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You said this regarding Teacherman.

Teacherman, just curious....say you are at your son's high school game and you notice that he is 5mph off his fastball. Do you enter the playing field between innings and meet with him in th dugout to council him our his mechanics? How do you correct the problems in the middle of the game? If you do meet with your son between innings what would happen if all 9 dads met with their sons between innings in the dugout?

You sound like a nightmare parent to me and your references to "our" goals is creepy. Your playing days are over (if you had any).

Very similar to a post you made about me earlier in the Texas forum when I disagreed with you. A pattern is developing by you when disagreeing with someone.
Bighit, it is obvious by your 1500+ posts that you are consumed by your son's baseball career. I am also impressed by how you have the time to critque mine and others posts line by line. Very impressive.

From reading alot of your posts, you seem like the typical baseball parent who was never a baseball PLAYER. Maybe I'm wrong on that but I doubt it.

I have a problem with guys like you making statements about me as a parent or never being a player when you have no idea what you are talking about. I have had a problem with this thread in particular by people suggesting bad parenting and interferring parents because someone uses a radar gun. The wolfpack mentality is in full force here. You are just as bad as Teacherman.

I am not defending Teacherman's abrasive nature here, but really people calm down. Why do so many of you care if someone radar's their kid. Who here has not seen a radar gun and not tried to peek. Or asked if someon saw the reading or had another parent tell you the reading.

The reality is there are reasons to use a gun as a training tool. If someone chooses to do it then fine. What do you care? The pros chart and measure every pitch to lookm for consistency of fb, cb. change, slider, etc. They want to know if the velocity varies to help them determine if there is a need to adjust mechanics and release point. You don't want a slider varying 6 mph per pitch. it indicates a problem. And no you cannot tell byn sight pitch to pitch what the velocity is. A very few rare scouts can do that accurately. Anybody that says so is kidding themselves.

Some hs's chart every pitch for the same reason as a tool. If people don't like it and it offends them, then they just need to live and let live and stop judging everybody else.

The blatant attacks and name calling on this thread is disgusting. Can't wit for the season to start so some of you will lighten up. Read moc!'s post of Dad04's post. Commmon sense folks.

This thread ought to be closed.
Last edited by Bighit15
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