a shot at the wildcard playoff game.

I see Buck Showalter as a very good baseball man, a good organizational type whose strong point is rebuilding solid teams on the field but seems to have trouble taking teams all the way. Maybe he wears out his welcome before teams get over the top or he seems to get fired when teams are a couple players away from getting over the top..

In 1995, had Buck used Mariano Rivera, he wouldn't have lost that series to the Mariners. Yanks had no business losing that series and their pitching let them down. Most Yankee fans knew about Rivera in '95 except for maybe Buck. He also had Jeter but barely used him in '95. Torre came in and took them over the top the next season.
Last edited by zombywoof
I challenge anyone to seriously name a skipper that deserves the Manager of the Year award more than Buck Showalter. With a fragmented pitching staff, multiple injuries, and a constantly rotating roster, the constant has been Buck's calm demeanor through it all.


First, a tip of the cap to Buck and the O's. When is the last time they were 61-52? They have hung on this long, but their biggest threat is not within the AL East (can you say "huge disappointment") but from the West coast with Texas, Oakland and LA. I think Bob Melvin will get Manager of the Year, and he deserves it. Buck has done a great job, but Melvin will win it. In the National League, Davey Johnson will get it. I watch the Nats as often as I can....they are exciting, and Johnson is a big reason for their success.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
"Lined down the left field line for a base hit, here comes Joey! Here comes Junior to 3rd base, they're gonna wave him in! The throw to the plate will be... LATE, the Mariners are going to play in the American League Championship Series!!! I don't believe it!!! MY OH MY!!!!!"

Maybe the M's shouldn't have beaten the Yanks, but that gave the M's the greatest moment in their history and put our beloved broadcaster in the Hall of Fame!
Showalter, Melvin and Ventura ... tough choice.

NL is no easier -- Hurdle, Johnson, Mattingly, Baker and even Gonzales are all in the mix.

Still almost 40 games to go, though, so let's see who sticks and who falters. Melvin's chances just took a hit with the suspension of Colon.

As to Bryce, he's certainly struggled of late, but overall he's ahead of where Trout was last year, and WOW what a year Trout is having now. Might be a lot to ask to see that out of Harper a year from now, but he's definitely fun to watch. Still, Todd Frazier seems to be staking his claim to NL ROY, don't you think?
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
As to Bryce, he's certainly struggled of late, but overall he's ahead of where Trout was last year, and WOW what a year Trout is having now. Might be a lot to ask to see that out of Harper a year from now, but he's definitely fun to watch. Still, Todd Frazier seems to be staking his claim to NL ROY, don't you think?
I'm betting the game is starting to feel like a physical and mental grind to Harper about now. Next year he'll be more physically and mentally capable. He's young. Frazier can't possibly be the ROY. He played LL. Wink
Last edited by RJM
A nice quote and nice compliment for Buck Showalter from Chris Davis, who had 3 home runs last night:

"Asked if this night makes up for all the 0-fers, Davis replied, "I mean you just have to keep all that stuff in perspective. This is a game of failure. You know you're going to go out there and you're going to have some really bad nights, but the thing about it is you keep your head up and you keep going. Buck has put me in the lineup on nights that I didn't think I should be in the lineup after having some horrendous games, and I really appreciate that. I think that's big for a young player knowing that you're going to be in the lineup. You may strike out four times and feel something in your fourth at-bat that felt good, and if it can't carry over into the next game, that's really frustrating."
Attention Yankee fans: that black and orange thing getting bigger in your rear view mirror would be the O's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been so many years I'd almost forgotten how exciting a stretch run can be when you're living and dying, figuratively, on every pitch.

We're going to see the O's next week when they dedicate the statue of Cal Ripken, Jr. Can't wait!

And tonight, former Hokie Joe Saunders takes the hill for the O's, with 20-25 friends/family there as Saunders grew up an O's fan in Falls Church, Virginia..

This is all just way cool.........


I was at the game last night, and the Orioles played well against the first place Central - Chicago White Sox. Chris Tillman threw a one hitter (it should have been a no hitter if I was keeping score) for 7 innings. What caught my attention was there was nobody in the stands. THose people in the stands were talking playoffs, and the new statue unveiling for the O's Hall of Famers next week. I think Cal Ripken's statue will be unveiled next week during the Yankee series.

If you took that photo from your seats, you had good ones.
I love taking my customers to ball games! Those aren't necessarily the seats I would get for the family. Wink

McClouth looks to be a solid addition to the O's lineup. He had a very good offensive night along with Markakis who came through early with the bases loaded. McClouth started the first scoring rally with a two out single, stolen base, and throwing error by catcher. I would expect Buck to move him up in the lineup if he continues to play well. Adam Jones hit his 100th homer last night, and the fans showed their appreciation. Tillman got a long ovation when he retired the White Sox in the 7th.

The O's are playing well, and it is looking up to make the playoffs. However, I question their offensive fire power to do any damage in the playoffs. Nobody is hitting over .300 and there are some serious holes in their lineuup that you can pitch around Markakis and Jones.

Last night the White Sox had Adam Dunn hitting in the 3 spot at .202. Are you kidding me? They had base runners last night (mostly walks), but couldn't do anything to move them. Unless they are hitting homers, it is difficult for them to manufacture runs. I question their offensive attack in the playoffs too.
Last edited by fenwaysouth

    "Last night the White Sox had Adam Dunn hitting in the 3 spot at .202. Are you kidding me? They had base runners last night (mostly walks), but couldn't do anything to move them. Unless they are hitting homers, it is difficult for them to manufacture runs. I question their offensive attack in the playoffs too."

I agree. They certainly have to do much better than they did last night!


Adam Dunn in the 3 spot is interesting to say the least, and I'd say the move is one that shows in part that the White Sox are moving to a more sabermetrics-oriented approach. Another factor, of course, is that the way he fits between those two hitters is very important to the way he gets pitched.

Youkilis in front does two things: 1. Youk gets on base quite a bit, both harming the shift when Dunn gets up and giving extra pressure to actually pitch to Dunn. 2. Youk must see strikes because of the aforementioned advantages given to Dunn with Youk on base.

Then when Dunn is up: 1. As noted, the big lefty pull shift is harmed with men on base. 2. With Paul Konerko behind him, you don't want to put more men on base by walking the MLB walks leader.

Some food for thought: Dunn is excellent at a few situational hitting situations, and you can find statistics to bear this out. He converts the runner on 3rd, less than 2 out situation with the best of them. He also stays out of the double play exceptionally well, a product of strikeouts and the shift. Again as no big shock, he is very good at moving the runner from 2nd to 3rd with nobody out (though this often becomes an automatic BB situation with the double play machine Konerko on deck).

If we had a truer number 2 hitter, I wouldn't mind moving everyone down a notch. The most 2-like hitter would be Alex Rios, but he's been so amazingly productive that I want him either where he is or otherwise batting 3rd in a hypothetical batting order with a better fit in the 2 hole. Pierzynski has been a 2 hitter as well, but he's having a banner year in which he is leading AL catchers in, well, everything. We'd also be left with a lot of lefties 1-4 with him at the 2. If Beckham could produce, he'd look great at 2...but he just can't put it together. This may well be his last year on the South Side.
That's the problem with citing a single stat, it doesn't paint the whole picture...

Dunn is also leading MLB with 90 walks, 13% more than the next closest player. That makes his OBP .335 and his slg .489. He's #1 in HR's at 38 and #8 in RBI with 88.

The big guy is paid to produce runs, which is what a 3 hole hitter should do, and he's earning his keep as well as any 3 hole hitter around.
Last edited by CPLZ
I am really liking Nate McClouth-he does a lot of little things right, and projects a ton of confidence. With Machado and McLouth, the O's defense improved tremendously almost overnight.

If Joe Saunders gets an adrenaline rush from pitching in his backyard for his boyhood favorite team, and if Jason Hammel comes off of rehab next week ready to go, that's two very nice lefty starters added to the current mix...and in the playoffs (from what I remember), it's all about who knows, maybe a little pixie dust...
I'm a Yankees fan (born/raised in NY), but now live in Baltimore, and I have to say the O's are on FIRE!! My husband keeps getting mad at me because I want the Yankees to win, AND I want to see the O's win (and get the wildcard slot). It's so exciting for area fans that as a baseball fan, I can't help but caught up in it. That being said, going to Camden Yards for the Yankees/O's game, and I will be wearing blue.
Congrats to the O's...

The Yankees are not a championship team at the moment and for the last month +... Too many injuries plus terrible overall pitching and un-timely-to-zero hitting will do that...

But, I wouldn't be worried about the Yanks if I were an O's fan... I'd be really worried about the Rays... Their pitching is the best in the American League, and they're starting to hit...
Originally posted by Three Bagger:
Showalter--Manager of the year??

If they win the AL East, by all means, YES!

Two weeks ago, when the O's were 10 games behind, I thought they were done. I've been disappointed too many times the past 15 years. But they've been playing very good baseball - good hitting, good pitching and (finally!) a good bullpen.

And with the way the Nat's are playing, might we see a Beltway Series???
Bumped back to the top because the dream season continues! Every night at our house we're organizing everything else around watching the O's game, and they just keep doing what the talking heads say they are incapable of doing....

Machado's play last night was just amazing-that play, in that situation, by a 20 year old, in the middle of a playoff dogfight...just wow.
Originally posted by hokieone:
Every night at our house we're organizing everything else around watching the O's game

I'm happy to say that this same habit (except for a different team!) has gone with me from home to college. Talk about good parenting! Wink

Glad to see the O's giving their fans something to get excited about, it's been quite a while. I don't see why they shouldn't continue to compete for years to come.
How weird is this: After a long day, I decide I just can't stay up to watch the Orioles-Mariners 10 p.m. game from the west coast, so I go to bed at 9:30. Getting up at 4 a.m. to get an early start on the day, I check my phone to see the score...and they are still playing!

Got to see 2 innings, and another O's extra inning win, something like 13 in a row for the O's.

This season has just been unbelievable as they just seem to do enough to win night after night. If karma and confidence count for anything, you just gotta believe.

In Buck We Trust

Big time bump to the top...but no time to celebrate, it would be very nice indeed to win the division.

Hey Red Sox, we were only kidding about those playoff tickets so please pick yourselves up and muster the dignity and pride to whack the Evil Empire for the next 3 days. Don't discount the mojo these end of season home-wrecker things can do-just last year, the O's played the Sox like it was THEIR playoff game, sunk their ship, and look what grew out of that seed.

Go Sox!
I feel bad for Nolan Reimold. He's missing out on a great year due to a severe neck injury. Adam Jones was already raking it in Spring Training. Their Spring Training Field (Ed Smith Stadium) is awesome, get to Sarasota next Spring.

No Mojo for the BoSox.....I would love to see Terry Francona get the job in Cleveland. His father having such a rich history with the team and being able to get to many of the games easily.

But this is about the O's....perhaps a return to the O's of my youth? Can I get out my Milt Pappas signature glove again?

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